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第十四篇 The Sandwich Generation

Today people often look forward to their middle age as a time when they will be able to take things easier. After their children are grown, they expect to enjoy the life they have worked hard to create. ____(1)____. In middle age, many people discover that they have two ongoing responsibilities1: one is to look after their aging parents,and the other is to help their young adult children deal with the pressures of life. Around the world, there are millions of people who are “sandwiched”in between the older and the younger generations. Sometimes there may be two or three generations living in the same household — a situation that is common in many Asian countries and in some parts of Europe. In other cases, a couple may be taking care of parents and children, but they do not live with them.

There are two important reasons for the rise of the sandwich generation. First, people are living longer than they used to. In the early nineteenth century, the average life expectancy for adults in the United States,for example,was about 40,whereas today people live to an average ageof 75. ____(2)____. The second reason is that these days, young adults often live with their parents for a longer time than they did in the past. This is often for financial reasons. It’s also more common for today’s young adults to return home during or after college if they need financial or emotional support.2

____(3)____. They may have to cover expenses that their parents cannot. They may have to manage their parents’ financial and legal affairs. They may have to prepare for their parents’ future needs, such as special medical care or a move to a nursing home. This can be a traumatic experience for everyone.

Caring for adult children presents challenges as well, and caregivers have to resolve important questions; How can financial responsibilities be shared among members of the household? How can household chores be shared? What is the best way to ensure everyone’s privacy? ____(4)____.

The financial and emotional pressures on the sandwich generation can be overwhelming. However, this time in life also has its rewards. ____(5)____. It can also provide a valuable opportunity to spend more time with them. However, in order to survive this difficult period in their lives, the members of the sandwich generation must remember that they also need to pay attention to their own needs and look after the quality of their own lives. They can’t be totally selfless.


sandwich / ?s?nwid? / n.三明治

traumatic / tr?:?m?t?k / adj.使人不快的

overwhelming / ??uv??hwelmi?/ adj.令人難以應(yīng)對的

life expectancy 預(yù)期壽命

resolve / ri?z?lv / vt. 解決

selfless/ ?selfl?s / adj. 無私的;不考慮自己的


1.two ongoing responsibilities意為“同時(shí)擔(dān)負(fù)兩項(xiàng)責(zé)任”。

2.It’s also more common for today’s young adults to return home during or after college if they need financial or emotional support.:現(xiàn)在,年輕人在上大學(xué)期間或畢業(yè)后還會(huì)回家,以尋求經(jīng)濟(jì)或情感支持,這種情況也很常見。

3.Successfully coping with these issues can avoid a lot of stress for the whole family.:成功解決這些問題,就可以為整個(gè)家庭減輕很大負(fù)擔(dān)。


A.Successfully coping with these issues can avoid a lot of stress for the whole family.3

B.Therefore, children are taking care of their parents over a longer period of time.

C.People who take care of elderly parents often face difficult issues.

D.Young adults feel sandwiched between their financial responsibilities and their desire to enjoy life.

E.However the reality is often very different.

F.It can be a time to rediscover the special qualities of one’s parents or children.


1.E 根據(jù)本空的上一句:孩子們長大了,中年人期望有時(shí)間享受努力工作創(chuàng)造的生活,但是現(xiàn)實(shí)卻不允許;所以后一句論證為什么會(huì)這樣,即中年人因?yàn)樯嫌欣稀⑾掠行?,所以不能無憂無慮地享受生活。

2.B 依據(jù)上一句:19世紀(jì)早期,美國人的平均壽命在40歲左右,而現(xiàn)在人們通常能活到75歲。人們壽命延長的結(jié)果是:孩子要照顧父母的時(shí)間也相應(yīng)延長了。

3.C 該句是本段的主題句。本段其余幾句都在講照顧父母可能要面臨的種種閑難,C是一總括句。

4.A 本段都在講照料成人孩子面臨的種種問題。these issues可以是一種提示,就是指上面提到的問題。

5.F 依據(jù)本空的后一句It can also provide a valuable opportunity to spend more time with them,可以斷定這兩句是并列句,also一詞是提示詞。







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