


發(fā)表時(shí)間:2016/11/30 15:28:49 來(lái)源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 點(diǎn)擊關(guān)注微信:關(guān)注中大網(wǎng)校微信



31. It is implied in the passage that many educators and parents today feel that one-room schools __________.

A. need to be shut down.

B. are the best in Nebraska.

C. are a good example of the good old days.

D. provide good education.

32. Why are one-room schools in danger of disappearing?

A. Because they all exist in one state.

B. Because they skip too many children ahead.

C. Because there is a trend toward centralization.

D. Because there is no fourth-grade level in any of them.

33. What is mentioned as a major characteristic of the one-room school system in the second paragraph?

A. Some children have to be left back.

B. Teachers are always busy.

C. Pupils have more freedom.

D. Learning is not limited to one grade level at a time.

34. Which of the following can best describe the author's attitude toward one-room schools?

A. Praising.

B. Angry.

C. Critical.

D. Humorous.

35. It can be inferred from the last sentence that parents living in Nebraska __________.

A. don't like centralized schools.

B. received education in one-room schools.

C. prefer rural life to urban one.

D. come from other states.

36. In a big city, cars are less important than buses because__________.

A. cars carry far fewer people.

B. car travel is less exciting.

C. cars are more expensive.

D. cars are inconvenient.

37. In order to get off the bus, a passenger has to__________.

A. shout to the driver.

B. push some buttons.

C. jump off the bus.

D. ring a special bell.

38. Bus travel nowadays__________.

A. is worse than before.

B. is no better than before.

C. is more convenient than before.

D. is the same as before.

39. What may happen when one is standing in a crowded bus?

A. One may be forced to leave the bus.

B. One may not have to pay the fare.

C. One may become suffocated.

D. One may lose one's balance.

40. We can deduce from the fourth paragraph that in former times bus services were__________.

A. eventful.

B. irregular.

C. efficient.

D. well planned.

41. According to the passage, what do the passengers usually see when they are on a long bus trip?

A. Buses on the road.

B. Films on television.

C. Advertisements on the board.

D. Gas stations.

42. What is the purpose of this passage?

A. To give the writer's opinion about long bus trips.

B. To persuade you to take a long bus trip.

C. To explain how bus trips and television shows differ.

D. To describe the billboards along the road,

43. The writer of this passage would probably favor__________.

A. bus drivers who weren't reckless.

B. driving alone.

C. a television set on the bus.

D. no billboards along the road.

44. The writer feels long bus rides are like TV shows because__________.

A. the commercials both on TV shows and on billboards along the road are fun.

B. they both have a beginning, a middle, and an end, with commercials in between.

C, the drivers are always reckless on TV shows just as they are on buses.

D. both traveling and watching TV are not exciting.

45. The writer thinks that the end o{ the ride is somewhat like the beginning because both are__________.

A. exciting.

B. comfortable.

C. tiring.

D. boring


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