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【語篇解讀】 文章介紹了史蒂夫·喬布斯這位電子產(chǎn)品方面的巨人的一些情況。

5.B 解析:細節(jié)理解題。從他的成就來看,他是非常有創(chuàng)造力的(creative),也是世界著名的(distinguished),從他的管理風格來看,他是要求很高的(demanding),故選B。

6.C 推理判斷題。從整篇文章對史蒂夫·喬布斯的介紹我們可知,喬布斯作為一名設計師在蘋果公司影響非凡,故選C。

7.B 解析:詞義猜測題。根據(jù)畫線詞后的“a total $159 million in domestic box office”可知,這里是指賺到這些錢。bring in意思是“使賺到”,與畫線詞同義。

8.B 解析:寫作意圖題。文章不僅介紹了喬布斯是美國蘋果公司的聯(lián)合創(chuàng)辦人、前行政總裁,具有獨特的創(chuàng)造力,還介紹了他的經(jīng)營理念、管理風格等。由此可看出作者主要是想告訴我們喬布斯是電子產(chǎn)品方面的巨人。



Some people are happy to believe in ESP (第六感覺) while others are firm disbelievers.

Parapsychologists, who lend a certain seriousness to the subject, have identified four types of ESP: clairvoyance describes the act of being able to obtain knowledge of a person or event without the use of the normal senses; telepathy is the process by which a person is able to read another person's thoughts without the use of any of the normal senses; psychokinesis is the ability to influence a physical object just by thinking about it; precognition is the term applied when somebody is able to foresee future events.

Over the years there have been many ESP experiments conducted by serious scientists in serious institutions. Joseph Banks Rhine, a botanist at Duke University published a famous book in 1934 called “Extra-Sensory Perception” in which he claimed to have overwhelming (壓倒性的) evidence of ESP. However, other scientists have been unable to repeat his results exactly in the same way, which has resulted in the book losing much of its original reliability(可靠性).

The Granzfield experiments are considered to have been the most carefully examined ESP experiments.The experimenters had their eyes covered and ears blocked while a “sender” attempted to transmit messages.Later the experimenters would compare the messages received to the original messages sent out.There was a great deal of excitement and interest at the time but the research failed to produce convincing results.

Human beings are attracted to the supernatural phenomena. ESP will always continue to fascinate. Some of the most successful films in recent years have fuelled interest among the younger generations who are starting to ask the same questions and to look for explanations for the same phenomena as their parents and grandparents before them. Who knows? One day we might just find these answers because one thing is certain, “The truth is out there!”

9. According to the passage, Rhine's book ________.

A.was accepted by famous scientists in ESP field

B.presented the first-hand evidence against ESP

C.wasn't trusted and believed by the public

D.truly proved results of the experiments

10. In Paragraph 3 and 4, the author wants to show ________.

A.what resulted in people's disbelief

B.who were involved in the experiments

C.why people accepted ESP

D.how seriously the experiments were conducted

11. The author's attitude towards ESP is ________.

A.objective B.defensive

C.supportive D.persuasive


【語篇解讀】 這是一篇科普文。人們對于第六感覺這一超自然的現(xiàn)象很感興趣,但遺憾的是,迄今為止人們沒能證明第六感覺是否存在,只有時間能告訴我們這個問題的答案。

9.C 解析:細節(jié)理解題。第三段說,Rhine在1934年寫了一本書,宣稱他掌握了關于第六感存在的大量證據(jù),但其他科學家用同樣的方式去研究卻不能得到與他一樣的結果,于是這本書就失去了可靠性(the book losing much of its original reliability),由此可知選C,他的書不被公眾接受。

10.A 解析:推理判斷題。第三、四段講述了兩個研究,這兩個研究在當時轟動一時,但都沒有得出讓人相信的證據(jù)或結果,因此選A。

11.A 解析:推理判斷題。最后一段作者說,人們對第六感這一超自然的現(xiàn)象很感興趣,還在尋找解釋,或許有一天我們能找到解釋,因為有一點是確定的,“事實的真相擺在那里”。由此可以看出,作者只相信事實的真相,沒有直接肯定或否定這一現(xiàn)象的存在,因此選A。







參考詞匯:高考college entrance examination

Dear Sam,

Thank you for your concern

Best wishes!


Li Xia



Thank_you_for_your_concern.I am very glad to receive your letter,in which you asked me about how I was getting along in the college entrance examination.I'd like to tell you something about it.

It's widely known that the college entrance examination in China falls on June 7 and 8 each year.As a science student,I've been reviewing Chinese,math,English,physics,chemistry and biology,which all belong to the college entrance examination subjects.In the past few months,I've made good preparations and felt pretty confident. During the exams,I was kind of nervous.However,I think it is natural,for a little stress can be good for the exams.Though some of the questions seem unfamiliar to me,they are easy to answer. The exams are likely to work out as expected and my dream to be admitted into my favorite university will come true.





假設你是育才中學學生會主席李華。你校將舉辦一次英語演講比賽(speech contest),希望附近某大學的外籍教師Smith女士來做評委。請參照以下比賽通知給她寫一封信。









Dear Ms. Smith,

With best wishes,

Li Hua



I'm Li Hua, Chairman of the Student Union of Yucai Middle School, which is close to your university. I'm writing to invite you to be a judge at our English speech contest to be held in Rom 501 in our school on June 15. It will start at 2:00 p.m. and last for about three hours. Ten students will deliver their speeches on the given topic “Man and Nature”. We hope that you will accept our invitation if it is convenient for you. Please call me at 44876655 if you have any questions.

I am looking forward to your reply.





Small things make a big difference.The small things we do can make us a responsible member of the society.



It isn't hard to grow up into a responsible member of society.

I can well remember an incident that happened on a rainy Sunday afternoon.I was on my way to the bookstore and was waiting for the green light at a crossing when a girl of about ten was knocked down by a passing car,which drove off quickly.A man immediately rushed to the girl to give her first aid and I joined in without hesitation.Luckily she was not badly injured and we sent her to the nearest hospital.Compared with the escaped driver,I am proud of what I did.

As a member of the society,I am aware that being responsible is what it takes to make a better society.


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