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Passage 1

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:

More than 30,000 drivers and front seat passengers are killed or seriously injured each year. At the speed of only 30 miles per hour it is the same as falling from a third-floor windows. Wearing a seat belt saves lives; it reduces your chance of death or serious injury by more than half.

Therefore drivers or front seat passengers over 14 in most vehicles must wear a seat belt. If you do not, you could be fined up to £50. it will not be up to the drivers to make sure you wear your belt. But it will be the driver’s responsibility to make sure that children under 14 do not ride in the front unless they are wearing a seat belt of some kind.

However, you do not have to wear a seat belt if you reversing your vehicle; or you are making a local delivery or collection using a special vehicle; or if you have a valid medical certificate which excuses you from wearing it. Make sure these circumstances apply to you before you decide not to wear you seat belt.(76) Remember you may be taken to court for not doing so, and you may be fined if you cannot prove to the court that you have been excused from wearing it.

1. This text is taken from ________.

A) a medical magazine B) a police report

C) a legal document D) a government information booklet(D)

2. Wearing a seat belt in a vehicle ________.

A) reduces road accidents by more than half

B) saves lives while driving at a speed up to 30 miles per hour

C) reduces the death rate in traffic accidents D) saves more than 15,000 lives each year(C)

3. It is the driver’s responsibility to ________.

A) make the front seat passenger wear a seat belt

B) make the front seat children under 14 wear a seat belt

C) stop children riding in the front seat D) wear a seat belt each time he drives

4. According to the text, which of the following people riding in the front dos not have to wear a seat belt?

A) Someone who is backing into a parking space.

B) Someone who is picking up the children from the local school.

C) Someone who is delivering invitation letters.

D) Someone who is under 14.(A)

5. For some people, it may be better ________.

A) to wear a seat belt for health reasons

B) not to wear a seat belt for health reasons

C) to get valid medical certificate before wearing a seat belt

D) to pay a fine rather than wear a seat belt

Passage 2

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:

The human brain contains 10 thousand million cells and each of these may have a thousand connections. (77)Such enormous numbers used to discourage us and cause us to dismiss the possibility of making a machine with human-like ability, but now that we have grown used to moving forward at such a pace we can be less sure. Quite soon, in only 10 or 20 years perhaps, we will be able to assemble a machine as complex as the human brain, and if we can we will. It may then take us a long time to render it intelligent by loading in the right software (軟件) or by altering the architecture but that too will happen.

(78)I think it certain that in decades, not centuries, machines of silicon (硅) will arise first to rival and then exceed their human ancestors. Once they exceed us they will be capable of their own design. In a real sense they will be able to reproduce themselves. Silicon will have ended carbon’s long control. And we will no longer be able to claim ourselves to be the finest intelligence in the known universe.

As the intelligence of robots increases to match that of humans and as their cost declines through economies of scale we may use them to expand our frontiers, first on earth through their ability to withstand environments, harmful to ourselves. Thus, deserts may bloom and the ocean beds be mined. Further ahead, by a combination of the great wealth this new age will bring and the technology it will provide, the construction of a vast, man-created world in space, home to thousands or millions of people, will be within our power.

6. In what way can we make a machine intelligent?

A) By making it work in such environments as deserts, oceans or space.

B) By working hard for 10 or 20 years.

C) By either properly programming it or changing its structure.

D) By reproducing it.(C)

7. What does the writer think about machines with human-like ability?

A) He believes they will be useful to human beings.

B) He believes that they will control us in the future.

C) He is not quite sure in what way they may influence us.

D) He doesn’t consider the construction of such machines possible.(A)





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