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Task 1

混搭題 對比2008年英國男女平均花在家務(wù)和休閑娛樂上的時間。


word count:175


The bar chart and the tablecompare how much time male and female spent on various household activities everydayas well as recreation in the year 2008 inBritain.

It is noticeable thatwomen spent more time on most of thehousework than men did. Overall,watching TV and video was the most popular way to relax.

On an average day,women spent nearly an hour in cooking and washing, while men spent around halfan hour on this household activity. Shopping and washing up were another two mostimportant activities for housewives, which occupied around 50 and 40 minutes perday respectively, whereas men wereunwilling to do these chores. It isinteresting to note that the only activity that male adults were morelikely to participate in than women was fixing and repairing.

With regard toleisure activities, TV, video and radio were welcomed by both men and woman,which occupied most of their free time(approximately two hours respectively).Compared to women, men were more willingto do sports and exercise for entertainment.





1. 當(dāng)?shù)厝说慕嵌?人們覺得自己很了解當(dāng)?shù)氐奈幕?,覺得去過了的地方再去就沒有新鮮感了,這些錢本來就可以省下來)

2. 博物館和歷史古跡的角度(游客總是選擇這類地方作為旅游的首先,可以用最少的時間和開銷看到更多的對象。同時這些地方的旅游業(yè)收入也是這個城市的旅游收入的重要組成部分,政府也更愿意吸引外地游客而不是當(dāng)?shù)厥忻?


word count:273

Museums and historical sites are the sanctuary where we can acquire historicalknowledge and cultural heritage. However, it has became less attractive tothe local recently. As well as discussing the factors contributing to this trend, this essay will try to find itssolutions.

It is apparentthat many local people assumethat they are consciously aware of their cities. And they feel less fresh ifthey have appreciated such places ever before. In addition, many museum andsites are chargeable. As a result,the local prefer to enjoy their leisure time at home rather than in museum or historicalsites.

The inescapable fact is that Museums and historical sitesare always the first option to many tourists. For one thing, they can pay theleast spending as well as enjoy the most local knowledge and scenery. Foranother thing, the revenue of museumsand historical sites account for themost of local tourism. Governments are more than pleased to attract tourists tothese two places rather than to the locals. If this situation still continuesin the future, there will be less local vising to the museums and historicalsites.

One main solution is to enrich their diversity of activities. Museums can hold some larruping activities,such as Healthy Lecture and CivilSporting Meeting. These activities will not only arouse the enthusiasm of citizens, but also add some color to this city. Besides, at some degree, lowingthe price to draw more visits is also a feasible solution.

To summarise, tourists will continuously choose museumand historical sites as their must-visits. However, it is still necessary totake some actions to maintain the locals’ visiting.





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