

2018年成人學(xué)位英語考試閱讀理解輔導(dǎo):Save Your Big Pounds

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Great books at big, big savings.

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Pick your introductory books and write their numbers in the boxes on the coupon.(優(yōu)惠券) But please don’t send any money now. Look at the books at home first and see for yourself the value you’re getting!

1. The passage is an advertisement for _____.

A. a publishing company

B. a mail order club

C. a city library

D. a street book store

2. One of the many features of World Books is ____.

A. discounts are often 80 per cent.

B. There are more benefits the longer you belong to the club

C. You have chances to win large prices

D. You get a free magazine

3. World Books seems to appeal mostly to ____.

A. average families

B. science fiction lovers

C. people with academic interests

D. such people as pop singers or baseball fans

4. First year members of World Books _____.

A. have to buy books each month

B. must buy more than six books in the year

C. are entitles to a number of free books

D. have to buy a minimum number of books

5. How can members receive their special offer?

A. By competing a printed form.

B. By writing an application letter to World Books

C. By filling your coupons into boxes.

D. By sending a personal checks.


1. B

分析:該題考察考生推理判斷的能力。原文中有種種跡象表明World Book是一個(gè)郵購書的俱樂部。如:第二段提到了…plus a total of $1.95 towards postage and packing…我們知道postage(郵資)和packing(包裹)都是郵寄物品時(shí)才用到的詞。從第三段的第二句話也可以看出來。

2. D

分析:此題考察的是細(xì)節(jié)。答案就在上題中提到的第三段第二句話。另外也可以用排除法:A提到了折扣,課文提到的是never less than 25 per cent,并不是選項(xiàng)中的often 80%. B, C都沒有在文中提及,注意識(shí)別這類干擾項(xiàng)。

3. A

分析:此題考察考生判斷推理的能力。大家可以看第五段第三句,這句話中提到:the lasted on cookery, gardening, and other popular hobbies,從這句話可以推斷一般的家庭會(huì)對(duì)這些書籍感興趣。

4. D

分析:此題有一定的難度。我們采取排除法。A 的錯(cuò)誤之處在于并不是每個(gè)月,而是千半年的每個(gè)月;B這種情況不一定,假設(shè)前半年每個(gè)月至少買一本書(all we ask is that you choose at least one book a month during your first six months),有可能以后每個(gè)月都不買(after, it’s up to you how many, or how few, you choose),也就是說不買也是允許的,如果是這種情況,這一年買的書就不是more than 6了;D屬于典型的無中生有的干擾項(xiàng),文中并未提及。所以D是正確選項(xiàng)。意思是:World Book的會(huì)員在第一年一定要買夠最低限度的書。

5. B







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