
spend [spend] 
v.(spent, spent, spending)花費(fèi)(invest in)消耗(consume, exhaust),度過(guò)(occupy, pass, use up, waste)
spend (money/time)on sth. [in doing sth. ] 
v. 在某事上[做某事時(shí)]花(時(shí)間/金錢)
e.g. he spend less time in reading.

sport [spɔ:t] 
n. 運(yùn)動(dòng)(exercise, games, pastime, play, recreation)
(pl.)運(yùn)動(dòng)會(huì), 游戲 (amusement, entertainment, fun, joking)
sports circles                              體育界
sports medicine                         運(yùn)動(dòng)醫(yī)學(xué)
sports meet                                 運(yùn)動(dòng)會(huì)
e.g. football is my favorite sport.

spot [spɔt] 
n. 斑點(diǎn)(dot, mark),污點(diǎn)(stain),地點(diǎn)(place, site),現(xiàn)場(chǎng)(scene)
v.(spotted, spotted, spotting) 沾污,弄臟(mark, stain),發(fā)現(xiàn)(see, discover, detect)
a scenic spot                           風(fēng)景勝地
a historic spot                          古跡
on the spot                                當(dāng)場(chǎng),在現(xiàn)場(chǎng), 在危險(xiǎn)中
e.g. spain is our favorite holiday spot.

spread [spred]
n. 伸展,展開,傳播
v. (spread, spread, spreading)伸展(broaden, enlarge, expand, extend, lengthen, widen),展開(arrange, display, lay out, unfold),涂(apply, cover a surface with),傳播(advertise, broadcast, distribute, give out, pass on, publicize, publish, scatter, transmit)
spread oneself                                舒展四肢, 夸夸其談
spread out                                         展開...
spread to...                                        傳到..., 蔓延到...
spread... with...                                  在...上面涂抹...
e.g. he spread butter on his bread.

stage [steidʒ] 
n. 舞臺(tái)(platform),階段, 時(shí)期(period, phase, point, time)
vt. 上演(arrange, organize, perform, present, produce, put on, set up)
stage effect                                           舞臺(tái)效果
go on the stage                                    當(dāng)演員
e.g. . i saw two actors on the stage.

stand [stænd]  
n. 貨攤(booth, stall),看臺(tái),立場(chǎng)
v.(stood, stood, standing) 站起(get up, rise),(使)豎立(erect, put up, set up),持久(continue, remain valid, stay),經(jīng)受(abide, bear, endure, put up with, suffer, tolerate)
stand the test                             經(jīng)受住考驗(yàn)
stand with...                                 同...一致,和...站在一起
stand a chance of...                  有...的希望
stand by(= adhere to/be faithful to/stay with/ stick to/support)                      支持..., 遵守..., 袖手旁觀
stand for(=be a sign for/indicate/mean/represent/ signify/ symbolize)         代表..., 象征..., 支持...
stand out(= be obvious/be prominent/catch the eye/show/ stick out)           突出, 顯眼
stand up for                          支持...
stand with...                           同...一致,和...站在一起
e.g. i can't stand my poor english!

standard ['stændəd] 
n. 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(criterion, gauge, guideline, ideal, level,model,norm,sample,specification)
the standard of living                              生活水平
come up to the standard                          達(dá)到標(biāo)準(zhǔn)
e.g. the teacher sets high standard for his pupils.

stare [stεə]
v. 凝視,盯著看(gaze, look fixedly)
n 凝視,注視
stare into the distance                            凝視遠(yuǎn)方
stare at(=examine/ watch/gaze at)      盯著...看,凝視...
e.g. don't stare at me in that way.

start [stɑ:t]  
n. 動(dòng)身,出發(fā)點(diǎn)(point of departure),開始(beginning, birth, establishment, introduction, launch)
v.出發(fā),開始,創(chuàng)辦(begin, commence, create, establish, found, give birth to, initiate, introduce, launch, open, originate, set up, pioneer)
start a fire                                        點(diǎn)火
a fresh start                                    新的起點(diǎn),新的開始
e.g. we must make a new start.

state [steit]  
n. 狀態(tài)(circumstances, situation, condition),國(guó)家(country, nation),州
vt.聲明,陳述(announce, assert, communicate, declare, express, proclaim, report, say, speak)
the state of affairs                               事態(tài),情況,形勢(shì)
the united states                               美利堅(jiān)合眾國(guó)
state one’s views                                 陳述自己的觀點(diǎn)
e.g. state your name and address.

