


發(fā)表時間:2012/11/13 16:23:58 來源:互聯網 點擊關注微信:關注中大網校微信


1.In winter we go the hill_________.

A. skiing B. to ski C. ski D. for ski


屬名詞化的動名詞,這類詞有:skiing,swimming,living,acting,singing,walking,running,working,laughing,crying 等;

2.She_________ playing volleyball very much.

A. has B. wants C. lets D. enjoys


有些動詞后只能跟動名詞,這類詞有:enjoy,admit,avoid,consider,dislike,delay,finish,imagine,include,keep,mind,miss,practise,recall,repent,resent,resist,risk,stop,suggest ;

3.They are busy _________.

A. to do this B. doing this C. to this D. did this


屬“形容詞 介詞 動名詞”結構,這類詞有:busy (in) doing according to doing

aware of doing apologetic for doing capable of doing confident of doing

angry about doing exact in doing afraid of doing fond of doing guilty of doing

hopeful of doing intent on doing tired of doing responsible for doing suitable for doing

wrong in doing right in doing 等;

4.She had a hard time _________mathematics.

A. to study B. studies C. studing D. study


have …doing… 主動態(tài);have……done 被動態(tài);

5.He is now accustomed to_________ early.

A. works B. working C. work D. worked

答案: (B)

be accustomed to doing 習慣于;

6. The man tries to avoid _________his manager.

A. to meet B. meet C. to be meeting D. meeting


7.The engineer demanded that Smith_________ with him.

A. go B. must to C. went D. will go


8.The plants have stopped _________.

A. to grow B. to be growing C. for growing D. growing



○ try doing 意為“嘗試”,重在做;try to do 意謂“企圖”,重在想辦法;

○regret doing 指對過去的行為懊悔;regret to do 指對現在的事情抱歉;

○cannot help doing 禁不住;cannot help to do 不能幫忙;

○propose doing 建議做;propose to do 打算做;

○stop smoking 戒煙;stop to smoke 停下來吹煙;

○go on doing 繼續(xù)做同一件事;go on to do 接著做另一件事;

○remember doing 表已完成的;remember to do 表未完成的動作;

○forget doing 忘記已做了的事;forget to do 忘記要做的事;

○agree on doing 商量做某事;agree to do 同意做某事;

○be good at eating 會吃 it is good to eat 很好吃

○be afraid of dying 恐怕要死了(客觀);be afraid to die 害怕得要死(主觀);

○like doing (長期的) 愛好;like to do (一時的)興趣;

○living 鐘愛的;lovely 可愛的;likely 可能的;



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