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第三篇 How to Be a Successful Businessperson

Have you ever wondered why some people are successful in business and others are not? Here's a story about one successful businessperson. He started out washing dishes and today he owns 168 restaurants.

Zubair Kazi was born in Bhatkal, a small town in southwest India. His dream was to be an airplane pilot, and when he was 16 years old, he learned to fly a small plane.

At the age of 23 and with just a little money in his pocket, Mr. Kazi moved to the United States. He hoped to get a job in the airplane industry in California. Instead, he ended up working for a company that rented cars.

While Mr. Kazi was working at the car rental (祖賃的) company, he frequently ate at a nearby KFC restaurant. To save money on food, he decided to get a job with KFC. For two months, he worked as a cook's assistant. His job was to clean the kitchen and help the cook. "I didn't like it," Mr. Kazi says, "but I always did the best I could."

One day, Mr. Kazi's two co-workers failed to come to work. That day, Mr. Kazi did the work of all three people in the kitchen. This really impressed the owners of the restaurant. A few months later, the owners needed a manager for a new restaurant. They gave the job to Mr. Kazi. He worked hard as the manager and soon the restaurant was making a profit.

A few years later, Mr. Kazi heard about a restaurant that was losing money. The restaurant was dirty inside and the food was terrible. Mr. Kazi borrowed money from a bank and bought the restaurant. For the first six months, Mr. Kazi worked in the restaurant from 8 a.m. t0 10 p.m., seven days a week. He and his wife cleaned up the restaurant, remodeled the front of the building, and improved the cooking. They also tried hard to please the customers. lf someone had to wait more than ten minutes for their food, Mrs. Kazi gave them a free soda. Before long the restaurant was making a profit.

A year later, Mr. Kazi sold his restaurant for a profit. With the money he earned, he bought three more restaurants that were losing money. Again,'he cleaned them up, improved the food, and retrained the employees. Before long these restaurants were making a profit, too.

Today Mr. Kazi owns 168 restaurants, but he isn't planning to stop there. He's looking for more poorly managed restaurants to buy. "I love it when I go to buy a restaurant and find it's a mess," Mr. Kazi says. "The only way it can go is up."

41. When Mr. Kazi was young, his dream was to

A. sell cars

B. own a restaurant

C. be an airplane pilot

D. become a good cook

42. Mr. Kazi decided to work with KFC to

A. learn how to cook

B. save money for a car

C. save money on food

D. learn how to run a restaurant

43. Mr. Kazi became the manager of a new restaurant because

A. his co-workers praised him

B. he was a good cook

C. he knew how to run a restaurant

D. he worked very hard

44. To save a failing restaurant, Mr. Kazi did all the following things, EXCEPT to

A. advertize for it

B. clean it up

C. improve the food

D. retrain the employees

45. In the last paragraph, "it's a mess" means

A. it's small

B. it's dirty

C. it's profitable

D. it's cheap


41 C 第二段里講得很清楚。

42 C 可見(jiàn)第四段里的這句話: To save money on food,he decided to get a job with KFC.

43 D 答題依據(jù)可見(jiàn)第五段。

44 A 在第六和第七段里都提到他為挽救一個(gè)瀕臨倒閉的飯店所采取的種種措施,其中沒(méi)有做廣告這一項(xiàng)。

45 B mess 的意思就是"一團(tuán)糟"。


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