
第一模塊  詞匯選項(xiàng) 

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第一部分  詞匯選項(xiàng)



1. will you please call my husband丈夫 as soon as possible盡快的?  09年考題

a  contact 接觸  聯(lián)系   b  consult 商量 請(qǐng)教

c  phone    d  visit拜訪,訪問


call: v .1 有大喊,叫的意思      shout  cry

       2 稱呼,----叫做  

3 打電話        phone

       4 call on   拜訪某人        visit

                 at   拜訪某地

2. we'll give every teacher space to develop發(fā)展.  08年考題

a  chance v碰巧冒險(xiǎn)n機(jī)會(huì)     b employment n 雇用 使用 

c room                        d opportunity 機(jī)會(huì),時(shí)機(jī)


space n  空間 太空 間隔   

      v 隔開

give sb sth to do sth

3. i have to不得不 go at once.

   a  soon  不久很快adv    b  immediately      

c  now 現(xiàn)在             d  early 早點(diǎn)


 at once  立刻 馬上.

 at stake =in danger   危險(xiǎn)當(dāng)中   09年考題

4. the policeman警察 asked him to identify the thief.   08年,10年考題

  a name              b distinguish 區(qū)分區(qū)別   

c capture抓住 捕獲    d separate 分開,隔離


indentify  v 1識(shí)別,辨認(rèn)出   2---看成一樣   3確定,認(rèn)同

ask sb to do sth   recognize

5. we were all there when the accident事故 occurred.   08年考題

  a  happened        b broke 打破,弄破,中斷 

c spread 傳播 伸展  d appeared 出現(xiàn),顯得


occur: vi1發(fā)生      happen     

2 出現(xiàn),存在 exist

6. it took me exactly 正好,恰好a week to complete the work.  08年考題

   ado     b achieve 完成功績(jī) 達(dá)到實(shí)現(xiàn)目標(biāo)目的 

c improve 改善,增進(jìn)提高  d  finish


complete 1 adj 十足的,徹底的,完全的  full ,total ,whole

2 v 完成 使完整   fulfill,  carry out

it took sb some time to do sth .

7.the herb香草medicine eventually cured 治愈her disease.疾病  08,11年考題

a nicely漂亮地,恰好地    b apparently顯然地,似乎 表面上  

c finally                  d naturally自然地


eventually adv 最后終于  lastly

8. we had a long conversation about關(guān)于 her parents. 父母   09 考題

   a  talk                     b  speech 演講   

c  debate   辯論,討論      d  discussion討論

conversation  會(huì)話  談話 dialog


9. please let me know if you are unable to不能 attend the meeting.會(huì)議

     a  go to            b  prepare for 做準(zhǔn)備  

c  speak to  談話   d  do to 對(duì)某人做什么


attend v 1 參加 出席=go to

2 上學(xué)attend school 上學(xué)   attend a lecture 聽課 

3 照料,看管  look after   care for

10. he have made up his mind to give up放棄 smoking.

  a  tried  設(shè)法嘗試  b  attempted 試圖 企圖   

c  agreed  同意    d  decided


make up one’s mind to do sth 下定決心做某事

make up one’s mind =decide =determine

(詞匯2-8john has made up his mind not to go to the meeting. 

     a  wanted     b  promised 允許 許諾   

c  decided      d  agreed同意


make up one’s mind to do sth 下定決心做某事   determine

11. your teacher will take your illness 疾病into account when 當(dāng)---的時(shí)候marking評(píng)分 your exams.考試

  a  calculation計(jì)算,估計(jì)   b  computation  計(jì)算,估計(jì) 

  c  consideration           d  assessment 評(píng)定,估價(jià)


account :n  帳目,帳單,理由 解釋 

take sth into account 考慮某事,對(duì)某事加以考慮=take sth into consideration

        v 解釋

詞匯2-12 in judging 判斷our work you should take into consideration the fact事實(shí) that we have been very busy recently.近來

 a  thought 思想;關(guān)心;想法;思考 b  mind 想法,思想 精神,意見

c  account       d  memory記憶


consideration 考慮,關(guān)心,原因  take--- into consideration ――考慮進(jìn)去

12. we have to必須 put up with her behavior.行為

     a  tolerate               b  accept  接受     

c  swallow   吞下,咽下   d  take拿取


put up with 忍耐,忍受,容忍=tolerate =bear=endure=stand=undergo

13. they have given up the hope 希望to save their friend from drowning.溺水  08年,10年考題

     a  ended 結(jié)束      b  abandoned    

c  built 建立加強(qiáng)     d  strengthen 加強(qiáng)


give up 放棄 = quit  = abandon  = drop

save sb from    ---救起

14. i seldom watch tv.  09年考題

  a  rarely           b  frequently經(jīng)常地,頻繁地  

c  normally正常地  d  occasionally偶爾地



i rarely wear穿 a raincoat 雨衣because i spend 花費(fèi)度過 most of my time in a car.  詞匯3-10

a  normally 正常地       b  seldom 

c  continuously不斷地    d  usually通常地


cement水泥 was seldom used in building during ---期間the middle ages.中世紀(jì) 詞匯4-3

a crudely粗糙地天然地未加工地  b  rarely 

c  originally原始地,原先地     d  symbolically   象征性地


15. the dentist牙科醫(yī)生 has decided to決定 take out the girl's bad tooth.

   a  dig ,翻土   b  draw 畫,拉,吸引,提取

c  pull ,     d  extract


take out 取出 拿出=extract 取出,拔出

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