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      發(fā)表日期:2011/3/31  來源:中大網(wǎng)校 [wangxiao.cn]  [網(wǎng)絡課堂]  [在線考試]





      How to Be a Successful Businessperson

      Have you ever wondered why some people are successful in business and others are not? Here's a story about one successful businessperson. He started out washing dishes and today he owns 168 restaurants.

      Zubair -Kazi was born in Bhatkal, a small town in southwest India. His dream was to be an airplane pilot, and when he was 16 years old, he learned to fly a small plane.

      At the age of 23 and with just a little money in his pocket, Mr. Kazi moved to the United States. He hoped to get a job in the airplane industry in California. Instead, he ended up working for a company that rented cars.

      While Mr. Kazi was working at the car rental(祖賃的) company, he frequently ate at a nearby KFC restaurant. To save money on food, he decided to get a job with KFC. For two months, he worked as a cook's assistant. His job was to clean the kitchen and help the cook. "I didn't like it," Mr. Kazi says, "but I always did the best I could."

      One day, Mr. Kazi's two co-workers failed to come to work. That day, Mr. Kazi did the work of all three people in the kitchen. This really impressed the owners of the restaurant.

      A few months later, the owners needed a manager for a new restaurant. They gave the job to Mr. Kazi. He worked hard as the manager and soon the restaurant was making a profit.

      A few years later, Mr. Kazi heard about a restaurant that was losing money. The restaurant was dirty inside and the food was terrible. Mr. Kazi borrowed money from a bank and bought the restaurant. For the first six months, Mr. Kazi worked in the restaurant from 8 a.m. t0 10 p.m., seven days a week. He and his wife cleaned up the restaurant, remodeled the front of the building, and improved the cooking. They also tried hard to please the customers. lf someone had to wait more than ten minutes for their food, Mrs. Kazi gave them a free soda. Before long the restaurant was making a profit.

      A year later, Mr. Kazi sold his restaurant for a profit. With the money he earned, he bought three more restaurants that were losing money. Again,'he cleaned them up, improved the food, and retrained the employees. Before long these restaurants were making a profit, too.

      Today Mr. Kazi owns 168 restaurants, but he isn't planning to stop there. He's looking for more poorly managed restaurants to buy. "I love it when I go to buy a restaurant and find it's a mess," Mr. Kazi says. "The only way it can go is up."

      31.  When Mr. Kazi was young, his dream was to

      A.  be an airplane pilot.

      B. sellcars.

      C. own a restaurant.

      D.  become a good cook.

      32.  Mr. Kazi decided to work with KFC to

      A.  learn how to'cook.

      B.  save money for a'car.

      C.  save money on food.

      D.  learn how to run a restaurant.

      33.  Mr. Kazi became the manager of a new restaurant because

      A. his co-workers praised him.

      B.  he was a good cook.

      C.  he worked very hard.

      D.  he knew how to run a restaurant.

      34.  To save a failing restaurant, Mr. Kazi did all the'following thirigs, EXCEPT to

      A. clean it up

      B.  improve the food.

      C. retrainthe'employees.

      D. advertizeforit.

      35.In the last paragraph, "it's a mess" means

      A.  it's small.

      B.  it's dirty.

      C. it's profitable.

      D.  it's cheap.


      Three Ways to Become More Creative

      Most people believe they don't have has imagination, but most of us, once much imagination. They are wrong. Everyone we become adults, forget how to access it. Creativit}r isn't always connected with great works of art or ideas. People at work and in their free time routinely think of creative ways to solve problems. Maybe you have a goal to achieve, a tricky question to answer or you just want to expand your mind! Here are three techniques to help you.

      This technique involves taking unrelated ideas and trying to find links between them. First, think about the problem you have to solve or the job you need to do. Then find an image, word, idea or object, for example, a candle. Write down all the ideas/words associated with candles: light, fire, matches, wax, night, silence, etc. Think of as many as you can. The next stage is to relate the ideas to the job you have to do. So imagine you want to buy a friend an original present; you could buy him tickets to a match or take him out for the night. Imagine that normal limitations don't exist. You have as much time/space/money, etc. as you want. Think about your goal and the new possibilities. If, for example, your goal is to learn to ski(滑雪), you can now practice skiing every day of your life (because you have the time and the money). Now adapt this to reality. Maybe you can practice skiing every day in December, or every Monday in January.

