


發(fā)表時(shí)間:2018/2/12 11:29:35 來(lái)源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 點(diǎn)擊關(guān)注微信:關(guān)注中大網(wǎng)校微信

Public Relations

Public relations is a broad set of planned communications about the company, including publicity releases , designed to promote goodwill and a favorable image1.

(1) Since public relations involves communications with stockholders,financial analysts,government officials,and other noncustomer groups,it is usually placed outside the marketing department, perhaps as a staff department or outside consulting firm reporting to top management. This organizational placement can be a limitation because the public relations department or consultant will likely not be in tune with2 marketing efforts. (2)

Although the basic purpose of public relations is to provide positive influence on the public image, this influence generally may be less than that provided by the other components of the public image mix.

(3) Publicity on the other hand should not be divorced from the marketing department4, as it can provide a useful adjunct to5 the regular advertising. (4)

The point we wish to emphasize is that a firm is deluding itself if it thinks its public relations function,whether within the company or an outside firm,can take care of public image problems and opportunities. (5) Many of these have to do with the way the firm does business7,such as its product quality,the servicing and handling of complaints,and the tenor of the advertising. Public relations and directed publicity may help highlight favorable newsworthy events, and may even succeed in toning down the worst of unfavorable publicity, but the other components of the public image mix create more lasting impressions.


goodwill .信譽(yù);善意,友好;愿意,樂意

noncustomer group 非消費(fèi)者群體 consulting firm 咨詢公司 o

vertone 聯(lián)想;暗示;次要的作用(或意義);弦外之音

delude 欺騙,哄騙 newsworthy 有新聞價(jià)值的


1.... designed to promote goodwill and a favorable image.:……旨在提高信譽(yù),樹立良好形象。

2.in tune with:與……協(xié)調(diào),與……一致。例如:

The price of gold coins fluctuates in tune with commodities.金幣的價(jià)格隨商品漲落。

3.be in the form of:是(或有)……形式(或形狀)。例如:

Gold was found in the ancient tomb in the form of bars.在古墓中發(fā)現(xiàn)了鑄成金條的黃金。

4.Publicity on the other hand should not be divorced from the marketing department ...另一方面,宣傳也不能脫離營(yíng)銷部門……

5.a useful adjunct to...:對(duì)……的有用補(bǔ)充

6.downright ill-advised:十分不明智

7.Many of these have to do with the way the firm does business.其中有許多因素與公司做生意的方式有關(guān)。


A Publicity may be in the form of news releases that have favorable overtones for the company initiated by the public relations department.

B Furthermore, not all publicity is initiated by the# firm; some can result from an unfavorable press as a reaction to certain actions or lack of actions that are controversial or even downright ill-advised.

C Publicity then is part of public relations when it is initiated by the firm,usually in the form of press releases or press conferences.

D Many factors impact on the public image.

E It surely causes heavy losses to the company.

F Poor communication and no coordination may be the consequences.


1.C文章i一段給公關(guān)下定義,其中特別提到公關(guān)包括對(duì)外宣傳。把C放在這里起承接上一 段,引出下一段的作用。

2.F前一句說(shuō)這種組織設(shè)置會(huì)成為一種限制,因?yàn)楣P(guān)部門或公關(guān)顧問很可能與營(yíng)銷部門不 相協(xié)調(diào)一致,那么這種情況會(huì)造成什么后果呢? F說(shuō):“可能會(huì)導(dǎo)致溝通不暢、彼此不合作的 后果。”這兩句話放在一起意思連貫、順暢。E似乎也能構(gòu)成答案,但語(yǔ)氣過(guò)于肯定,所述內(nèi)容過(guò)于具體,上下文沒有足夠的信息使之成為合適的選項(xiàng)。

3.A A句意思為:“公關(guān)部進(jìn)行的宣傳也可以是新聞發(fā)布形成的。這種形式能為公司帶來(lái)良好影響?!焙笠痪湔f(shuō),另一方面,宣傳也不能脫離營(yíng)銷部門,因?yàn)樗菍?duì)正規(guī)廣告宣傳的一種有益補(bǔ)充。這兩句話從兩個(gè)不同的方面談對(duì)外宣傳的運(yùn)作方式及其意義,意思連貫,on the other hand起了銜接作用,屬于連接銜接(conjunction)。

4.B B句意思為:“此外,并非所有的宣傳都由公司發(fā)起,有些宣傳來(lái)自于媒體的反應(yīng),即由于公司頗有爭(zhēng)議甚至十分不明智地采取了或未采取某些行動(dòng)而引起的媒體的負(fù)面反應(yīng)?!边@句話和前兩句都是談公司的對(duì)外宣傳,可以自然地構(gòu)成一個(gè)段落,fortherm0re起了銜接作用, 也屬于連接銜接。

5.D前一句意思為:“我們想強(qiáng)調(diào)的一點(diǎn)是公司如果認(rèn)為有關(guān)公眾形象的一切伺題或機(jī)遇可以由從事公關(guān)的部門(無(wú)論是公司內(nèi)部部門還是子公司)處理好,那是自欺欺人?!边@是從反面說(shuō)明問題,D說(shuō):“有眾多因素作用于公眾形象?!边@是從正面說(shuō)明問題,一正一反都要說(shuō)明公眾形象不是專門的公關(guān)部門可以獨(dú)立做好的簡(jiǎn)單事情,下文是對(duì)眾多影響因素的進(jìn)一步 解釋。譯文:公關(guān)





報(bào)考條件:綜合類,理工類,衛(wèi)生類考試原則上沒有嚴(yán)格的界限。職稱英語(yǔ)考試報(bào)名可在單位報(bào),評(píng)職稱與戶口無(wú)關(guān),主要看你的工作單位,所以你可以直接咨詢單位的人事部門,如果他們說(shuō)可以就行,每個(gè)省規(guī)定不大一樣?!?a title="查看詳情" href="http://m.h3765.cn/zc/48344834015.html" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 255);">查看詳情】


免考規(guī)定:取得外語(yǔ)(從事翻譯工作人員及外語(yǔ)教師第二外語(yǔ))專業(yè)??萍耙陨蠈W(xué)歷的人員申報(bào)中、高級(jí)職稱評(píng)審……?!?a title="查看詳情" href="http://m.h3765.cn/zc/30661089715.html" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 255);">查看詳情


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