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第2篇 Fruit and vegetables juices as beneficial to health as fruits and veggies1

A European study has revealed that 100 percent fruit and vegetable juices are as effective as their whole fruit/vegetable counterparts in reducing risk factors related to certain diseases. The conclusion is the result of the study designed to question traditional thinking that 100 percent juices play a less significant role in reducing risk for both cancer and cardiovascular disease than whole fruits and vegetables.

Juices are comparable in their ability to reduce risk compared to2 their whole fruit/vegetable counterparts, according to several researchers in the United Kingdom who conducted the literature review. The researchers analyzed a variety of studies that looked at risk reduction attributed to3 the effects of both fiber and antioxidants. As a result, they determined that the positive impact fruits and vegetables offer come not from just the fiber but also from antioxidants which are present in both juice and the whole fruits and vegetables.4

“When considering cancer and coronary heart disease5 prevention, there is no evidence that pure fruit and vegetable juices are less beneficial than whole fruit and vegetables,” the researchers said. The researchers added that the positioning of juices as being nutritionally inferior to6 whole fruits and vegetables in relationship to chronic disease development is “unjustified” and that policies, which suggest otherwise about fruit and vegetable juices, should be re-examined.

The researchers who authored the paper suggest that more studies in certain area are needed to bolster their findings. “Although this independent review of the literature is not designed to focus on any particular 100 percent juice, it does go a long way7 in demonstrating that fruit and vegetable juices do play an important role in reducing the risk of various diseases, especially cancer and cardiovascular disease,” said Sue Taylor. Her opinion is in agreement with8 the Juice Products Association,9 a non-profit organization not associated with this research. She added that appropriate amounts of juices should be included in the diet of both children and adults, following guidelines established by leading health authorities. Taylor also points to a large epidemiological study, published in the September 2006 issue of the Journal of Medicine, which found that consumption of a variety of 100 percent fruit and vegetable juices was associated with a reduced risk for Alzheimer’s disease.10

In fact, that study found that individuals who drank three or more servings of fruit and vegetable juices per week had a 76 percent lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease than those who drank juice less than once per week. The study was published in the International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition11 (2006).


counterpart n. 對應(yīng)的人或物

cardiovascular adj. 心血管的

comparable adj. ( ~ to/with ) 可與…相比的,比得上…的

fiber ( = fibre ) n. 纖維

antioxidant ( = antioxygen ) n. 抗氧化劑

coronary adj. 冠狀的

position n.位置 vt. 安排,安置;定位

nutritionally adv. 營養(yǎng)上

inferior adj. 低等的,劣等的。次的

bolster vt. 支持,支撐

non-profit adj. 不營利的,非營利性的

epidemiologic(al) adj. 流行病學(xué)的

serving n. 一份飯菜


1. veggie ( = veggy ) :蔬菜( = vegetable )。也可指“素食者”( = vegetarian )。

2. compared to:如果與…比較起來的話。這是一個過去分詞短語,作條件狀語。另外,美國英語中compare to也有compare with的意思。

3. attributed to:被認(rèn)為是…的結(jié)果。此過去分詞短語是risk reduction的定語。attribute sth. to…:把…歸因于…,認(rèn)為…是…的結(jié)果。

4. As a result, they determined that the positive impact fruits and vegetables offer come not from just the fiber but also from antioxidants which are present in both juice and the whole fruits and vegetables. 由此他們斷定,水果和蔬菜所起的積極作用不僅來自纖維,而且也來自抗氧化劑,因?yàn)闊o論水果還是蔬菜,其全果或汁液都含有這兩種物質(zhì)。這里要注意的是在語法結(jié)構(gòu)上,fruits and vegetables offer是positive impact的定語從句,省略了關(guān)系代詞that。

5. coronary heart disease (CHD):冠狀動脈性心臟病(冠心病)。但要注意,CHD 也可指先天性心臟病( congenital heart disease )。

6. inferior to:低于…的,次于…的,不如…的

7. it does go a long way:它的確對…有很大幫助。go a long/good way:大有幫助,很有效。此處does是起強(qiáng)調(diào)作用的助動詞,接下來的 do play an important role中的 do也是這樣。

8. in agreement with:與…一致

9. Juice Products Association:果汁產(chǎn)品協(xié)會

10. Alzheimer’s disease ( Alois Alzheimer ):阿爾茨海默病,早老性癡呆

11. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition:國際食品科學(xué)與營養(yǎng)雜志


1. What on earth in both fruits and vegetables and their juices plays the most important role in reducing risk for diseases?

A) Proteins.

B) Vitamins.

C) Carbohydrates.

D) Fiber and antioxidant.

2. The judgment that fruit and vegetable juices are less beneficial to reducing chronic disease development is ________.

A) evident

B) obvious

C) incorrect

D) conclusive

3. The review of the literature has documented the important role of fruit and vegetable juices in reducing the risk of various disease, ________ in particular.

A) lung problems

B) cancer and cardiovascular disease

C) stomach and intestine disorders

D) ear, nose and throat troubles

4. A large epidemiological study also found that using various 100% fruit and vegetable juices contributed to a reduced risk for ________.

A) Alzheimer’s disease

B) inherited disease

C) infectious disease

D) blood-transmitted disease

5. People who drink 3-4 servings of fruit and vegetable juices weekly may ________ risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease ________ those who drink only once a week.

A) have twenty-three percent higher, than

B) have three quarters lower, than

C) be one hundred and twenty-three percent as high, as

D) be one hundred and seventy-six percent as high, as






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