


發(fā)表時間:2014/4/2 10:26:32 來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 點擊關注微信:關注中大網(wǎng)校微信


none the ...er for ...

結構︰none the+比較級+for+名詞

說明︰此句型意為“即使…卻一點也不…”。相當于“none the+比較級+because-子句”。for 為,之后接為其;because 則為,之后接+,引導。

His health is none the better for his exercise (=because he takes exercise).


She is none the more beautiful because she wears a fancy dress.


He is none the happier for his great wealth. 即使他有錢,卻一點也不快樂。

He is none the wiser because he has read many books.


none the less ... for ...

結構︰none the less+形容詞/副詞+for+名詞

說明︰此句型意為“即使…卻仍然”。相當于“none the less+形容詞/副詞+because-子句”。none the less 為,譯成“仍然”,可修飾,或;修飾時,置于該之后;修飾時,置于該之前;修飾時,置于該之前。

I love him none the less because he is poor. 即使他窮,我還是愛他。

She is none the less beautiful for her shabby clothing. 即使她衣衫襤褸,卻仍然美麗。

He studied none the less hard because he had failed. 即使他失敗了,卻仍然用功念書。

... no more ... than ...

結構︰A+動詞+no more+B+than+C+動詞+D

說明︰此句型意為“A 不是 B 正如 C 不是 D”?!皀o more ... than”等于“not ... any more than”。若 than之后的詞類與前面的詞類相同,可以省略;若不同,則不可省略。

A whale is no more a fish than a horse is. 鯨魚不是魚正如馬不是魚一樣。

A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is a man.


He is no more able to speak English than I am (able to speak English).


He is no more considerate of others than his brother is. 他不體諒別人,就跟他弟弟一樣。

He can no more sing than I can dance. 他不會唱歌正如我不會跳舞一樣。

We can no more live without sleep than (we can) without water.


I am no more out of my mind than you are (out of your mind). 你我兩人都沒有瘋狂。

Tom was no more surprised than (he was) disappointed at this news.


He is no better (no more good) at English than I am. 他的英文不好,就像我一樣。

... no less ... than ...

結構︰A+動詞+no less+B+than+C+動詞+D

說明︰此句型意為“A 是 B 和 C 是 D 一樣”?!皀o less ... than”等于“as ... as”,no less 之后可置或 修飾。

A whale is no less a mammal than a horse is. 鯨魚和馬一樣都是哺乳動物。

He is no less clever than his elder brother. 他和他的大哥一樣聰明。

She is no less good at swimming than Mary. 她和瑪麗一樣擅長游泳。

His parents are no less happy over his engagement than he is (happy over his engagement).


He studies no less hard than John. 他和約翰一樣用功。

Associating with good friends is no less important to us than choosing good books.


A good shirt is no less expensive than a jacket.一件好襯衫的昂貴程度并不比一件夾克衫差。

Sports wears, no less than suits, are very much saleable.運動服和西服套一樣,非常暢銷。






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