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1. My brother's dream in his youth was very ambitious.

  A. attractive

  B. aggressive

  C. adequate

  D. abundant

  2. Soldiers have to abide by the order from the general.

  A. receive

  B. accept

  C. obey

  D. refuse

  3. I extracted several interesting sentences from this passage.

  A. take out

  B. take off

  C. take in

  D. take up

  4. There are fierce competitions among these companies.

  A. intense

  B. various

  C. eager

  D. diverse

  5. He made a mistake because of his prompt decisions.

  A. urgent

  B. hasty

  C. immediate

  D. wide

  6. In the first decade of this century, the individual gene could be worked with fruitfully.

  A. blindly

  B. completely

  C. productively

  D. carefully

  7. It is difficult to make a film meeting the various needs of all our users.

  A. diverse

  B. similar

  C. versatile

  D. distinguished

  8. Not everybody has the competence to finish the task within three days.

  A. chance

  B. comparison

  C. control

  D. capability

  9. He has interest in various domains.

  A. extents

  B. zones

  C. fields

  D. regions

  10. After supper we usually take a stroll around the park for about an hour.

  A. walk

  B. rest

  C. bath

  D. breath

  11. Now about half of the women who work in social welfare are part-time, as compared to 38% in the private sector.

  A. guarantee

  B. farewell

  C. well-off

  D. well-being

  12. Before you decide on a vocation, it might be a good idea to consult a few good friends.

  A. career

  B. holiday

  C. plan

  D. research

  13. The temperatures are somewhat lower than the average temperature in May this year.

  A. rather

  B. very

  C. a little

  D. less

  14. It is anticipated that this contract wilt considerably, increase sales over the next three years.

  A. apparently

  B. slightly

  C. greatly

  D. steadily

  15. He tried to avoid the barrier to his carrying out the plan.

  A. root

  B. obstacle

  C. danger

  D. advantage



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