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Part Three Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)

Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentences there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. choose one to complete the sentence and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

36. Hefei has many tourist attractions. It ______ thousands of visitors every year.

A. absorbs B. draws C. appoints D. arranges

37. He asked us if we would _____ to share a table.

A. accepted B. consider C. agree D. admit

38. Because the price of the land has not been agreed ____, we can not go ahead with the construction right now.

A. to B. on C. with D. about

39. You have a bad cough. You’d better give up smoking as it ____your health,

A. affects B. causes C. effects D. influences

40. CCTV news has once _____that the swine flu is under control in China.

A. revealed B. revolved C. informed D. told

41. As we all know, too much ____ to the sun is harmful to the skin.

A. exposure B. extension C. exhibition D. expansion

42. If you want to know the train schedule, please ____ at the booking office.

A. acquire B. inquire C. request D. require

43. I have promised to help you and I will _____ my word.

A. hold B. follow C. keep D. stick

44. How much do you ________ for a haircut in your shop?

A. claim B. demand C. price D. charge

45. It is wrong to think that experts are _____ right.

A. steadily B. invariably C. constantly D. fortunately

46. Nowadays, doctors may use medical instrument in diagnosis, but still they must make the final decision and ____ medication by themselves.

A. describe B. decide C. subscribe D. prescribe

47. When a consumer has bought a product of poor quality, he has a right to seek a refund, replacement of the product, or other _______.

A. resolution B. settlement C. remedy D. treatment

48.Libai is a _______ poet, wrote many famous poems.

A. imaginative B. imaginary C. imaging D. imaginable

49. Many of the earliest ______ into the U.S. established large plantations.

A. emigrants B. emigrations C. immigrants D. migrants

50. The little boy was quite _____ about everything he saw in the science hall.

A. anxious B. curious C. cautious D. conscious

51. Would you please help ______ the papers?

A. give out B. give in C. give off D. give up

52. The witness said it wasn’t an accident; you did it ________.

A. in advance B. by chance C. on purpose D. without a purpose

53. Children are well _____ in the nursery while parents were away.

A. looked at B. looked for C. looked after D. looked into

54. They decided to _____ a committee to inquire into the accident in this city.

A. put up B. get up C. set up D. make up

55. It is the driver’s carelessness that _____ the traffic accident.

A. result at B. result with C. result in D. result from

56. Having broken the window, the little boy dared not go to school because he was afraid of _______.

A. punished B. punishing

C. having been punished D. being punished

57. Once you ___ to work , you will find that it is not easy to be on yourself

A. must begin B. began C. will begin D. begin

58. The reason ____ I didn’t attend the meeting yesterday was that I could not afford the time.

A. why B. for that C. which D. where

59. I cannot stand him, he always talks as though he _____ our boss.

A. has been B. had been C. would be D. is becoming

60. I don’t know why they quarrel with each other, _____ do I care.

A. as B. either C. nor D. but

61. When giving evidence in a law court, people are expected to tell the _____ truth.

A. maximum B. perfect C. absolute D. positive

62. The police have not yet found a possible ____ for the attack on the man.

A. example B. signal C. principle D. motive

63.____ of shelter and clean drinking water was the Red Cross’s main concern for the disaster victims.

A. Provision B. Protection C. Supplement D. Reservation

64. Black people usually run _____ than white people.

A. quicklier B. more quicklier C. more quickly D. more quicker

65. I wonder ______ these building material is used for.

A. that B. what C. whether D. if

66. The construction of this new bridge ______ next month.

A. will be completed B. is going to complete

C. will complete D. is to complete

67. The shop assistant ____ I thought would be praised was fired by her boss.

A. who B. whom C. about whom D. which

68. It is necessary that you ____ for a leave before leaving for Beijing.

A. ask B. asked C. have asked D. will ask

69. I can’t afford ______ a diamond ring after having bought the new house.

A. buying her B. her to buy C. to buy her D. buy for her

70. After supper, many people stroll along the lake side, _________.

A. chatting and laughing B. to chat and to laugh

C. to chat and laugh D. chatted and laughed

71. ________ is reported, the prime minister paid a visit to their university.

A. Because B. That C. Which D. As

72. I’ll return your notes as soon as I ________ copying them.

A.finish B.will finish C.am finished D.finishing

73. Who was the first student _____ at the meeting yesterday afternoon

A. who spoke to you B. you spoke to

C. you spoke D. whom you spoke

74. To his great surprise, his gold watch was not _____he had put it a moment ago.

A.there B.where C.in the place D.in which

75 . That is the girl _____ father is the present president of our university.

A. whose B. whom C. who D. which





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