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"Life Form Found" on Saturn's Titan

Scientists say they have discovered hints of alien life on the Saturn's moon. The discovery of a sort of life was announced after researchers at the US space agency,NASA,analyzed data from spacecraft Cassini,which pointed to the existence of methane-based form of life on Saturn's biggest moon.

Scientists have reportedly discovered clues showing primitive alien beings are"breathing" in Titan's dense atmosphere filled with hydrogen.

They argue that hydrogen gets absorbed before hitting Titan's planet-like surface covered with methane lakes and rivers. This,they say,points to the existence of some"bugs" consuming the hydrogen at the surface of the moon less than half the size of the Earth.

"We suggested hydrogen consumption because it's the obvious gas for life to consume on Titan,similar to the way we consume oxygen on Earth,"says NASA scientist Chris McKay."If these signs do turn out to be a sign of life,it would be doubly exciting because it would represent a second form of life independent from water-based life on Earth."

To date,scientists have not yet detected this form of life anywhere,though there are liquid-water-based microorganisms on Earth that grow well on methane or produce it as a waste product. On Titan, where temperatures are around 90 Kelvin (minus 290 degrees Farenheit),a methanebased organism would have to use a substance that is liquid as its medium for living processes, but not water itself. Water is frozen solid on Titan's surface and much too cold to support life as we know it.

Scientists had expected the Sun's interactions with chemicals in the atmosphere to produce a coating of acetylene on Titan's surface. But Cassini detected no acetylene on the surface.

The absence of detectable acetylene on the Titan's surface can very well have a non-biological explanation,said Mark Allen,a principal investigator of the NASA Titan team.

"Scientific conservatism suggests that a biological explanation should be the last choice after all non-biological explanations are addressed,"Allen said. "We have a lot of work to do to rule out possible non-biological explanations. It is more likely that a chemical process,without biology,can explain these results."

41 .What do scientists claim to have found about Saturn?

A. Water-based life on it.

B. Methane-based life on its biggest moon.

C. A new moon moving around it.

D. Earthlike life on its biggest moon.

42. Which of the following statements about Titan is true?

A. It is as large as the Earth.

B. There is acetylene on its surface.

C. Water on it acts as a life supporting medium.

D. Hydrogen consumption is reported to be on it.

43. The expression "this form of life" in paragraph 5 refer to?

A. Water-based life.

B. oxygen-based life.

C. Methane-based life.

D. Liquid-based microorganisms.

44. It can be inferred from Mark Allen's address that

A. Scientists are trying to confirm these is life on Titan.

B. Scientists agree that a chemical process is a convincing explanation.

C. Scientists share the opinion that a biological explanation is reasonable.

D. Scientists are arguing over whether there is life on Titan.

45. Which of the following can replace the title of this passage?

A . A different Life Form, a Possibility.

B. Earthlike Living Beings Found on Titan.

C. Finding of One More Moon of Saturn's.

D. Titan, a New Satellite Discovered.

41  D  根據(jù)第一段最后一句:...data...which pointed to the existence of methane(甲烷)  -based form of life on Saturn's biggest moon.

42  C  第二、三、四段說明土星上的生命可能靠氫氣生存。A根本沒有提及,根據(jù)第六段最后一句可以看出B正好與事實(shí)相反;第五段最后兩句指出水不是支撐生命的媒介,所以D是錯(cuò)誤的。

43  C  根據(jù)上一段最后一句:...because it would represent a second form of life independent from water-based life on Earth.這表明A是不對的。根據(jù)全文來看,B和D也與本文不符。

44  B  本文最后一段中...a(chǎn)fter all non-biological explanations are addressed,...a(chǎn) lot of work to do...可以看出,C和D肯定與Mark Allen的話相悖,A沒有提到。

45  A  全文都在討論一種可能性。不能肯定外星人就像地球人,因此B不對。C和D也與原文不符。


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