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Passage three

What do we mean by a satisfactory standard of living? Obviously, it must include the basic necessities of life such as food, clothing and shelter. To get these necessities on regular basis, a person must have a reliable income. But we have other needs which would probably also be included as basic, such as health and education facilities.

We may think of all these as our needs. Yet most of us would be far from satisfied if we had nothing more than these which are supplied for us. We all enjoy extra income to spend on things like books, sports or hobbies. Sometimes we save some of this extra income to pay for future expense of this type on holidays. So we must add our wants to our basic needs. Our standards of living is the degree, to which these needs and wants are satisfied.

But as time goes on, what we think of as our basic needs changes. Twenty years ago a television would have been a luxury, and still is in some countries now. Even now we cannot say it is a need in the same sense as food, clothing and shelter. Yet if most of the people of a country have one, it comes to be accepted as a need. It is possible therefore to have food, clothing and shelter and still be poor by the standard of our own country.

26. What we need in life is divided into ______ according to this article

A. the basic necessities and luxury

B. many kinds of need such as food, clothing and houses

C. four groups the basic necessities, luxury, reliable income and future expense

D. the basic necessities and reliable income

27. A person who gets the basic necessities must ____ according to the writer.

A. have a reliable income B. learn how to please his manager

C. finish his work ahead the time D. get a good education

28. We all enjoy ____________.

A. having only reliable income

B. having reliable income and extra income

C. having nothing more than food and clothing

D. having nothing more than reliable income

29. With time going on, ______.

A. a luxury may change into a need which most people want to get

B. the basic needs are getting smaller and smaller

C. a luxury and the basic needs can be exchanged

D. the basic needs can be changed into a luxury

30. If most people of a country have a television, we _______.

A. can say the television is a need in the same sense as food and clothing and shelter

B. can say the television must be in the basic necessities

C. can not say the television is the basic necessities

D. can say every family must have one

Passage four

Movies are the most popular form of entertainment for millions of Americans. They go to the movies to escape their normal everyday existence and to experience a life more exciting than their own. They may choose to see a particular film because they like the actors or because they have heard the film has a good story. But the main reason why people go to the movies is to escape. Sitting in a dark theater, watching the images on the screen, they enter another world that is real to them. They become involved in the lives of the characters in the movie, and for two hours, they forget all about their own problems. They are in a dream world where things often appear to be more romantic and beautiful than in real life.

The biggest “dream factories” are in Hollywood, the capital of the film industry. Each year, Hollywood studios make hundreds of movies that are shown all over the world. American movies are popular because they tell stories and are well-made. They provide the public with heroes who do things the average person would like to do but often can not. People have to cope with many problems and much trouble in real life, so they feel encouraged when they see the “good guys” win in the movie.

31. The Americans go to the movies mainly because they want ______.

A. to enjoy a good story B. to experience an exciting life

C. to see the actors and the actresses D. to escape their everyday life

32. Which of the following is the normal response to the movies they watch?

A. They feel that everything on the screen is familiar to them

B. They try to turn their dreams into reality

C. They become so involved that they forget their own problems

D. They are touched by the life stories of the actors and actresses.

33. It is obvious that real life is ______.

A. less romantic than that in the movies

B. more romantic than that in the movies

C. as romantic as that in the movies

D. filled with romantic stories

34. The American movies are popular because ______.

A. they are well-made and the stories are interesting

B. the characters in the movies are free to do whatever they like

C. the heroes have to cope with many problems and frustrations

D. good guys in the movies always win in the end

35. People enjoy seeing the movies because they ______.

A. are tired of their everyday lives

B. feel inspired by the heroic deeds of the good guys

C. want to see who win in the end

D. have to cope with many problems in their lives





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