


發(fā)表時間:2011/4/28 13:44:39 來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 點擊關(guān)注微信:關(guān)注中大網(wǎng)校微信






A joint venture shall have a board of directors, which shall have its size and composition stipulated in the contract and the articles of association after consultation between the parties to the venture, and the directors shall be appointed and replaced by the parties to the venture. The board of directors shall be the highest authority of a joint venture that shall decide all major matters concerning the joint venture. The Chairman are determined by the parties to the venture or elected by the board of directors. The chairman of the board is the legal representative of the joint venture. When the chairman is unable to perform his duties, he shall authorize another director to represent the joint venture.

The board meeting is to be called and presided over by the chairman of the board. It shall be held only when over two-third of the directors are present. If a director is unable to attend the meeting,he may issue a power of attorney to appoint a proxy to represent him and vote on his behalf. Detailed minutes of the board meeting shall be prepared in Chinese and English and shall be delivered to each director within fourteen (14) days of the conclusion of the meeting to be signed and confirmed by each of the directors who attended the board meeting.


1. 董事長由合營各方協(xié)商確定或由董事會選舉產(chǎn)生。

譯文:The Chairman are determined by the parties to the venture or elected by the board of directors.

2. 董事會會議由董事長負(fù)責(zé)召集并主持。

譯文:The board meeting is to be called and presided over by the chairman of the board.

3. 董事會會議應(yīng)用中文和英文作詳細(xì)記錄,并在會議結(jié)束后14日內(nèi)送交每位董事,由出席董事會會議的各位董事簽字確認(rèn)。

譯文:Detailed minutes of the board meeting shall be prepared in Chinese and English and shall be delivered to each director within fourteen (14) days of the conclusion of the meeting to be signed and confirmed by each of the directors who attended the board meeting.


When President Obama took the stage here Wednesday to address a community — and a nation — traumatized by Saturday’s shootings rampage in Tucson, Arizona, it invited comparisons to President George W. Bush’s speech to the nation after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and the memorial service President Bill Clinton led after the bombing of a federal office building killed 168 people in Oklahoma City in 1995.

But Obama’s appearance presented a deeper challenge, reflecting the tenor of his times. Unlike those tragedies---which, at least initially, united a mournful country and quieted partisan divisions---this one has, in the days since the killings, had the opposite effect, inflaming the divide.

It was a political reality Mr. Obama seemed to recognize the moment he took the stage. He directly confronted the political debate that erupted after the rampage, asking people of all beliefs not to use the tragedy to turn on one another. He called for an end to partisan recriminations, and for a unity that has seemed increasingly elusive as each day has brought more harsh condemnations from the left and the right. It was one of the more powerful addresses that Mr. Obama has delivered as president, harnessing the emotion generated by the shock and loss from Saturday’s shootings to urge Americans “to remind ourselves of all the ways that our hopes and dreams are bound together”.




自奧巴馬就任總統(tǒng)以來,他便意識到了這一政治現(xiàn)實。他直接面對槍擊慘案發(fā)生后引發(fā)的政治辯論,呼吁持不同宗教信仰的人們不要利用這一慘案針鋒相對。他呼吁各黨派停止相互指責(zé),同時呼吁各黨派團(tuán)結(jié)起來。因各黨派之間的指責(zé)日益嚴(yán)厲且鋒芒畢露,團(tuán)結(jié)已經(jīng)漸形漸遠(yuǎn)。本次是奧巴馬擔(dān)任總統(tǒng)以來發(fā)表的最具號召力的一次演講,他在演講中疏導(dǎo)了美國人因槍殺事件而產(chǎn)生的震驚與迷失情緒,并敦促美國人 “時刻提醒自己,我們因希望和夢想而團(tuán)結(jié)在一起”。







2011年全國翻譯資格網(wǎng)絡(luò)輔導(dǎo)全程強化班 現(xiàn)在報名八折優(yōu)惠


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