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A Japanese Coast Guard patrol boat fired around 20 teargas grenades yesterday at a Republic of Korea fishing vessel that was operating illegally in Japanese waters, injuring one of the crew members, the Coast Guard said. A Coast Guard official said the 70-ton fishing boat was operating inside Japan’s exclusive economic zone near the southern Japanese island of Tsushima, which lies between the two countries some 50 kilometres south of the Korean city of Pusan.

The official said the Japanese patrol boat repeatedly ordered the fishing boat to stop in Korean and fired the grenades when it did not do so.

The Korean Yonhap News Agency said the fishing boat’s captain was hit in the head by fragments of the exploding teargas grenades and taken to a hospital in Korean, but added that his injuries were not life-threatening, Japan’s Kyodo news agency reported.

Question No. 6.

Why does Britain’s economy risk overheating?

Question No.7.

Which of the following statements best describes business confidence in the euro area?

Question No. 8.

What is the financial position of the big four banks in Japan at present?

Question No. 9.

Around how many people are believed to have drowned during a storm in Bangladesh yesterday?

Question No. 10.

What happened yesterday in the sea areas between Japan and Korea?

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following interview.

(Woman) Welcome back to Talk of the Nation: Science Friday. I’m Linda Flatow. We’re talking this hour about how and why people might become addicted to things other than drugs … addicted to things like gambling, sex, even shopping. Of course, our high-tech society also offers new high-tech addictions like video games, on-line chat rooms. Jonathan Kandell is a counselor at the University of Maryland who puts together a support group for students who find themselves addicted to the Internet. Maybe you should listen carefully to this one if you are an Internet groupie. He joins me now from his office in College Park. Welcome to the program.

(Man) Thank you very much.

(Woman) It this a relatively new addiction?

(Man) Well, for some people, I mean, some people have been involved with the Internet for years and some of them may have been addicted for a while. With the widespread usage of the Internet now. … I mean … it’s certainly growing on college campuses. And we are seeing more and more of it.

(Woman) How does it present itself? Does a student come to you and say, “Doc you gotta help me. I’m addicted to the Internet”?

(Man) Well, I’ve seen people who have been, but they haven’t presented with that particular issue. They’ve presented with issues like relationship problems, or they are having problems maintaining their grades because they are spending so much time doing other things and when you find out what’s really going on … they’re spending a lot of time on the Net and they’re not paying attention to their studies … they’re not devoting the attention to the relationships. These problems are coming out in other ways

(Woman) Do other people turn their friends in … saying, “Doc, you gotta find out … this …

(Man) They haven’t to this point. At this point, people still see computers as a very positive thing. And I think there are many positive benefits for computers. But it’s such a new idea that there is a problematic piece to it … that, um … there haven’t been many people turning other people in.

(Woman) This is something I worry about … personally, myself. I’ll share this with you for a free consultation. I mean … whenever I get a chance and have some time, I love to go surfing on the Net. I’ll be on there sometimes, very surprisingly, I’ll be on there one o’clock in the morning … I’ll send somebody an e-mail message thinking they’ll get it the next morning. And I'll get an immediate response back … you know.

What are the symptoms? How do I know when my Internet compulsiveness is turning into an Internet addiction? 

(Man) Uh… I’m not sure the exact amount of time is really the issue, but I think when it becomes something that really begins to affect other areas of your life … when for instance your work performance or your school performance … or relationships with other people. Uh, one of the problems I see with the Internet, especially the chat rooms, is that people start developing relationships over the Net and they are very different from relationships that you have on a face-to-face basis, and you start losing some of the skills that make relationships successful … so that’s certainly a warning signal. I think if people are beginning to say something to you like, “You seem to be spending a lot of time on-line,” that’s probably a good indicator as well. …

But I think, a real important thing is to examine what’s going on with you when you are not on the Net … if you are beginning to feel anxious or depressed or empty or lonely … and you know you really look forward to those times when you can be on-line to be connected with other people in that way … then, I think, a serious issue is starting to happen.


(Man) What about if you stop giving up other things, like going out for a walk? Is that a symptom?

Well, people have to make choices every day about the different activities that they’re going to do. I think it’s helpful to have some sort of balance on your life … if you can spend some time on the Internet and then go take a walk at a different time of the day. That’s not an issue. In fact, that’s one of the things that we suggest in the group is to somehow break the pattern. For example, set an alarm clock or something. When it rings, go out and take a walk, and then come back before you get back on-line.

Question No. 11.

According to the man, why is Internet addiction so common now?

Question No. 12.

What worries the interviewer about surfing on the Net?

Question No. 13.

What is the problem with chat rooms, according to the man?

Question No. 14.

The man says that several areas of a person’s life might be affected by Internet addiction. Which of the following is NOT one of these areas?

Question No. 15.

What does the man suggest that students do to remind themselves to get off-line and take a walk?

Question 16 to 20 are based on the following talk.

(Man) Pop Art is an artistic development that began in the late 1950s and became the most powerful art movement of the 1960s. Although it was a strong cultural force in Europe (especially in England), this lecture will concentrate on Pop Art in the United States. Pop artists were inspired by mass-produced visual media, such as television, magazines, comic books, billboards, and the design of common household objects, and used these things as the starting point for their art.


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