


發(fā)表時(shí)間:2016/3/31 10:33:23 來(lái)源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 點(diǎn)擊關(guān)注微信:關(guān)注中大網(wǎng)校微信




Time to Stop Traveling by Air

Twenty-five years ago a young British man called Mark Ellingham decided that he wanted a change of scenery. So he went to Australia, stopping off in many countries beween. Healso decided to write about the experience and produced a guide for other travelers making similar journeys.

In 1970, British airports were used by 32 million people. In 2004, the figure was 216 million. In 2030, according to government forecasts, it will be around 500 million. It’s a growth driven by the emergence of low cost airlines, offering access to all parts of the world for less than £100.

This has made ahuge contribution to global warming. One return flight from Britain to the US produces the same carbon dioxide (二氧化碳)as a year’s motoring (駕車). A return flight to Australia equals the emissions (排放)of three average cars for a year. And the pollution is released at a height where its effect on climate change is more than double that on the ground.

Mark Ellingham built his business on helping people travel. Now he wants to help people stop –at least by air.

He is calling fora £100 green tax on all flights to Europe and Africa, and £250 on flights to the rest of the world. He also wants investment to create a low-carbon economy,as well as a halt to airport expansion.

Mark Ellingham’s commitmentis important because his readers aren’t just the sort of young and adventurous people who would happily jump on a plane to spend a weekend exploring a foreignculture. They are also the sort of people who say they care about the environment.It's a debate that splits people down the middle.

The tourist industry has responded by offering offsetting (補(bǔ)償) schemes. A small increase in the price of a ticket is used to plant trees.

But critics say that it is not enough to just be carbon neutral. We should be actively cuttingback on putting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. And for the average person,making a plane journey will be his or her largest contribution to globalwarming. It may be good to repair the damage we do. But surely it is better notto do the damage in the first place.

16. Mark Ellingham spent quite a few days in China on his way to Australia 25 years ago.

A. Right B. Wrong C.Not mentioned

17. Traveling from Britain to any other part of the world may cost you less than £100.

A. Right B. Wrong C.Not mentioned

18. A round trip flight from Britain to Australia produces the same amount of carbon dioxide as three average cars do in a year.

A. Right B. Wrong C.Not mentioned

19. Mark Ellingham has never hesitated toencourage people to travel by

A. Right B. Wrong C.Not mentioned

20. Mark Ellingham's readers are not interested inenvironmental protection.

A. Right B. Wrong C.Not mentioned

21. Critics argue that the best way to protect ourenvironment is not to do any damage to it.

A. Right B. Wrong C.Not mentioned

22. Mark Ellingham will collaborate with thecritics in his efforts to fight global warming.

A. Right B. Wrong C.Not mentioned








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