station ['steiʃən] 
n. 車站(platform),所,局,位置(place, position, post, situation, status)
bus station                                        公交車站
railway station                                  火車站
exchange station                             (兩條鐵路間的)車輛交換站
radio station                                      廣播站
e.g. can you tell me the way to the railway station?

stay [stei] 
n.逗留(abide, hang about, linger, wait, lodge, settle, reside, stop),支柱;停止
vi. 停留;暫?。煌O?;堅(jiān)持
stay single                               保持單身
stay at home                            呆在家里
e.g. the temperature has stayed hot this week

steal [sti:l]  
v.( stole, stolen, stealing)偷,竊取,偷竊
have one’s purse stolen                某人的錢包被偷
steal a marriage                               秘密結(jié)婚
steal a ride                                        偷搭車船, 白坐車船
steal... away                                      把...(某物)偷走
steal the show                                  搶出風(fēng)頭
e.g. he stole out of the house without anyone seeing him.

step [step] 
n. 腳步(pace),步驟(action, measure, phase, stage),臺(tái)階(stair)
v.(stepped, stepped, stepping)踏(tread, walk)
take a step forward [back]       前進(jìn)[后退]一步
take steps                                  設(shè)法,采取措施
step aside                                  走到一旁
step up(=increase)                   逐步增加...
step by step                               逐步地
e.g. the first step is the hardest.

stick [stik]
n. 棍,小樹枝,手杖
v. (stuck, stuck, sticking)粘住(adhere, bind, bond, fasten),刺,戳
stick to...                                           堅(jiān)持...
stick out                                            伸出
a walking stick                                 手杖
chop sticks                                        筷子
e.g. the old man could not walk without a stick.

stop [stɔp]
n. 停止(conclusion, end, halt, termination, pause),車站(station, destination)
vi.(stopped, stopped, stopping) 停止(break off, cease, conclude, cut off, end, finish, knock off, pause, quit, refrain from, suspend, terminate),阻止(bar, block, check, delay, frustrate, halt, hamper, hinder, impede, interrupt, obstruct, put a stop to), 停下(draw up, halt, pull up), 住(stay)
stop... from...                                            阻止某人...
come to a (full) stop                               (完全)停止
e.g. they stopped to talk when they met on the street.

store  [stɔ]
vt. 貯藏,貯備(accumulate, deposit, keep, preserve, put away, reserve, save, set aside, stock up)
n. 商店,店鋪(shop, retail business, supermarket),貯備(reserve, reservoir, stock, supply)
in store                                  備用著, 儲(chǔ)藏著
in store for...                           儲(chǔ)藏以備用...
e.g. there is a large store in the village.

strategy ['strætidʒi]   
n. 策略, 戰(zhàn)略(approach, method, scheme, plan, policy, program, tactics)
marketing strategy                 (大公司或商號(hào)的)市場(chǎng)戰(zhàn)略
e.g. i think we should work out a strategy to deal with this situation.

stress [stres] 
n. 緊張(anxiety, pressure, strain, tension, worry), 強(qiáng)調(diào)(emphasis, weight)
vt. 強(qiáng)調(diào)(assert, emphasize, insist on, lay stress on, underline)
under the stress of poverty             在貧困的壓力下
lay [place, put] stress on...            把重點(diǎn)放在...上
e.g. he was being stressed before he gave his lecture

strike [straik] 
n. 罷工,打擊
vt.( struck, struck, striking)打(hit),撞擊(bump),罷工,劃燃, 侵襲(attack),給...以深刻印象,(鐘)報(bào)時(shí)
strike a match                                 擦火柴
be on strike                                    舉行罷工
e.g. all the workers are on strike

study ['stʌdi]
n. 學(xué)習(xí),研究,書房
v. 學(xué)習(xí),攻讀(learn, read),研究(analyse, consider, contemplate, examine, investigate, learn about, research, survey, think about)
make a study of ...                                 研究...
study for...                                                為...而學(xué)習(xí)
study hour                                                上課時(shí)間
e.g. we students should study hard.

