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5. B細節(jié)理解題。根據文章第二段What embarrassed me as a kid has become a precious memory of my parents.可知當作者小時候看到母親在餐巾紙上或者午餐包裝盒上寫給父親的話時,感到很尷尬,選B。

6. D 細節(jié)理解題。從文章第三段When they were teenagers, I’d copy words of wisdom from great people,可知當孩子長到十幾歲的時候作者在給他們留的愛心紙條上寫名言,選D。

7. C細節(jié)理解題。由文章第三段And my husband writes me love notes on recycled paper, because he’s all about being green.可知作者的丈夫提倡環(huán)保,選C。

8. C主旨大意題。文章主要講述了作者小時候看到母親給父親的午餐盒里放的愛心紙條,后來她也寫給自己的孩子,而且也影響到她的朋友這么去做,由此判斷C選項可以概括文章中心,選C。


試題分析:本文是一篇向讀者推薦Nancy Tillman的兩本書的文章。文章主要講述了作者在書中表現(xiàn)出對于孩子的愛,讓孩子們感受到被愛。

9. B 考查細節(jié)理解。根據文章第一段和最后一段中的It’s a keep-forever book and I’m so happy to have it in my collection to share with the children I love most.可知,這是作者在向讀者推薦Nancy Tillman的新書Wherever You are: My Love Will Find You, 所以答案選B。

10. A考查細節(jié)理解。文章第二段中的Phrases encourage children to grow, to try new things, 說的是Wherever You are: My Love Will Find you. 故A項不正確。B項的內容從第二段可知,Tillman的書的核心就是讓孩子們感覺到被愛,故B項正確。C項的內容在第三段中的描述中可以找到,故C項也正確。D項的內容在前面的描述和最后一段I’ve read On the Night You Were Born dozens of times and with every single reading, I am incredibly touched. Wherever You Are: My Love Will Find You creates the same feeling of wonder, peace and happiness in me. It’s a keep-forever book and I’m so happy to have it in my collection to share with the children I love most.的描述里說明作者擁有這兩本書,并且都讀過了不止一遍,故D項正確。答案是A。

11. D 考查細節(jié)理解。根據文章第二段中的Tillman feels that the most important message for children to receive is simply, “You are loved.” 可知不僅僅是words,最重要的是message,所以A項不正確,以偏蓋全。根據文章第一和第二段中的內容可知B不正確,應該是比On the Night You Were Born 晚。根據文章第三段中My favorite drawing has the child walking away along a wide path that runs between trees covered in mist. 可知C項和原文不符,而D項的敘述在原文的第三段描述中被提及,故選D。



12. C 細節(jié)理解題 依據文章第三段中的“The only thing that really was different among the four groups was the diet.”可知唯一的區(qū)別在于飲食,故選C。

13. D 細節(jié)理解題 依據文章第四段中“that meat-free diets are healthier”可知它就是劃線部分所指的內容,故選D。

14. C 推理判斷題。依據文章最后一段“Big meat-eaters were also found to have a “significantly better quality of life in all categories”, the study found. ”可知肉食主義者的生活質量與關系都較好,故選C。

15. A 主旨要義題。依據文章的主旨大意可以看出本文談及的是對素食主義者與肉食主義者看法的探討,故用A適合。



16. B 根據第二行“what students waste every year could feed over 10 millio n people”可知,學生們會把吃不完的飯菜倒掉,由此造成的浪費能夠養(yǎng)活一千多萬人,故選B。

17.E 根據“the food wasted by Chinese people is about 50 million tons of grain every year, which could feed 200 million people”可知,中國人浪費掉的糧食能夠養(yǎng)活兩億人,說明食堂的浪費現(xiàn)象只是冰山一角,故選E。

18.G 根據本段首句“Food waste... serves as a mirror that reflects various cultural and social issues”和“Chinese people are well known for being hospitable and generous. Many even feel that they lose face if their guests have eaten all the food.”可知,食物浪費現(xiàn)象反映一個國家的飲食文化和習慣,故選G。

19. F根據“There are over 925 million hungry people in the world, most of whom live in underdeveloped countries and areas.”可知,本段講的是處于饑餓中的人們,故選F。

20.D根據“Many children die for lack of nutrition each year...And farmers work very hard to grow the crops.”可知,世界其它地方的孩子因饑餓而死,而且農民種糧食很辛苦,因此我們沒有理由浪費糧食,每個人都應該想一想該怎樣減少食物浪費,故選D。



21. B考查動詞詞義辨析及語境理解。A.enter 進入;B.change 改變;C.enrich 使…豐富;D.impress 給…印象。女兒的話改變了父親的生活。故選B。

22. D考查動詞詞義辨析。A.betray 出賣;B.return 回來;C.remove 移動,開除;D.leave 離開。女兒是七年前離開家去了San Francisco。故選D。

23.C 考查介詞詞詞義辨析。此處為短語“通過電話聯(lián)系”應該是“on the phone”或”by phone”,

24. A 考查名詞詞義辨析。A項表示“緊張”;B項是“交談”;C為“會議”;D是“派對”。此處指父女之間的關系一開始是不好的,有問題故很緊張,所以選A。

25. B考查名詞詞義辨析。根據后面的意思“I would occasionally blow off steam”表示“我經常發(fā)火生氣”以及“I was under so much strain(壓力)when she was a little girl”可知父親的壓力很大,所以選B。A項表示“保護”;C項表示“熱情”;D項表示“想象”。

