


發(fā)表時(shí)間:2012/10/27 17:22:13 來(lái)源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 點(diǎn)擊關(guān)注微信:關(guān)注中大網(wǎng)校微信





Sixty years ago.a(chǎn) mannamed Kenneth Arnold saw something that we can sti_________(51)today-somethingthat changed popular culture for everFlying his plane over mountains in the USstate of Washington,he saw a line of strange objects,eithercrescent-shaped(月牙形的)or disc—like,flying the motion of asaucer(碟)skimming(飛速掠過(guò))on water.

The media soon picked up on the story-theFlying Saucers were earth being________(53)by creatures from another planet?Soon。so were made that the US military began to_______(54).It called theseUFOs—Unidentified Flying Objects,and that is how they are________(52)here! Wasthe many sightings strange objects________(55)todayMilitary investigations foundno evidence of visitors from outer space.But that did not stop thetrue________(56).The military were________(57)up,they said.Or maybe it wasbecause the travelers from space were of such superiorintelligence________(58)they could hide from military analysts(分析家)People havealways seen strange lights in the sky.I n the past these wereexplained________(59)ways.In a world where religion was less influential andscience fiction was popular, signs from God were replaced by visitors fromother_________(60)

The date of the first UFO sightings was alsosignificant.In 1947,World War II had just ended and the in endless conflictsskies for help.But aliens(外星人)with of science.(61)War was justbeginning.Humanity seemed locked Like generations before them,peoplelooked________(62)the instead of seeking God,they looked for help fromsuper-intelligent________(63)technology.Belief in UFOs became the firstreligion

However,even people who believe earth.The universe is a big placeand it is in UFOs are not quite sure why they visit the________(64)to assumethat there is life somewhere out there.It is possible that aliens have workedout how to travel through space,Yet some people report that they have been takenby aliens and have had experiments universe to States?conduct medical________(65)on them.Why would anyone travel across half the experiments onpeople living in small towns in the United

61 A.see B.look C.seek D.feel

52 A.below B.before C.under D.with

53 A.ruled B.bombed C.visited D.captured

54 A.attack B.investigate C.shoot D.confront

65 A.written B.said C.told D.known

56 A.thinkers B.believers C.followers D.runners

57 A.covering B.putting C.cheating D.tricking

58 A.which B.what C.that D.this

59 A.funny B.crude C.foolish D.religious

60 A.continents B.planets Ccountries D.regions

61 A.cool B.nuclear C.Cold D.Star

62 A.to B.above C.at D.up

63 A.traditional B.backward C.advanced D.classical

64 A.unthinkable B.impossible C.unimaginable D.reasonable

65 A.studied B.performed C.brought D.taken






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