stuff [stʌf] 
n. 原料(material),東西(matter, substance)
vt.塞滿,填滿(compress, crowd, pack, push, squeeze)
food stuff                                                 食品
stull a bag with things                          把袋子裝滿東西
stuff sb with lies                                     用謊話欺騙某人
e.g. he stuffed the apples into the bag.

style [stail]  
n.風(fēng)格,時(shí)尚(design, fashion, mode, pattern, taste, type),風(fēng)度(taste, elegance),類型
come into style/fashion                 變得流行起來(lái)
be out of style/fashion                    不時(shí)髦,不時(shí)新
in style                                                時(shí)髦地,很成功地
e.g. i wouldn't tell lies to you; that's not my style.

subject ['sʌbdʒikt]  
n. 題目,主題(affair, business, issue, matter, point, question, theme, topic),學(xué)科,試驗(yàn)對(duì)象(object)adj.受制于...的,受...影響的
vt. 使屈從于...(submit, yield)
subject... to...                               使...服從于..., 使...遭受到...
subject oneself to...                    蒙受...
subject matter                              主題, 主旨
e.g. how many subjects are you studying this semester?

submit [səb'mit]  
v. (submitted, submitted, submitting)投降(give in, surrender, yield),提交(give in, hand in, present),提出(offer, put forward, state, suggest)
submit a plan                                提出一項(xiàng)計(jì)劃
submit oneself to...                       甘受...,服從...
submit to                                        服從...
e.g. we shall never submit to slavery.

succeed [sək'si:d]  
vi. 成功(be successful, do well, flourish, make it, thrive, work, be effective),繼...之后,繼承(come after, follow, replace, take over from)
succeed in doing sth.                     成功地..
e.g. keep up!then you will succeed.

success [sək'ses] 
n.成功(successful outcome),成就(accomplishment, achievement, fame, prosperity),勝利(hit, triumph, victory)
drink success to...                          祝...成功干杯
make a success of...                      把...做得很成功
success in...                                     ..的成功
success story                                      成名史
e.g. his new book was a great success.

suffer ['sʌfə] 
vt. 遭受(痛苦,損害, 疾病等) ,忍受(bear, cope with, endure, experience, feel, go through, put up with, stand, tolerate, undergo)
suffer from...                                 忍受..., 遭受...
suffer a defeat                               遭受挫敗
suffer from a disease                  患病
suffer losses                                   遭受損失
e.g. they suffered huge losses in the financial crisis.

suggest [sə'dʒest]  
vt.建議(advise, advocate, move, propose, put forward, raise, recommend),使想起,暗示(hint, imply, indicate, mean, signal)
it is suggested that ...              有人提議...
i suggest that ---                      我覺得(認(rèn)為)-------
e.g. i suggest you do what he says.

summit ['sʌmit] 
n. 頂點(diǎn)(crown, head, height, peak, point, top),顛峰(high point),最高級(jí)會(huì)議
summit meeting                              最高級(jí)會(huì)議,首腦會(huì)議
e.g. he is now at the summit of power.

supply [sə'plai]  
n. 供應(yīng)(量)(reserve, reservoir, stock, store),
(pl.)供應(yīng)品(food, necessities, equipment)vt. (supplied, supplied, supplying)
v. 供給,提供(contribute, donate, equip, feed, furnish, give, produce, provide, sell)
supply ... with...                                    向...供應(yīng)...
supply and demand                             供求
in short supply                                     供應(yīng)不足
e.g. our food supply has given out.

support [sə'pɔ:t]  
vt. 承受(bear, carry, hold up, reinforce, strengthen),支持(aid, assist, back, defend, give support to, stand up for, take sb’s part, sponsor, contribute to), 供養(yǎng) (bring up, feed, finance, fund, maintain, keep, sustain), 證實(shí)(advocate, agree with, argue for, confirm, defend, explain, justify)
n.支撐,支持(aid, backing, contribution, cooperation, encouragement, help, protection),支持者,支柱(foundation, pillar, post)
support oneself                                自謀生計(jì)
give support to...                               支持...,支援...
in support of...                                  幫助/支援...
e.g. he needs a high income to support such a large family.

suppose [sə'pəuz] 
vt. 推想(assume, believe, expect, guess, infer, postulate, presume, speculate, think),假設(shè)(imagine)
conj. 假使...結(jié)果會(huì)怎樣
suppose that...                                       假設(shè)...
be supposed to do sth.                         應(yīng)該...
e.g. we suppose that the situation will improve.

