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How to Choose the Perfect Stroller

For a newborn you have to decide whether you want a pram, a car-seat frame, a travel system or a convertible stroller.

As a newborn needs to lie down for the first 4-5 months of its life, a pram seems to be the perfect solution because it’s bassinet-like sleeping space, but after the baby can sit up you’ll need a new stroller. A pram can be also quite large and expensive.

A low-cost alternative can be the car seat frame that allows you to snap your infant car seat right on top. This foldable and lightweight frame can be easily stored in the truck of your car. However after the baby outgrows the infant car seat you’ll have to buy a new stroller.

The travel system could seem as the perfect solution for a stroller. It can be used from birth till the baby is 3 years old. This type of stroller allows you to keep the car seat on the stroller until your baby is old enough to sit up, and then remove it and seat your baby in the stroller itself. However it can be that this system is quite heavy and not so easy to fold and shove in the car truck.

If you want to leave the car seat out of the equation you might, consider a convertible stroller as it can be your companion from the first days of your child’s life till he is in the toddler stage. The seat of a convertible stroller can be folded back so your newborn can ride flat but as the baby grows you can fold it up and so he can also sit upright.

If you are looking for a stroller for a baby that can sit upright, you might consider a lightweight stroller, a jogger or a standard stroller depending on your all day needs.

Whichever type of stroller you choose you have to look up certain features like: stability, harness (five-point harness is best), height of the handles (adjustable handle heights might be a plus), folding type and size (in order to be able to shove it into your truck)

16.A pram is the best stroller for a baby before it can sit upright

A.Right  B.Wrong  C.Not mentioned



17.A pram is the cheapest of all the choices mentioned in the passage

A.Right  B.Wrong  C.Not mentioned



18.The car seat frame is not so expensive, but it can only be used before the baby grows bigger than it

A.Right  B.Wrong  C.Not mentioned



19.A baby can be seated in the car seat in the travel system when it is small

A.Right  B.Wrong  C.Not mentioned



20.A baby can either lie or sit up in a convertible stroller only during the first 4-5 months of its life

A.Right  B.Wrong  C.Not mentioned



21.The car seat and the travel system can both be easily folded and shoved in the car truck

A.Right  B.Wrong  C.Not mentioned



22.Height of the handles is not among the features you should take into consideration when choosing a stroller for your baby

A.Right  B.Wrong  C.Not mentioned










更多關(guān)注:職稱英語教材 職稱英語考后真題點評 職稱英語零基礎(chǔ)通關(guān)


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