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發(fā)表時間:2014/3/7 13:30:25 來源:中大網(wǎng)校 點擊關(guān)注微信:關(guān)注中大網(wǎng)校微信


The aim of a job interview is to establish whether you arelikely to do well in a particular job in a specific organization. This isnot only a matter of
having the necessary technical knowledge and skill. You __1__
must also have the motivation, the ability to adapt to
new ways of working and a new working environment, and__2__
the personality to do the job and fit into a new team.
But there are other personal skills affect your success __3__
in a job. These include getting on with people, oral or __4__
written communication, team working, problem solving and good time management.
Most people think that interviewers know what they
are looking for and will recognize when they see it. __5__
However, people are actually not very good at assessing
one and another. This applies to recruiters as much as __6__
anyone else. In fact a former head of selection at one big firm used to say that "some interviewersare so poor they would do better to rely on chances."
In companies which recognize this, various methods are
used to try to find the correct person. The most common __7__
is the structured interview. Research has shown that
this approach is more reliable than the ordinary job
interniew, though not as affective as using tests or __8__
assessment centers. In a structured interview, the
interviewer groups the qualities listing in the job __9__
specification under various headings. There are two well-established structures for this: the NationalInstitute of Industrial Psychology's Seven-Point Plan
the Five-Fold Grading System. The interviewers score
candidates for how well they fit the job specification. __10__









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