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41. We shall appreciate _______ from you soon.

A.being heard B. hearing

C. to hear D. having been heard

42. _______ tired after a hard work, she fell into bed and went straight to sleep.

A.Felt B. Feeing

C. Being felt D. To feel

43. “Good-bye, Mr. Wang. I’m pleased _______ you.”

A.to meet B. meeting

C. to have been meeting D. to be met

44. Television makes us better ______ than ever before.

A.inform B. informing

C. informed D. to be informed

45. The old man walked slowly, stopping frequently ________.

A.on rest B. at rest

C. resting D. to rest

答案:41-45 BBACD

46. I’, far from ______ with what you have done.

A.pleased B. pleasing

C. pleasure D. please

47. The ability ______ is very important for any speaker.

A.to hear clearly B. to be clearly heard

C. to hearing clearly D. to being

clearly heard

48. Dr. Robert went to New York, bought some books and ________.

A.visiting his daughter B. to visit his daughter

C. visiting his daughter D. visited his daughter

49. The plane crashed, its bombs _______ as it hit the ground.

A.exploded B. were exploded

C. exploding D. were exploding

50. The magnificent museum is said _______ about a hundred years ago.

A.to be built B. to have been built

C. to have built D. to have being built

答案:46-50 ABDCB





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