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The Meaning of dreams

1 Dreams play an important role in our lives. If they can be correctly interpreted, we can come to understand ourselves better. Here, we look at four common dreams and what they potentially symbolize.

2 I can see their laughing faces…laughing at me. But they aren't as smart. If they were, they'd be up here flying with me! This dream has both positive and negative connotations(涵義). On the positive side, the dream may express a strong desire to travel and get away from everyday routine. It can be interpreted as a powerful desire to achieve. On the other hand, this dream can mean the person has a problem or is afraid of something and they wish to escape. The dream could represent an inferiority complex(自卑情結(jié)), which the dreamer attempts to escape from by putting themselves up above others.

3 I'm moving fast now, but it's still behind me. Doesn't matter how fast I go, I still can't escape. Although this is a traditional symbol of health and vitality(生命力) like the first one, it can also suggest the dreamer is trying to escape from danger. Usually, fear is the dominant emotion. By running hard, the dreamer can possibly escape the threat. However, they can also stumble(蹣跚) or worse still stop moving altogether. This makes the fear even more terrifying(恐怖的). One possible interpretation suggests that the person is under pressure in their everyday life.

4 1'm sweating and my heart is beating. I'm trapped in my own bed. In this dream, the person is often standing on a high, exposed place such as on the top of a tower, or on the edge of a cliff. The overwhelming (強烈的) feeling changes from anxiety to a loss of control. There is nothing to stop the person, and the feeling as they go over the edge can be horrifyingly (恐怖地) real. Fortunately, just before hitting the ground, the dreamer awakens with a sense of enormous relief. This dream suggests that the dreamer is afraid of losing control and has a fear of failure or even death.

5 The wind is pushing me and I slip. There's nothing I can do . . . nothing I can hold on to. This symbol is associated with fear: suddenly the dreamer loses all power of movement. They try hard to move their arms and legs,but they simply cannot. Frozen in a terrifying situation with no escape,they become more and more terrified as the seconds go by. Another frequent context for this dream is failing to do something in public, often something which you are normally very good at, such as your job. Not only is this extremely embarrassing, but it also shows a deep-seated phobia (恐懼) of losing a job and a livelihood.

23. Paragraph 2_______

24. Paragraph 3________

25. Paragraph 4________

26. Paragraph 5_______

A Dream of climbing trees

B Dream of diving into the water

C Dream of running hard

D Dream of falling down

E Dream of being pushed away

F Dream of flying into the air

27. If a person puts himself up above others in the dream, he may____.

28. If a person dreams of being chased by others, he may ____.

29. If a person dreams of going over the edge of a cliff, he may ____.

30. If a person dreams of failing to do something in public, he may _ ___.

A be afraid of losing his job in real life

B feel inferior in reality

C feel lonely in everyday life

D feel tired in real life

E be under pressure in everyday life

F be afraid of losing control in real life


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