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(20)insurance policy (certificate) … Name of Assured to be showed: A.B.C.Co. Ltd. 保險單或憑證作成以A.B.C.有限公司為被保險人

(21)insurance policy or certificate covering W.A. (or F.P.A.) and war risks as per ocean marine cargo clause and ocean marine cargo war risk clauses of the People’s Insurance Company of China dated 1/1/1981 保險單或憑證根據(jù)中國人民保險公司1981年1月1日的海洋運輸貨物保險條款和海洋運輸貨物戰(zhàn)爭險條款投保水漬險(或平安險)和戰(zhàn)爭險

(22)insurance policy/certificate covering all war mines risks 保險單/憑證投保一切險、戰(zhàn)爭險、地雷險(注:mines解釋為地雷,屬于戰(zhàn)爭險的負責(zé)范圍,可以接受)

(23)W.A. this insurance must be valid for period of 60 days after the discharge of goods 水漬險在貨物卸船后60天有效

(24)in triplicate covering all risks and war risks including W.A. and breakage in excess of five per cent on the whole consignment and including W/W up to buyer’s godown in Penang 投保一切險和戰(zhàn)爭險包括水漬險,破碎損失有5%絕對免賠率,按全部貨物計算,包括倉至倉條款,負責(zé)到買方在檳城的倉庫為止(的保險單)一式三份

(25)insurance policy issued of endorsed to order … for the face value of invoice plus 10% covering including war with 15 days after arrival of goods at destination, only against FPA and T.P.N.D. 按發(fā)票面值加10%投保戰(zhàn)爭險,貨物到達目的地后15天有效,僅負責(zé)平安險和盜竊提貨不著險的保險單開給或背書給……

(26)insurance policy or certificate issued by an insurance Co. with W.P.A. clause covering the merchandise for about 10% above the full invoice value including unlimited transhipment with claims payable at Singapore 由保險公司簽發(fā)的保險單或憑證按發(fā)票總金額另加10%投保水漬險,包括非限定轉(zhuǎn)船的損失,在新加坡賠付

(27)covering all eventual risks 投保一切以外風(fēng)險

(28)covering all marine risks 投保一切海運風(fēng)險






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