


發(fā)表時間:2014/3/18 11:29:40 來源:互聯網 點擊關注微信:關注中大網校微信


1. You can ask him again if you like, but it won‘t make any ________ — he’ll still say no.

A. adjustment B. decision C. contribution D. difference

【答案】D. (not) make any (the slightest) difference 對…毫無影響,沒有作用知識拓展:

make a difference 有很大差別, 有很大不同 有很大的關系[影響] make a great difference 有很大差別, 有很大不同 有很大的關系[影響] make a great deal of difference 有很大差別, 有很大不同 有很大的關系[影響] make a difference between 區(qū)別對待make some difference to 對……有些[沒有]關系make no difference to 對……有些[沒有]關系

2. If you always _______ others like that, you‘ll lose good suggestions from your friends.

A. respect B. assist C. admire D. tease

【答案】D. tease v.取笑; respect尊敬;assist幫助,協助;admire羨慕,根據句意,選D。

3. When the police asked her, she gave a(an) _________ account of the accident.

A. accurate B. urgent C. humorous D. correct

【答案】A。accurate 準確的, 精密的,urgent:緊急的,humorous:幽默的。Correct 指某人或某事合乎事實或公認的標準或規(guī)則,沒有錯誤。根據句意“當警察問她時,她對事故做了準確的描述?!?,應選A。

4. Jimmy was ________ in his computer game with the result that he didn‘t hear what we were talking about.

A. concentrated B. absorbed C. engaged D. occupied

【答案】B. 動詞搭配及詞義辨析。be absorbed in 全神貫注(強調精力集中);concentrate on集中在;專心于’engage in 或be engaged in 忙于,從事什么 ……;occupy oneself (be occupied)in 忙于(使忙碌于, 使從事于). 某事,根據語境和句意(Jimmy 專心致志地打電腦游戲,(結果)沒有聽見我們談論了什么。)看,B 最適合。

5. The book is said to be a popular one, which _______ science, culture, space, history,and explorations.

A. reads B. writes C. covers D. prints

【答案】C。根據句意“據說這本書很暢銷,書中涉及科學,文化,…和探險等?!保芍x cover“涉及…(內容)”。注意read, write 和print 的用法。

6. When I took his temperature, it was two degrees above _____.

A. average B. ordinary C. regular D. normal


7. These plastic flowers look so _____ that many people think they are real.

A. beautiful B. natural C. artificial D. similar


8. They can‘t get enough money to support their families here. ________, they work elsewhere to earn more.

A. Realistically B. Traditionally C. Perfectly D. Consequently

【答案】D. 考查副詞的用法。從詞義上加以辨析,注意要從語境入手,準確表達其含義。 “在此處掙不到足夠的錢養(yǎng)家”,與“他們到其他地方掙更多”有著因果關系。 Consequently 意為“結果;因此”是as a result 或therefore 更為正式的說法,多用于評注性狀語或連接性狀語。

9. The most important _____ of his speech was that we should all work whole-heartedly for the people.

A. element B. spot C. sense D. point

【答案】D. point(=chief idea of sth. said, done, or planned)要點;論點,主旨:I don't see your point.(我不明白你的意思。)He said nothing to the point.(他說的不切題。)

10. He wonders if it is the same to apply for a part-time job online as a full-time one.

A. appeal to B. intend to C. lead to D. apply for

【答案】D。apply for“申請”.appeal to“吸引某人,使某人感興趣”;intend to do sth.“打算做某事”;lead to“導致,通向”,根據句意“他想知道在線申請兼職工作是否和(申請)全職工作一樣。”可知答案選D。

11. I remember her face but I cannot _____ where I met her.

A. recall B. remind C. remember D. remark

【答案】A. recall(=bring back to the mind)想起,回憶起:But I really can't recall your name at his moment. remind sb. of ……使……想起:

1)The photo reminds me of my late father.(這張照片使我想起已故的父親。) 2)The sight of the clock reminded me that I was late. remind sb. to sth.提醒……做……;Please remind me to write the letter.

12. He has left his book here on _____, so that you can read it.

A. purpose B. intention C. aim D. meaning

【答案】A. on purpose是介詞習語,意為“故意地”。如用intention,則應說by intention故意地。

13. The open university was started in order to help those who _____ having a university education when they were young.

A. stopped B. failed C. missed D. ceased

【答案】C. miss doing sth.沒有做某事:I missed seeing the film when it was shown at school.(學校放映那部電影時,我沒有能去看。)

14. The newcomer was so ____ at the news that she didn‘t know what to do.

A. admired B. amazed C. amused D. curious

【答案】B。詞義辨析??疾閷W生對幾個形容詞近義詞的辨認。admired 敬慕的,amused 被逗樂的,curious 好奇的,be amazed at 對……很震驚。句意為“聽到消息,這位新手震驚得不知所措?!?/p>

15.Working in a team, we have to ________ how each individual member works best.

A. take into account B. account for C. make up for D. make out

【答案】A.take…into account 把…考慮進去。account for“解釋,說明”;make up for“彌補”;

make out“開列;書寫;辯認出 ”。根據句意“在一個團隊工作,我們必須把怎樣使大家更好的發(fā)揮作用考慮進去”,可看出應選A。






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