


發(fā)表時間:2012/4/23 14:07:52 來源:互聯網 點擊關注微信:關注中大網校微信


 in a car

in a queue

in advance of (在…前面)

in all the direction

in appearance

in corners(在角落里)

in doors

in front (of)

in good light(在光線好的地方)

in heaven

in place(position)(在適當地位置)

in places(處處)

in port(在港內)

in public places

in shore(靠岸),

in society

in the air(在空中) in the bank

in the book(書的內容里)

in the centre(在中央)

in the countryside

in the distance(在遠處那邊)

in the east of(在…東部) in the east

in the fields

in the film

in the front rank(在前列)

in the front row

in the lab

in the letter(信的內容)

in the middle of

in the moonlight

in the newspaper(報紙的內容里)

in the open air(在戶外)

in the open(在野外),

in the picture

in the rain

in the room

in the shade of

in the sky

in the suburbs of

in the sunshine

in the tree

in the universe

in the vicinity of(在附近)

in the warm(在暖和的地方)

in the world

in(on) the bus

in(on) the street

on on board (在船上)

on camera(出現在電視上)

on campus

on deck(在甲板上)

on earth, on high(在高處)

on land

on the bank

on the beach

on the borders

on the ceiling

on the coast

on the committee

on the corner(在拐角處)

on the east of(在…的東面)

on the farm

on the first floor

on the football field

on the (play)ground

on the horizon

on the island

on the left/right

on the market

on the page 12

on the railway line

on the river

on top of

on(in) the wall

at at a bookshop

at a distance(在遠處)

at that place

at the airport

at the back of,

at the base of

at the bottom of

at the centre (of)(在中心)

at the corner

at the crossroads,

at the desk(在書桌旁)

at the door

at the edge of

at the end of

at the foot of

at the front

at the gate

at the head of

at the meeting

at the mine(在礦山),

at the party




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