


發(fā)表時間:2013/8/20 14:47:23 來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 點擊關注微信:關注中大網(wǎng)校微信


76. Previous studies have shown the longer the mom breastfeeds, the more benefit for her body。

77. It was because he was in a very watery environment, safe from the bacteria that need oxygen to live。

78. His hands and fingernails suggested that he hadn’t done heavy manual work in this life—he could have been a rich man。

79. After spending a few minutes on a crowded city street, the brain is less able to hold things in memory, and suffers from reduced self-control。

80. The good news is that even slight alterations, such as planting more trees in the inner city or creating urban parks with a greater variety of plants, can significantly reduce the negative side effects of city life。

81. 這部電影我已經(jīng)看過好幾遍了。

82. 這就是他五年前住過的房子。

83. 在房子前面的大樹下放著一張桌子。

84. 他二十七歲時開始學英語。

85. 全球化也正在改變?nèi)藗兊纳罘绞健?/p>


76 這是因為他處在一個非常潮濕多水的環(huán)境中,免受了需要氧氣才能存活的細菌的侵擾。

77 他的手和手指甲表明他在生活中沒有干過重體力活——他生前可能是一個富人。

78 在一條擁擠的城市街道上待上幾分鐘后,大腦記憶能力不如從前,自我控制能力也減弱了。

79 好消息是即使是細微的改變,例如在市中心種更多的樹或者多建一些植物種類更豐富的市區(qū)公園,都能顯著減少城市生活消極的影響。

80 先前的研究表明母親用母乳喂養(yǎng)的時間越長,她身體獲得的益處會越多。

81 There is a table under the big tree in front of the house。

82 He started to learn English when he was 27.

83 Globalization is also changing the way people live。

84 I have seen this film for several times。

85 This is the house where he lived five years ago。






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