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Conservation or Wasted Effort?

The black robin (旅鶇) is one of the world's rarest birds. It is a small, wild bird, and it lives only on the island of Little Mangere, off the coast of New Zealand. In 1967 there were about fifty black robins there; in 1977 there were fewer than ten.46

Energetic steps are being taken to preserve the black robin. 47 The idea is to buy an-other island nearby as a special home, a “reserve”, for threatened wild life, including black robins. The organizers say that Little Mangere should then be restocked (重新準(zhǔn)備) with the robin's food. Thousands of the required plants are at present being cultivated in New Zealand.

Is all this concern a waste of human effort? 48 Are we losing our sense of what is reasonable and what is unreasonable?

In the earth's long, long past hundreds of kinds of creatures have evolved, risen to a degree of success and died out. In the long, long future there will be many new and different forms of life. Those creatures that adapt themselves successfully to what the earth offers will survive for a long time.49 This is nature's proven method of operation.

The rule of selection “the survival of the fittest” is the one by which human beings have themselves arrived on the scene. We, being one of the most adaptable creatures the earth has yet produced, may last longer than most, 50 You may take it as another rule that when, at last, human beings show signs of dying out, no other creature will extend a paw (爪) to postpone our departure. On the contrary, we will be hurried out.

Life seems to have grown too tough for black robins. I leave you to judge whether we should try to do anything about it.

A Some creatures, certain small animals, insects and birds, will almost certainly outlast (比……長(zhǎng)久)man, for they seem even more adaptable.

B Those that fail to meet the challenges will disappear early.

C Detailed studies are going on, and a public appeal for money has been made.

D Both represent orders in the classification of life.

E Is it any business of ours whether the black robin survives or dies out?

F These are the only black robins left in the world.

答案:46 F這篇文章的主題是保護(hù)珍稀物種。文章第一段講到,離新西蘭不遠(yuǎn)的一座島上生活著一些黑旅鶇,這些鳥已經(jīng)不多了,1967年時(shí)還有50多只,1977年的時(shí)候還剩不到10只。選項(xiàng)F的意思是:這是世界上僅存的黑旅鶇了。邏輯上講,這兩句話的意思是講得通的,these就指前面的black robins,故答案為F。

47 C第二段第一句說(shuō),人們正采取一些積極的辦法來(lái)保護(hù)這種鳥類。采取什么辦法呢?選項(xiàng)C說(shuō),一方面詳細(xì)的研究工作正在進(jìn)行,另一方面人們已經(jīng)募集了許多錢來(lái)從事保護(hù)工作。選項(xiàng)C正是對(duì)本段第一句的說(shuō)明或解釋,故選項(xiàng)C為正確答案。

48 E選項(xiàng)E是一個(gè)問(wèn)句,第三段中的第一句和最后一句也是問(wèn)句。根據(jù)這個(gè)線索我們也可以做出正確選擇。選項(xiàng)E的意思是說(shuō),黑旅鶇消失或是保存下來(lái)關(guān)我們什么事嗎?把它放到原文中去,意思連起來(lái)順暢,故選E。

49 B文章第四段主要在談地球上的萬(wàn)物都遵循優(yōu)勝劣汰,適者生存的規(guī)律。選項(xiàng)B就是這個(gè)意思。注意這里的“those”指代的是those creatures。

50 A這一段還在談適者生存的規(guī)律,其中提到地球上的人類可能比某些物種存活的長(zhǎng)久,選項(xiàng)A則說(shuō)的是,有些物種(一些小動(dòng)物、昆蟲或鳥類)卻比人存活的更久。此旬意思可以和前面的意思連得上,所以選A





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