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Directions: Decide which of the choices given below would correctly complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Select the correct choice for each blank.

A great deal of attention is being paid today to the so-called digital divide--the division of the world into the info(information) rich and the info poor. And that __1__ does exist today. My wife and I lectured about this looming danger twenty years ago. What was less __2__ then, however, were the new, positive __3__ that work against the digital divide. __4__,there are reasons to be __5__.

There are technological reasons to hope the digital divide will narrow. As the Internet becomes more and more __6__, it is in the interest of business to universalize access-after all, the more people online, the more potential __7__ there are. More and more __8__, afraid their countries will be left __9__, want to spread Internet access. Within the next decade or two, one to two billion people on the planet will be __10__ together. As a result, I now believe the digital divide will __11__ rather than widen in the years ahead. And that is very good news because the Internet may well be the most powerful tool for __12__ world poverty that we’ve ever had.

Of course, the use of the Internet isn’t the only way to __13__ poverty. And the Internet is not the only tool we have. But it has __14__ potential.

To __15__ advantage of this tool, some poor countries will have to get over their outdated anti-colonial prejudices __16__ respect to foreign investment. Countries that still think foreign investment is a/an __17__ of their sovereignty might well study the history of __18__ (the basic structural foundations of a society) in the United States. When the United States built its industrial infrastructure, it didn’t have the capital to do so. And that is __19__ America’s Second Wave infrastructure-__20__ roads, harbors, highways, ports and so on-were built with foreign investment.

1. A) divide B) information C) world D) lecture

2. A) obscure B) visible C) invisible D) indistinct

3. A) forces B) obstacles C) events D) surprises

4. A) Seriously B) Entirely C) Actually D) Continuously

5. A) negative B) optimistic C) pleasant D) disappointed

6. A) developed B) centralized C) realized D) commercialized

7. A) users B) producers C) customers D) citizens

8. A) enterprises B) governments C) officials D) customers

9. A) away B) for C) aside D) behind

10. A) netted B) worked C) put D) organized

11. A) decrease B) narrow C) neglect D) low

12. A) containing B) preventing C) keeping D) combating

13. A) win B) detail C) defeat D) fear

14. A) enormous B) countless C) numerical D) big

15. A) bring B) keep C) hold D) take

16. A) at B) with C) of D) for

17. A) offence B) investment C) invasion D) insult

18. A) construction B) facility C) infrastructure D) institution

19. A) why B) where C) when D) how

20. A) concerning B) concluding C) according D) including


1.A 由文中第一行的digital divide得出答案。

2.B obscure模糊的,不清楚的;visible看得見的,明顯的;invisible看不見的;indistinct不清楚的,模糊的。空格前的less已有否定意義

3.A force力量,武力;obstacle障礙;event事件;surprise驚奇,詫異。句意:現(xiàn)在有新的、樂觀的力量來對抗數(shù)字鴻溝。

4.C seriously認真地;entirely完全的;actually實際上;continuously 連續(xù)地。

5.B negative消極的;optimistic樂觀的;pleasant令人愉快的; disappointed令人失望的。前文說有積極的力量在對抗數(shù)字鴻溝的不利因素,因此,實 際上我們有理由保持樂觀的態(tài)度。

6.D develop發(fā)展;centralize集中;realize認識到;commercialize使商業(yè)化,由下文“網(wǎng)絡有利于商業(yè)途徑的普及”,可知此處表述的意思是網(wǎng)絡越來越商業(yè)化。in the interest of...為了...的利益

7.C user使用者;producer生產(chǎn)者;customer消費者;citizen公民。句意:越多的人上網(wǎng)就有越多的潛在消費者。

8.B enterprise企業(yè),事業(yè);government政府;official官員;句意:越來越多的政府害怕他們的國家。

9.D leave behind 留下,超過

與leave相關的短語:leave aside把某事擱置一邊

leave out 省去,遺漏,不考慮

leave off 停止,不再穿

10.A 網(wǎng)絡把人們聯(lián)系在一起,選netted。

11.B decrease減少,narrow變窄;neglect忽視,疏忽;low降低 句意:因此,我現(xiàn)在認為數(shù)字鴻溝是在變窄而不是在拓寬。

12.D contain包含,容納;prevent防止,阻止;keep保留,保持;combat戰(zhàn)斗,搏斗

13.C win贏得;detail詳述,細說;defeat擊敗,戰(zhàn)勝;fear畏懼。

14.A enormous巨大的;countless無數(shù)的;numerical數(shù)字的。potential作名詞為不可數(shù),不能用countless修飾,big一般表示尺寸、數(shù)字、范圍上的大。

15.D take advantage of 利用

16.B with respect to 關于,至于 with也可換成in.表示關于的還有with regard to,concerning等。

17.C offence冒犯;investment投資;invasion入侵;insult侮辱

18.C construction建筑;facility設備;infrastructure基礎設施;institution公共機構(gòu),制度。從后文中出現(xiàn)的infrastructure可以輕易得到答案。

19.A 表語從句,表示原因,“這也就是為什么...”

20.D concerning關于;concluding結(jié)束的;according根據(jù);including包括






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