      Look at the situation from a different point of view. Good negotiators (談判者) use this technique in business, and so do writers. Fiction writers often imagine they are the characters in their books, They ask questions: what does this character want? Why can't she get it? What changes must she make to get what she wants? What does she.dream about? If your goal involves other people, put yourself "in their shoes". The best fishermen think like fish!

      36.  According to the passage,rwhen.we become adults,

      A.  most of us are no longer creative.

      B.  we are -not as imaginative as children.

      C.  we can stilllearn to.be more creative.

      D. .we are unwillfng to be creative.  .

      37. According to the first technique, if you need to solve a problem,

      A.  you should link it with candles..  .  .

      B.  you have to think of buying a present for a friend.

      C.  you should link it with as many words as possible. 

      D.  you could find an image and try to link it with the problem.

      38.  The second technique suggests that you just imagine  .

      A.  setting a goalis as simple as skiing..

      B.  you have every resource to achieve your goal.

      C.  new possibilities will soon appear.  .

      D.  December and January are the best months for skiing.

      39.  The phrase "put yourself 'in their shoes"' in paragraph.4 is closest in m. eaning to

      A. dressyourselflikethem.

      B.  do as they ask you to

      C. put on their shoes

      D.  think as they would

      40.  We learn from the third technique that a good salesman should ask himself:

      A.  what are my customers' needs?

      B.  what do I usually do?

      C.  what did my boss tell me to do?

      D.  how should I sell my products?


      The State of Marriage Today

      Is there something seriousty wrong with marriage today? During the'past 50 years, the rate of divorce in the United States has exploded: almost 50% of marriages end in divorce now, and the evidence suggests it is going to get worse. If this trend continues, it will lead to the breakup of the family,  according.to a spokesperson for the National Family Association. Some futurists predict that in 100 years, the average American will marry at least four times, and extramaritai(婚外的) affairs will be even more common than they are now.

      But what are the reasons for this,  and is the picture really so gloomy (明暗的)? The answer to the first question is really quite simple: marriage is no longer the necessity it once was. The institution of marriage has been based for years partly on economic need. Women used to be economically dependent on their husbands-as they usually didn't have jobs outside the home. But with the rising number of women in well-paying jobs, this i:a no longer the case, so they don't feel that they'need to stay in a failing marriage.

      In answer to the second question, the outlook may not be as pessimistic (悲觀的) as it seems. While the rate of divorce has risen; the rate of couples marrying has never actually fallen ver}t much, so marriage is still quite popular. In addition to this, many couples now simply live together and don't bother to marry. These couples are effectively married, but they do not appear in either the marriage or divorce statistics. In fact, more than 50% offtrst marriages survive.

      So is marriage really an outdated institution? The fact that most people still get . married indicates that it isn't. And it is also true that married couples have a healthier life than single people: they suffer less from stress and its consequences, such as heart problems, and married men generally consider themselves more dontented tfian their single counterparts. Perhaps the key is to find out what makes a successful marriage and apply it to all of our relationships!

      41. Which of the following is true about the marriage in the United States today?

      A.Divorce leads to the breakup of the family.

      B. More than half of the married couples get divorced.

      C. American people marry more than four times.

      D. More and more people are getting divorced.

      42. What does "this is no longer the case" in paragraph 2 mean?

      A. Women are not economically dependant'any more.

      B. It is not necessar}t to get married any more.

      C. Women do not need a husband anylonger.

      D. Many wives do well-paying jobs outside home now.

      43.Why'is the outlook of marriage riot as hopeiess as it appears?

      A.Many people stil like to get married.

      B.The rate of divorce has actually decreased.

      C.Over 60% of the marriages continue to exist.

      D.The statistics of divorce is reliable.

      44.How do most men feelin their marriage life?

      A.They feel much stronger than before.

      B.They don't feel as lonely as before.

      C.They su懺er more than before.

      D.  They feel more satisfied than being singte.

      45.Which of the following about marriage is NOT mentioned in the passage?

      A.It is important to discover what makes a marriage successful.

      B.Marriage has long been partly an economic need.

      C.It is a fact that most people choose to get married.

      D.Many people went abroad after divorce.





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