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1. It is imperative that you ____ here in time.

A. shall arive B. must arrive C. could arrive D. arrive

2. -“You finally made it,didn't you?”

-“Yes, ____ your help,I wouldn't have succeeded.”

A.but for B. But that C. But if D.thanks to

3. If he ____ on tourists for his business,he would have to close his shop.

A. depends B. will depend C. depended D. had depended

4. The landlady was very strict. She asked that we ____ television on week nights.

A. not watch B. not be watching C. must not watch D. should not have watched

5. Everybody has arrived. It's time we ____.

A. would start B. shall start C. started D. had started

6. I was ill yesterday. Otherwise I ____ part in the parade.

A. would take B.would have taken C. took D. was taking

7. ____,we could not have finished the work in time.

A. If they do not help us B. Was it not for their help C. Should they offer to help us D. But for their help

8. If only I ____ the books on the reading list before I attended the lecture.

A. have read B. have been reading C. would read D. had read

9. I ____ Professor Smith had not told me this question.

A. believe B. wish C. deeply think D. am guessing

10. Without the storm,we ____ much earlier.

A. should arrive B. should have arrived C. would arrive D. might arrive

11. She wouldn't write unless she ____ better.

A. weren't feeling B. were felt C. weren't felt D. were feeling

12. If he ____ this test,he might do it some other way.

A. were to do B. had done C. would do D. would be to do

13. Without water,plants ____ well.

A. would not grow B. will not grow C. had not grown D. wouldn't be grown

14. We didn't know his telephone number;otherwise we ____ him.

A. were telephoning B. would telephone C. must have telephoned D. would have telephoned

15. ____ the English examination I would have gone to the concert last Sunday.

A. In spite of B. B4ecause of C. But for D. As for

16. We desire that the tour leader ____ us immediately of any change in plans.

A. inform B. informs C. informed D. will inform

17. It's time ____ about the traffic problem downtown.

A. something were done B. anything will be done C. everything is done D. nothing to be done

18. I suggest that the report ____.

A. accepted B. be accepted C. accepts D. accept

19. If I ____ you,I would go by plane. Flying is much faster.

A. be B. was C. were D. am

20. ____,I would take an umbrella with me.

A.Had I been you B. I were you C. I had been you D. Were I you




更多關(guān)注:  成人英語三級考試培訓(xùn)   歷年真題     免費短信提醒


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