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發(fā)表時間:2012/12/14 10:13:47 來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 點擊關(guān)注微信:關(guān)注中大網(wǎng)校微信


They say Ireland’s the Best

Ireland is the best place in the world to live in for 2005, according to a life quality ranking that appeared in Britain’s Economist magazine last week.

The ambitious attempt to compare happiness levels around the world is based on the principle that wealth is not the only measure of human satisfaction and well-being.

The index of 111 countries uses data on incomes, health, unemployment, climate, political stability, job security, gender equality as well as what the magazine calls “freedom, family and community life”.

Despite the bad weather, troubled health service, traffic congestion (擁擠), gender inequality, and the high cost of living, Ireland scored an impressive 8.33 points out of 10.

That put it well ahead of second-place Switzerland, which managed 8.07. Zimbabwe, troubled by political insecurity and hunger, is rated the gloomiest(最差的) , picking up only 3. 89 points.

“Although rising incomes and increased individual choices are highly valued, ” the report said, “some of the factors associated with modernization such as the breakdown(崩潰) in traditional institutions and family values in part take away from a positive impact.

“Ireland wins because it successfully combines the most desirable elements of the new with the preservation of certain warm elements of the old, such as stable family and community life.”

The magazine admitted measuring quality of life is not a straightforward thing to do, and that its findings would have their critics.

No. 2 on the list is Switzerland. The other nations in the top 10 are Norway, Luxembourg, Sweden, Australia, Iceland, Italy, Denmark and Spain.

The UK is positioned at No. 29, a much lower position chiefly because of the social and family breakdown recorded in official statistics. The US, which has the second highest per capita GDP (人均國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值) after Luxembourg, took the 13th place in the survey. China was in the lower half the league at 60th.

a) For 2,005 years, Ireland has been the best place for humans to live in.

A. right B. wrong C. not mentioned

b) Job security is the least important measure of life quality.

A. right B. wrong C. not mentioned

3. Cost of living in Ireland is pretty high.

A. right B. wrong C. not mentioned

4. Family life in Zimbabwe is not stable.

A. right B. wrong C. not mentioned

5. Ireland is positioned at No. 1 because it combines the most desirable elements of the new with some good elements of the old.

A. right B. wrong C. not mentioned

6. To measure life quality is easy.

A. right B. wrong C. not mentioned

7. The United States of America is among the top 10 countries.

A. right B. wrong C. not mentioned


1. B. 分析: 問題句說“在2005年的時間里,愛爾蘭一直是最適合人類居住的地方。” 句子中的時間狀語結(jié)構(gòu)恰恰就是我們所說的一種可作為線索的特征結(jié)構(gòu)(因為數(shù)字容易在文章中被查找到), 我們利用2,005作為答案線索,這樣在文章中找到答案相關(guān)句:Ireland is the best place in the world to live in for 2005, according to a life quality ranking that appeared in Britain’s Economist magazine last week.劃線結(jié)構(gòu)中提到的是“for 2005(對2005年而言)”, 不是問題句中說的“For 2,005 years(在2005年的時間里)”, 而且劃線結(jié)構(gòu)說“愛爾蘭是2005年世界上最適合居住的地方” , 顯然這個內(nèi)容與問題句的內(nèi)容不一致, 因此判斷問題句的說法錯誤。

2. C. 分析:問題句說“職業(yè)穩(wěn)定是衡量生活質(zhì)量的最不重要的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。”利用題干中出現(xiàn)的核心短語“(主語)Job security/職業(yè)穩(wěn)定”和“(表語)life quality/生活質(zhì)量”作為答案線索,同時關(guān)注題干中出現(xiàn)的修飾結(jié)構(gòu)“the least important/最不重要的”, 這樣找到答案相關(guān)句:Ireland is the best place in the world to live in for 2005, according to a life quality ranking that appeared in Britain’s Economist magazine last week.

The ambitious attempt to compare happiness levels around the world is based on the principle that wealth is not the only measure of human satisfaction and well-being.

The index of 111 countries uses data on incomes, health, unemployment, climate, political stability, job security, gender equality as well as what the magazine calls “freedom, family and community life”. 題干中的核心短語分散在了兩個句子中, 但是在這兩個看似與問題句相關(guān)的句子中并沒有出現(xiàn)比較的結(jié)構(gòu),推測這道題可能在考察考生的推斷能力。 第一個劃線句說“根據(jù)上周出現(xiàn)在英國經(jīng)濟學(xué)家雜志上的生活質(zhì)量排名,愛爾蘭是2005年世界上最適合居住的地方。”這句話的內(nèi)容與問題句不相關(guān),第2個劃線句說“111個國家使用的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)除了包括那本雜志上提到的“自由,家庭和社會生活”這方面的數(shù)據(jù), 還涉及到了有關(guān)收入, 健康, 失業(yè), 氣候, 政治穩(wěn)定性, 職業(yè)穩(wěn)定, 和性別平等的數(shù)據(jù)內(nèi)容。”這句話表明“工作穩(wěn)定與收入, 健康等這些內(nèi)容共同組成衡量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)”,而且前一個劃線句提到“愛爾蘭在生活質(zhì)量排名中位于第一位”, 因此可以推斷出這111個國家應(yīng)該是參加“生活質(zhì)量”排名的國家,當(dāng)然這些國家所使用的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)也就是“衡量生活質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)”,但是文章中并沒有對“職業(yè)穩(wěn)定”等這些衡量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)進(jìn)行比較, 沒有說哪方面的因素最重要的/最不重要的衡量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。因此判斷這個問題句的說法為“沒提到”。

