


發(fā)表時(shí)間:2016/3/15 9:03:01 來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 點(diǎn)擊關(guān)注微信:關(guān)注中大網(wǎng)校微信



Growing cooperation among branches of tourism has proved valuable to all concerned. Government bureaus, trade and travel associations, carriers and properties are all working together to bring about optimum conditions for travelers.

Travel operators, specialists in the field of planning, sponsor extensive research programs. They have knowledge of all areas and all carrier services, and they are experts in organizing different types of tours and ____(46)____. They distribute materials to agencies, such as journals, brochures and advertising projects. They offer familiarization and workshop tours ____(47)____.

Tourist counselors give valuable seminars to acquaint agents with new programs and techniques in selling. In this way agents learn ____(48)____ and to suggest different modes and combinations of travel - planes; ships, trains, motorcoaches, car-rentals, and even car purchases.

Properties and agencies work closely together to make the most suitable contracts, considering both the comfort of the clients and their own profitable financial arrangement. Agencies rely upon the good services of hotels, and, conversely, ____(49)____, to fulfill their contracts and to send them clients.

The same confidence exists between agencies and carriers, ____(50)____. Carriers are dependent upon agencies to supply passengers, and agencies are dependent upon carriers to present them with marketable tours. All services must work together for greater efficiency, fair pricing and contented customers.

A including car-rental and sight-seeing services.

B so that in a short time agents can obtain first-hand knowledge of the tours.

C in preparing effective advertising campaigns

D as a result tourism is flouring in all countries

E hotels rely upon agencies

F to explain destinations

參考答案:46-50 C .B .F .E .A


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