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發(fā)表時間:2017/5/5 14:20:23 來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 點擊關注微信:關注中大網(wǎng)校微信

When I was playing outdoors, it was hard for my mom to find out where I was. Whenever she found me, she always asked, "Where were you?" I always answered, " 45 "

For me, the best thing about eating ice cream is that it reminds me of those happy summer days of my childhood.


A. In the magic ice cream place!

B. Since then I have always enjoyed eating ice cream.

C. I want an ice cream because I would like to be happy forever.

D. I remember several things about that truck.

E. To be first and get the biggest ice cream was enjoyable.



happy weekend excited arrive with until run final because I leave prepare

Darcy became unhappy after he moved to the new house in town with us. He had got used to 46 free on my grandpa's farm. But in the new house, he was chained(拴住) in the backyard.

Grandpa said he could keep Darcy on the farm and that we could go back to see Darcy every 47 . But I couldn't give up my dog for five days a week!

In the evenings Mom and I walked Darcy together 48 it took both of us to hold him back. What he wanted to do was running.

At last, Friday came. After nearly two-hour drive, we 49 at Grandpa's farm. It was exciting to see Grandpa again, but the greatest thing was to watch Darcy run free on the farm. He was so 50 .

Two days later, it was time to 51 . I never saw a dog change as quickly as Darcy did. He looked at me 52 a very sad expression. I looked away and pushed him into the car.

As we drove down the road, I found Darcy's eyes lift to mine, then away, and 53 back to mine. He gave me his saddest expression. I couldn't stand to see him so unhappy.

I asked Mom to stop the car and got off it. Darcy followed 54 .

"I'll miss you."I hugged Darcy. "Now, go home, Darcy!

Darcy turned around quickly. He yelped (叫) 55 as he rushed towards Grandpa's farm.



A: What are you going to do this weekend?

B: Nothing much. 56. _________________________________?

A: I'm going to visit HuangDi's Native Place. 57. _______________________?

B: I'd love to. 58. __________________________________?

A: Let's meet at the school gate.

B: By the way. 59. _______________________________________?

A: It's not far from here. We can go there by bike.

B: All right. See you!

A: 60. _________________________!


很多人曾經(jīng)出現(xiàn)在你的成長旅程中,他們或幫助你,或鼓勵你,或愛護你,……請你描述他(她)是怎樣的人,以及發(fā)生在你和他(她)之間的故事,并談談他(她)對你的影響.請以"A person ___________ me before"為題,寫一篇英語短文.

要求:1. 文中不得出現(xiàn)真實的姓名學校名稱;

2. 詞數(shù)80左右.

A person ___________ me before


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