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Ⅱ。Cloze Test(10 points,1 point each)


What do we mean by a perfect English pronunciation? In one sense,there are as many different kinds of English__11__there are speakers of it.No two speakers speak in exactly the same__12__. We hear different forms of English,and the pronunciation of English__13__a great deal in different geographical areas.How do we decide what sort of English to use as a model? This is not a question that can be__14__in the same way for all foreign learners of English. ___15__you live in a part of the world like India or West Africa,where there is a long___16__0f speaking English for general communication purposes,you may___17__a good variety of the pronunciation of this area.It would be a(n) ___18___in these circumstances to use BBC English as a model.However,if you live in a country___19__there is no tradition of using English,you should choose to learn some form of native English___20__.It does not matter very much which form you choose.The most effective way is to take as your model the sort of English you can hear most often.

11.A.than B.as C.before D.when

12.A.type B.form C.sort D.way

13.A.alters B.varies C.shifts D.distinguishes

14.A.given B.responded C.satisfied D.answered

15.A.Because B.Where C.If D.Whether

16.A.history B.habit C.custom D.hobby

17.A.inquire B.enquire C.acquire D.require

18.A.fashion B.manlier C.situation D.occasion.

19.A.where B.that C.which D.wherever

20.A.communication B.grammar C.pronunciation D.vocabulary

Ⅲ。Reading Comprehension(30 points,2 points each)


Passage One

Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.

After a long journey from Quebec,Canada in l896,1 was finally in a small office in Kingston,Jamaica.Behind a long table piled with books and papers sat an old man,Mr.Campbell,my new employer and the owner of The Lantern. He stared at me so long,and with such an expression of amazemem,that I became uneasy and embarrassed.And then at last a single sentence came from his lips, "My God!" It seems that he had expected a woman of the then approved type of bluestocking(女知識分子),and now a baby had been dropped into his lap!

I sat alone with that old man who stared at me as if l were some person of a strange nature.After he had almost stared me down,he began to ask me questlons.

"How old are you?"

"Seventeen.I mean-I'm going on eighteen."Eighteen was,in fact,eleven months off.

''Have you ever worked before?''

"I' ve written things.''

After a silent moment,during which he glared at me more angrily than ever, he demanded:

"What have you written?"

"Potetry, " I said, and stopped because he said again in that lost voice,''My God!"

"What else?"

"I had a story published in The Star," I said. "I've got it here, if you'd like to see it."

He made a motion of definite disagreement.

"I taught myself shorthand,''I said,''and I can take dictation as fast as you can talk."

"Not a bad idea." And then he added,"What do you think you are going to do here?"

"Write for your paper,"I said.

"What?"he inquired curiously.


He waved his hand in such a dismissing manner that I got up, though it was my poetry, not I, he wished to be rid of just then. I went neaner to him and said, "I know you don't want me an I don't want to stay. I am dory I came."

"What about the money I paid for you to came here?"he shouted. "I'm going to lose that?"

21.Mr.Campbell had expected_____.

A.an experienced nurse B.all experienced joumalist

C.a iournalist with a baby D.a young female secretary

22.The girl tried to impress the owner of the paper with_____.

A.her experience B.her innocence C.a younger age D.an older age

23.Mr.Campbell showed some interest in the girl's ability to_____.

A.compose poems B.write stories C.take dictation D.travel alone

24.Based on the information provided in the passage,Mr.Campbell would probably _____.

A.give the girl the position B.send the girl back to America

C.ask the girl to show him her poems D.publish the girl's poems and stones

25.On the whole,Mr.Campbell was_____.

A.pleased with his new employee B.amazed by the girl'S literary talent

C.dissatisfied with the girl'S experience D.angry with the rude manner of the girl

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