


+1.  america's emphasis重點 on the importance of education for everyone has spurred scientific research.科學(xué)研究

a  encouraged  b endangered 危及危害  c endorsed  簽名背書 d  enlarged擴大增大


解析:spur n 刺激 激勵

v 激勵=encourage   stimulate   urge, excite ,boost, promote

encourage sb to do sth   鼓勵某人做某事  i encourage them to help others.


* 2. photojournalist 新聞攝影記者margaret 瑪格麗特white懷特 became famous 著名的for her coverage of significant有重大意義的 events事件during the second world war.第二次世界大戰(zhàn)

a  baggage 行李  b  orphanage孤兒院 c  reportage d  usage使用 方法


解析:coverage n 覆蓋   覆蓋范圍  area  range

cover n蓋子封面 v覆蓋be covered with-----



3.  below 在下面600 feet ocean 海洋waters range from dimly lit to completely dark黑暗.。

a  inadequately不夠地,不夠好地 b hardly 幾乎不 c faintly   d sufficiently足夠地


解析:dimly adv 朦朧地,昏暗地   dimly lit 光線暗淡    indistinctly朦朧地  hazily模糊地,朦朧地

faintly微弱地;模糊地;虛弱地   do you see objects dimly?



*4.  i'm not meddling干預(yù)," mary said mildly "i'm just curious.好奇的 "

a  gently    b shyly 含羞地,膽怯地  c weakly 虛弱地微弱地 d sweetly甜美地


解析:mildly 溫和地 柔和地   gently 輕輕地;溫柔地,溫和地  friendly   soft


5. in 1861 it seemed inevitable  that the southern states would break away from脫離 the union.聯(lián)邦

a  strange奇怪的,陌生的  b certain    c inconsistent不一致的 d proper 合適的 適當(dāng)?shù)?/p>


解析:inevitable  不可避免地,必然要發(fā)生地  in+ evitable  necessary  automatic

it seems that-----  似乎好像  it seems +adj that ------

break away from  v 脫離,逃脫



6. many of novelist 小說家carson 卡爾森mccullers' 麥卡勒斯characters特征,性格 are isolated, disappointed people.

a solitary  b gloomy黑暗的,沮喪的,憂郁的 c  feeble虛弱的,無力的 d frugal節(jié)儉的,樸素的


解析:isolated 孤立的,分離的 單獨的   solitary 孤獨的;獨居的,單獨的,獨自的  alone  separate



7. the workers finally called off the strike.罷工

a  put off 延期 推遲  b  ended 結(jié)束  c  cancelled  d  participated in參加


解析:call off  取消   cancel  取消;刪去 recall



8. john has made up his mind not to go to the meeting. 

a  wanted     b  promised 允許 許諾    c  decided   d  agreed同意


解析:make up one’s mind to do sth 下定決心做某事   determine decide



9. i catch cold著涼 now and then.

a  always經(jīng)常 總是 b occasionally  c constantly不斷地,經(jīng)常地 d regularly定時地,有規(guī)律地


解析:now and then 偶爾,有時,時而 sometimes



10. he often finds fault with my work.

a  criticizes   b  praises 表揚贊美  c  evaluates 評估評價  d  talks about談?wù)?/p>


解析:find fault with 挑剔;抱怨;批評



11. the little girl grasped her mother's arm as 當(dāng)---時候she crossed橫穿 the street.

a  understood理解 懂得 b  had a hold over控制 對--有影響 c  took hold of  d  left hold of 放開


解析:grasp  1抓住catch  2領(lǐng)會 理解understand  see 3控制 control  hold



12. in judging 判斷our work you should take into consideration the fact事實 that we have been very busy recently.近來

a  thought 思想;關(guān)心;想法;思考 b  mind 想法,思想 精神,意見 c  account d  memory記憶


解析:consideration 考慮,關(guān)心,原因  take--- into consideration ――考慮進去



*13. i can no longer不再 tolerate his actions.舉止,行為

a  put up with b  accept 接受c  take  拿取d  suffer from 遭受


解析:tolerate  忍受,容忍,容許,寬恕 bear  stand  endure  undergo

accept 已經(jīng)接受了 ---receive收到   i received his present ,but i didn’t accept.

take hold of sth  抓住某物    he took hold of the rope tightly

take /catch cold    著涼    take holiday   休假   take one’s temperature  測量體溫

take away  拿走take away my good name, take away my life.

take down 記錄下來  he take down the minute in shorthand速記

take for granted   想當(dāng)然(認為理當(dāng)如此) the things we often take for granted.

take off 取、脫下    take out 取出   

take over 接收/管,上任 he wanted to take over the job.

take care of   he's old enough to take care of himself.

suffer for  ―――而受苦  i believe you have to suffer for your passion激情,熱情

suffer from ――病受――苦 忍受,遭受 i aways suffer from headaches



14. the doctors have abandoned the hope希望 to rescue營救,援救 the old man.

a  left 離開   b  given up  c  turned down關(guān)小,調(diào)低;拒絕, d  refused拒絕不接受


解析:abandon 放棄=give  up   quit  drop



15. have you talked to---談話 her lately?

a  lastly  最后終于    b  shortly立刻馬上    c  recently   d  immediately立即


解析:lately 最近,近來,不久前   lastly=finally   shortly=at once=immediately


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