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第二部分 :閱讀判斷(第16——22題,每題1分,共7分)

下面的短文后列出了7個句子,請根據(jù)短文的內(nèi)容對每個句子做出判斷 :如果該句提供的是正確信息,請選擇A ;如果該句提供的是錯誤信息,請選擇B ;如果該句的信息文中沒有提及,請選擇C。


Privacy Worry May Keep HIV Patients from Therapy

Patients infected with HIV are often concerned about the confidentiality of their HIV-positive status. In fact, some patients are so worried that they will actually give up treatmentto prevent the release of this information, according to a report published in the Augustissue of AIDS Care.Dr. Kathryn Whetten-Goldstein and colleagues from Duke University, Durham, NorthCarolina, studied the confidentiality issues of 15 HIV-infected patients from rural NorthCarolina locations. They were divided into groups designed to explore their attitudestoward, and experiences with, breaches in confidentiality."The fear of a breach in confidentiality is definitely affecting the care that HIV-infectedpatients receive," Whetten-Goldstein said. "Most studied patients had experienced or knewsomeone who had experienced a breach in confidentiality.""Two types of breaches occurred, " Whetten-Goldstein noted. "The first was a moreobvious type of breach. One example was a nurse who told her child that her patient wasHIV-positive out of concern that her child would play with the patient's child.""The other type of breach was more subtle, one that providers might not consider breaches," Whetten-Goldstein explained. "This type of breach involves providers talking about apatient's HIV status without the patient's knowledge of the interaction.""The law allows the sharing of information between providers within the same institution,but patient's consent must be obtained before providers at different institutions can shareinformation,"she pointed out."Patients in the study wanted providers to tell them when they are going to shareinformation with other providers and why it is being done," Whetten-Goldstein said. "They also felt that providers should be punished when a breach occurs.""However, because patients are often reluctant to seek legal action which may further expose their status, they felt that the system should regulate itself," she added. All patients in the study refuse to receive any treatment because of the possibility to expose their HIV status.

A: Right

B: Wrong

C: Not mentioned


解析:題干 :研究中所有的病人都拒絕接受任何治療,因為這可能會暴露自己攜帶HIV病毒的狀況。第一段第二句說,“事實上,有些病人如此擔心以至于真的要放棄治療以防止個人隱私被泄露”。這里指的只是some,而不是all,故本題是錯誤的。

(17) Worry about breaches in confidentiality of the HIV status has nothing to do with the curative effects on patients.

A: Right

B: Wrong

C: Not mentioned


解析: 題干 :擔心破壞HIV狀況的保密性,與有效治療病人毫無關(guān)系。第三段第一句說,“擔心泄密必定影響HIV感染者所接受的治療”,而本題卻說它“與療效無關(guān)”(have nothing to do with),顯然是錯誤的。

(18) Medical workers of an institution cannot freely provide their HTV-patients' information to those of other institutions.

A: Right

B: Wrong

C: Not mentioned



題干 :一個機構(gòu)的醫(yī)療工作者不能將HIV病人的信息隨意透露給其他機構(gòu)。第六段說,“法律允許同一單位的醫(yī)生共同使用病人資料,其他單位的醫(yī)生必須征得病人同意才能使用這些資料”,故本題是正確的。

(19) Whether an HIV-infected patient agrees to other (not his) medical workers' sharing the information about his HIV status is one of the rights given by the constitution.

A: Right

B: Wrong

C: Not mentioned



題干 :病人是否同意其他醫(yī)生使用他們的HIV病情資料是憲法賦予的權(quán)利之一。通篇文章只在第六段說必須征得病人同意,而根本沒有提到憲法,應屬于沒有提到。

(20) Most patients in the study strongly object to the breaches in the confidentiality of their HIV status.

A: Right

B: Wrong

C: Not mentioned



題干 :大多數(shù)病人強烈反對泄露他們的HIV病情。這與第七段第二句所說的“他們還認為泄密的醫(yī)生應該受到懲罰”是相一致的,故應是正確的。

(21) Quite a few patients will firmly defend their own right if such a breach occurs.

A: Right

B: Wrong

C: Not mentioned


解析: 題干 :如果發(fā)生泄密,許多病人(注意quite a few是“相當多” 的意思,不是a few幾個)會堅決捍衛(wèi)自己的權(quán)利。這與第八段所說的“病人常常不愿意采取法律行動,因為這樣會進一步暴露其病情”是不一致的,故應是錯誤的。

(22) Breaches in confidentiality are common in medical circles all over the world.

A: Right

B: Wrong

C: Not mentioned



題干 :泄密在世界各國的醫(yī)務界都是常事。文章第三段雖然指出大部分調(diào)查對象都有類似經(jīng)歷或者認識有過類似經(jīng)歷的人,但并沒有提及這種事是否在世界范圍內(nèi)常常發(fā)生。


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