3. A.分析:問題句說“愛爾蘭的生活費用高”。 利用題干中的核心短語“(主語)Cost of living/生活費用”作為答案線索, 同時關(guān)注題干中出現(xiàn)的修飾結(jié)構(gòu)“pretty high/相當(dāng)高”,這樣找到答案相關(guān)句:Despite the bad weather, troubled health service, traffic congestion (擁擠), gender inequality, and the high cost of living, Ireland scored an impressive 8.33 points out of 10. 題干的核心短語和修飾結(jié)構(gòu)都出現(xiàn)在這個句子中,因此判斷這個句子很可能就是直接答案相關(guān)句,該句說“盡管氣候惡劣, 健康機構(gòu)混亂, 交通擁擠, 性別歧視仍然存在, 生活費用高,愛爾蘭所獲得的分?jǐn)?shù)仍然給人留下了深刻的印象:滿分為十分,愛爾蘭獲得了8.33分”。根據(jù)這個句子的內(nèi)容可以知道“愛爾蘭的生活費用高”,因此問題句的說法與原文的說法一致。

4. C. 分析:問題句說“在津巴布韋家庭生活是不穩(wěn)定的”。利用題干中的核心結(jié)構(gòu)“(主語)Family life/家庭生活”和特征詞“Zimbabwe/津巴布韋”作為答案線索,同時關(guān)注題干中出現(xiàn)的修飾結(jié)構(gòu)“not stable(不穩(wěn)定的)”, 發(fā)現(xiàn)題干中的核心詞Family life根本就沒有在文章中出現(xiàn) (文章中相關(guān)的句子:Zimbabwe, troubled by political insecurity and hunger, is rated the gloomiest(最差的) , picking up only 3. 89 points.), 因為判斷該問題句為“沒提到”。

5. A. 分析:問題句說“愛爾蘭位居第一,因為它把新時期里最理想的因素和過去的一些好的東西融合在一起。”利用題干中出現(xiàn)的特征詞No. 1作為答案線索, 同時關(guān)注問題句中出現(xiàn)的修飾結(jié)構(gòu)“the most desirable (elements)/最理想的” 和“some good (elements)/一些好的”, 這樣找到答案相關(guān)句:

Despite the bad weather, troubled health service, traffic congestion (擁擠), gender inequality, and the high cost of living, Ireland scored an impressive 8.33 points out of 10.

That put it well ahead of second-place Switzerland, which managed 8.07. Zimbabwe, troubled by political insecurity and hunger, is rated the gloomiest(最差的) , picking up only 3. 89 points.

“Although rising incomes and increased individual choices are highly valued, ” the report said, “some of the factors associated with modernization such as the breakdown(崩潰) in traditional institutions and family values in part take away form a positive impact.

“Ireland wins because it successfully combines the most desirable elements of the new with the preservation of certain warm elements of the old, such as stable family and community life.” 在這個斜體句中直接出現(xiàn)了問題句中的一個修飾結(jié)構(gòu)the most desirable,推測句子中“Ireland wins(愛爾蘭獲勝了)”可能與題干中的特征結(jié)構(gòu)“愛爾蘭位居第一”呼應(yīng),“certain warm”可能與題干中的另一個修飾結(jié)構(gòu)“一些好的”呼應(yīng),這個句子很可能就是直接答案相關(guān)句, 該句說“愛爾蘭獲勝了,因為它成功地把新時期最理想的因素和對過去某些溫暖的東西(如穩(wěn)定的家庭和社會生活)的保護(hù)結(jié)合了起來。” 從這個句意上看“溫暖的東西” 就是“好的東西”, 所以現(xiàn)在只需要確認(rèn)“Ireland wins(愛爾蘭獲勝了)”就是指“愛爾蘭位居第一”。 在前文中我們看到“愛爾蘭獲得的分?jǐn)?shù)給人留下了深刻的印象”(劃線句),接著看到“這使它遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)高于第2名瑞士”(劃線句), 因此判斷原文中說的“Ireland wins(愛爾蘭獲勝了)”就是指“愛爾蘭位居第一”, 因此判斷問題句的說法正確。

6. B. 分析:問題句說“衡量生活質(zhì)量很容易”。利用題干中的核心結(jié)構(gòu)“measure life quality”作為答案線索, 同時關(guān)注題干中出現(xiàn)的修飾詞easy, 這樣找到答案相關(guān)句:The magazine admitted measuring quality of life is not a straightforward thing to do, and that its findings would have their critics批評家. 該句說“該雜志承認(rèn)衡量生活質(zhì)量不是一件直截了當(dāng)?shù)氖虑椋?承認(rèn)雜志上的數(shù)據(jù)將可能會受到批評。”顯然, 該句內(nèi)容表明“衡量生活質(zhì)量不是一件容易的事情”,因此問題句的說法“錯誤”。

7. B. 分析:問題句說“美國位于前十個國家的行列”。利用題干中的特征結(jié)構(gòu)The United States of America和top 10 countries(前十個國家)作為答案線索, 這樣找到答案相關(guān)句:The US, which has the second highest per capita GDP (人均國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值) after Luxembourg, took the 13th place in the survey. 題干中的兩個特征結(jié)構(gòu)都在這個句子中出現(xiàn)了, 因此判斷這個句子應(yīng)該是直接答案相關(guān)句, 該句說“美國的人均國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值排名第2, 僅位于盧森堡之后, 因此美國在這項調(diào)查中位于第13位。”, 顯然問題句的說法與該句的說法不一致,因此判斷問題句“錯誤”。







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