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隱逸的生活似乎在傳統(tǒng)意識(shí)中一直被認(rèn)為是幸福的至高境界。但這種孤傲遁世同時(shí)也是孤獨(dú)的,純粹的隱者實(shí)屬少數(shù),而少數(shù)者的滿足不能用來解讀普世的幸福模樣 。

有道是小隱隱于野,大隱隱于市 。真正的幸福并不隱逸,可以在街市而不是叢林中去尋找。晨光,透過古色古香的雕花窗欞 ,給庭院里精致的盆景慢慢地化上一抹金黃的淡妝。那煎雞蛋的“刺啦”聲裊裊升起 ,空氣中開始充斥著稚嫩的童音 、汽車啟動(dòng)的節(jié)奏、夫妻間甜蜜的道別,還有鄰居們簡(jiǎn)單樸素的問好。 ( 節(jié)選自《新民晚報(bào)》2009年11月19日)

這篇散文的作者為一名上海市中學(xué)生。筆觸優(yōu)雅清淡,立意新穎,語言簡(jiǎn)練,音意皆美,猶如一幅隨意浸染的寫意畫,旨在喚起身處在物質(zhì)財(cái)富日趨豐富、人際關(guān)系漸趨淡漠的現(xiàn)代社會(huì)中的人們對(duì)簡(jiǎn)單卻又充滿人情味的歲月的美好回憶。正如美國(guó)散文家羅納德• 鄧肯(Ronald Duncan)所言:“It would seem that happiness is something to do with simplicity, and that it is the ability to extract pleasure from the simplest things.”。


1. 隱逸的生活: “隱逸的”意為“隔絕的” ,故譯為 “a secluded life”。

2. 幸福的至高境界:the supreme state of happiness。

3. 孤傲遁世:意為“冷漠處世 ,獨(dú)自隱居” ,故可譯為 “aloofness and retirement”。

4. “純粹的”可以用genuine 來表示 ,recluse: a person who leads a secluded or solitary life(隱 士),故 “純粹的隱者”譯為“genuine recluses”。

5. 不能用來:does not suffice to ,suffice to 為固定詞組,表示 “能夠干”。

6. 解讀普世的幸福模樣 :construe what happiness is for all,construe意為“to understand or explain the sense(解讀,解釋 )”。

7. 有道是小隱隱于野,大隱隱于市 :意為所謂的隱士看破紅塵隱居于山林只是形式上的“隱”而已 ,而真正達(dá)到物我兩忘的心境,反而能在最世俗的市朝中排除嘈雜的干擾,自得其樂,因此他們隱居于市朝才是心靈的升華所在。出處可參照白居易的《中隱》。故可譯為 “As a common saying goes, while the ‘lesser hermit ’ lives in seclusion in the country, the ‘greater hermit ’ does so in the city. ”。

8. 晨光:the early morning sunshine。

9. 透過:filters through 。

10. 古色古香的雕花窗欞 :the carved old-style latticed windows on the walls。

11. 精致的盆景 :the exquisite potted plants。

12. 化上一抹金黃的淡妝:faintly gild...。

13. 煎雞蛋的“刺啦”聲 :這里將名詞轉(zhuǎn)化為動(dòng)詞 ,sizzle意為“a h issin g soun d (as of something frying over a fire) (發(fā)出的咝咝聲 )”,故譯為 “eggs sizzle in frying pans”。

14. 充斥著:fill with 。

15. 稚嫩的童音:the soft voices of children 。

16. 汽車啟動(dòng)的節(jié)奏:the chugging rhythm of car engine。

17. 夫妻間甜蜜的道別:the sweet exchange of goodbyes between husbands and wives。

18. 鄰居們簡(jiǎn)單樸素的問好:the brief greetings among neighbors。  


A secluded life has traditionally been deemed, as it seems, the supreme state of happiness, although such aloofness and retirement breed loneliness as well. Few people in fact end up as genuine recluses, whose contentment does not suffice to construe what happiness is for all.

As a common saying goes, while the “lesser hermit”lives in seclusion in the country, the “greater hermit”does so in the city. Not necessarily in solitude does reside true happiness which can be found in busy streets rather than in the woods.

Here in the city lanes the early morning sunshine filters through the carved old-style latticed windows on the walls and faintly gilds the exquisite potted plants in courtyards. As eggs sizzle in frying pans, the morning begins to fill with rising sounds: the soft voices of children, the chugging rhythm of car engines, the sweet exchange of goodbyes between husbands and wives, as well as the brief greetings among neighbors.

(譯文選自第二十二屆韓素音青年翻譯獎(jiǎng)競(jìng)賽 )  









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