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Sometimes we say that someone we know is a "square peg in a round hole"(1). This simply means that the person we are talking about is not suited for the job he is doing. He may be a bookkeeper who really wants to be an actor or a mechanic who likes cooking. Unfortunately, many people in the world are "square pegs"; they are not doing the kind of work they should be doing, for one reason or another. As a result they probably are not doing a very good job and certainly they are not happy.

Choosing the right career is very important. Most of us spend a great part of our lives at our jobs. For that reason we should try to find out what our talents are and how we can use them. We can do this through aptitude test, interview with specialists, and study of books in our field of interest.

There are many careers open to each of us. Perhaps we like science. Then we might prepare ourselves to be chemists, physicists, or biologists. Maybe our interests take us into the business world and such work as accounting, personnel management or public relations. Many persons find their place in government service. Teaching, newspaper work, medicine, engineering---these and many other fields offer fascinating careers to persons with talent and training.


1. Paragraph 1____________.

2. Paragraph 2____________.

3. Paragraph 3____________.

A) Job choices for the talented

B) Importance of finding the right job

C) Result of taking the wrong job

D) Variety of jobs open to all

4. A person who is not doing the right job cannot expect to _______________.

5. To find the job most suitable for yourself, you should first of all ____________.

6. There are actually various kinds of jobs we all can _______________.

7. There are numerous ways to find out ______________.

A) spend more time in school

B) what job suit you best

C) choose from

D) do it well and feel comfortable in it

E) find out what your talents are

Keys:C B D D E C B








更多關(guān)注:職稱英語教材  職稱英語零基礎(chǔ)通關(guān)  2015年職稱英語報考條件


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