


發(fā)表時間:2012/10/26 9:57:35 來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 點擊關(guān)注微信:關(guān)注中大網(wǎng)校微信




Active in Old Age Keeps People Mobile

People over 70 who aren't active are more likely to develop problems walking or climbing stairs within a few years, according to a new study.

These findings suggest that it's very important to stay_______ (51) in old age, study author Dr. Marjolein Visser told Reuters Health.

"Physical activity in old age is as important_______(52) taking your medications(藥物)," Visser noted. "You do not need to join an expensive, fancy sports club with high-tech (高科技的) equipment. Your body will already_______(53)from regular walking."

Visser, a Dutch (荷蘭的)scholar,explained that_______(54) active helps prevent people from becoming breathless during simple activities, increase muscle mass and strength, and maintain the balance people need to walk up stairs, for instance.

To investigate how important exercise is to older adults, Visser's team interviewed 3,075 men and_______ (55) between the ages of 70 and 79, all of whom said they had no problems walking one-quarter of a mile or climbing_______ (56). The investigators followed the subjects for 4-1/2 years, noting who developed problems_______ (57) and climbing stairs.

During the study, 34 percent of men and 47_______ (58) of women said they began to struggle with walking and climbing stairs. People_______ (59) were inactive were twice as likely to report these problems as people who said they got regular exercise.

People who didn't exercise but had active lifestyles appeared to be at a somewhat higher risk of developing _______(60) walking and climbing stairs, relative to people who exercised _______(61)。 Still,leading an active lifestyle appeared to protect people_______ (62) problems better than being generally inactive, the researchers report in the Journal of the American Geriatrics (老年醫(yī)學(xué))Society.

Among people who were inactive,_______(63)who walked even a little bit such as brisk (輕快的)walking for a little over an hour per week - were at a lower _______(64)of mobility (可動性) problems.

"If you do not like to exercise or you cannot exercise_______ (65) of serious health problems or functional limitations, do try to be as active as possible, " Visser advised.

51 A young B new C still D active

52 A than B so C as D to

53 A suffer B benefit C result D start

54 A looking B appearing C seeming D staying

55 A children B people C women D youths

56 A mountains B stairs C trees D walls

57 A jumping B walking C running D jogging

58 A percent B numbers C hundreds D dozens

59 A which B whom C those D who

60 A symptoms B issues C problems D chances

61 A rarely B openly C exactly D regularly

62 A from B into C on D of

63 A these B that C few D those


51 D 52 C 53 B 54 D 55 C

56 B 57 B 58 A 59 D 60 C

61 D 62 A 63 D 64 A 65 C






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