26. C 考查形容詞詞義辨析。從上文可以推斷因為父親易生氣所以女兒會有些害怕,此處構成短語“be afraid of”,故選C。

34. A 考查副詞詞義辨析 根據上下文父親之所以難以接受正是因為女兒認為所寫的內容不夠完美,所以用far from, 選A。“much too”是“太多”的意思;“more than”為“超過,不僅僅”;D選型表示“不再“。

35. C 考查動詞詞義辨析 父女之間進行交流的目的是對父親的書進行改進,故用improve,所以選C. A項表示“完成”;B項是“出版”;D選型為“批評”。

36. D 考查關聯(lián)詞辨析 根據上下文,女兒通過父親的寫作開始理解了為什么會處于壓力之下.

37. B 考查動詞短語辨析 根據后面的內容“the pain of dealing with depression”,可以看出女兒也有類似的問題,這里指“遭受”,所以用短語“suffer from”,故選B。A項表示“去除”;C項是“喜歡”;D項表示“關心,喜歡”。

38. A考查動詞詞義辨析 根據后面的內容“Helping you with your manuscript has been my anchor(精神支柱) over the last six months。”可知對女兒的觸動也很大,對父親有了新的了解與理解,“save”表示“拯救”之意,故選A。B項為“下定義”;C項是“見證”;D項為“碰到,觸及”。

39. D 考查形容詞詞義辨析 句意上:“我對于我的存在是否有意義感到疑惑”,所以用worthwhile,選D。A項表示“懷疑的”;B項是“確信的”;C項是“現(xiàn)實的”。

40. C 考查動詞詞義辨析 句意上:對于編輯感到謝意,而編輯也正巧是我的女兒?!癶appen to”為“正巧”之意。故選C。這兒也對文章的主旨要義作了總結,完成了結構上的首尾呼應



第一行since改為until考查固定用法。固定用法:not…… until… 直到…… 才…。結合“I didn’t realize the importance of working in groups since I was chosen monitor of my class in high school. ”句意“直到在高中我被選為我們班的班長我才知道團體工作的重要性?!?可知要把since改為until。

第二行 when 改為while 表兩者的對比

第二行 few改為little考查副詞?!璷ther students cared few about class activities.其他同學對班級活動關心得很少。修飾動詞cared應用副詞形式little, few無此用法。

第三行 depressing改為depressed考查形容詞不同形式用法。I was tired out and depressing.小技巧:凡是-ed結尾的都是形容人的,表示“人感到……”,-ing結尾都是形容物的,表示“令人感到……”。此處修飾“I我”,我感到沮喪,所以要用depressed。

第三行 of改為on/ about考查介詞。he gave me some advice of how to cooperate well with other.語義為“他給我一些關于如何和其他同學合作好的建議?!?on/ about介詞,意為“關于”。

第四行 other 改為others考查代詞。……cooperate well with other.由語義可知是作者和班里其他同學合作,other 作形容詞意思是“其它的”,作代詞講意思是兩者當中“另外一個”,前要加the。此處是指班里其他人,所以要用復數形式others。故other 改為others。

第四行begin 改為began考查動詞時態(tài)。Thus I begin to realize the strengths of my classmates……通讀文章第一整段可知整段文章都是用的一般過去時態(tài),所以此句也應用一般過去時態(tài),故把begin改為過去式began。

第五行 去掉第二個to考查非謂語動詞。have everyone to do his part in class.語義為“讓每個人在班上都能貢獻一份力量?!県ave在此是使役動詞,讓某人干某事應是“have sb do sth ”

第六行 strong 改為strongly考查副詞。I strong feel that…… 修飾動詞feel應該用副詞形式,

第七行 make 改為 made 考查動詞時態(tài)?!?has freed me from trouble and make me work more efficiently. freed和 make由and連接,是兩個并列謂語動詞,形式應該相同。由has freed可知是現(xiàn)在完成時態(tài),所以make要用過去分詞made,二者都由助動詞has掌控。故把make 改為 made。


Dear Mike,

I am very glad to receive your e-mail. Now I'd like to tell you something that took place in my school yesterday. In the afternoon we held a growing-up ceremony for our coming 18-year-old birthday.

First we made an oath that we should have a sense of duty for our society as grown-ups from now on. Then we showed our thanks to our parents who had gone through hardships to bring us up and teachers who have been educating us patiently. And one of representatives of the parents who attended the ceremony gave a speech to congratulate us on becoming proud citizens of the republic. Finally, we put on wonderful performances, singing and dancing. We learned a lot from the activity. I decide I will work hard at my lessons to fulfill my dream so that I can be more competent and better shoulder my responsibility for my family as well as my country.

I think it's very important for us. I will remember the day in my life.


Li Ming


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