surprise  [sə'praiz] 
n.驚訝(alarm, amazement, astonishment, wonder),意想不到的事情
vt. 使詫異,使驚奇(alarm, amaze, astonish, shock, stagger, startle, stun, take aback, take by surprise)
be surprised at...                             對(duì)...感到吃驚
e.g. it was a pleasant surprise to learn of her marriage.

survey [sə:'vei] 
n. 測(cè)量,調(diào)查,視察(assessment, census, evaluation, examination, inspection, investigation, study)
vt.測(cè)量(measure),調(diào)查(appraise, assess, estimate, evaluate, examine, inspect, investigate, look over, study, view)
make a survey of...                           測(cè)量...,對(duì)...作調(diào)查
survey report                                        調(diào)查報(bào)告
e.g. we stood on the top of the mountain and surveyed the countryside.

survive [sə'vaiv]
v. 繼續(xù)生存(carry on, continue, endure, keep going, last, live, persist, remain), 從...中逃生(live through)
survive all dangers                             歷經(jīng)危難而未死
e.g. if the industry doesn't modernize it will not survive.

suspect [səs'pekt] 
n. 嫌疑犯
adj. 令人懷疑的(doubtful, questionable, unreliable, unconvincing, suspected)
v.懷疑(distrust, doubt),想(believe, consider, guess, imagine, infer, presume, speculate, suppose, think)
suspect sb. of (a crime)                    懷疑某人(犯了...罪)
suspect patient                                    疑似癥患者
e.g. everybody suspect she is a spy.

switch  [switʃ]  
n. 開關(guān),突然轉(zhuǎn)變
v. 改變,更換(change, exchange, replace, shift, substitute)
switch off ...                         切斷...
switch on ...                          接通...
switch to...                           切換到..., 轉(zhuǎn)變成...
e.g. don't switch the radio on yet.

take [teik] 
v.(took, taken, taking)握住(grab, grasp, hold, seize, snatch),拿走(move, remove, pick up),抓住(arrest, capture, catch, detain),可容納(accommodate, carry, contain, have room for, hold),陪伴(accompany, bring),接受
take hold of sth.                             抓住某物
take/catch cold                             著涼
take a holiday                                休假
take one’s temperature               測(cè)量體溫
take steps                                     采取步驟
take... away                                  拿走...
take down...                                  記[錄]下...
take ...for ...                                    以為(某人或某物)是...
take off(...)                                  取[脫]下...,拆下..., 起飛
take out...                                     取出...
take over...                                   接收[管,任]...
take after...                                  相貌像某人, 學(xué)某人的樣子
take ...back                                 收回..., 帶回...
take care of...                             照顧...
take up ...                                   開始從事...,占據(jù)(時(shí)間等)...
e.g. can i take a message for john?

talent ['tælənt]   
n. 天才, 才能(ability, aptitude, capacity, expertise, genius, gift, skill)
have a talent for...                     有...方面的才華
e.g. his talent was largely self-developed.

talk [tɔ:k] 
v. 交談(communicate, exchange views, speak, tell, utter), 說(shuō)(communicate in, express oneself in, speak)
n.談話,會(huì)談(chat, conversation, dialogue, discussion),講演,講話(address, lecture, presentation, speech)
talk over the telephone                    在電話里談話
talk by gestures                                 用手勢(shì)交談
talk business                                     談生意, 說(shuō)正經(jīng)話
talk sb. into...                                      勸說(shuō)[說(shuō)服]某人(做某事)
talk with...                                          與...交談
e.g. i had a long talk with her.

target ['tɑ:git] 
n.目標(biāo)(aim, ambition, end, goal, hope, intention, objective, purpose),靶子(object)
hit a target                                   達(dá)到定額[指標(biāo)]
miss the target                           未射中靶子
e.g. the company has met their export target.

taste  [teist]
v. 品嘗(try, test),有...味道,體驗(yàn)到
n.味道(flavour, character),愛好,鑒賞力(appreciation, choice, inclination, liking, preference), 味覺
taste cell                              味細(xì)胞
taste of...                                有...味道, 體驗(yàn)到...
black tea                                 紅茶
e.g. she has good taste in clothes.

teach [ti:tʃ]
v. (taught, taught, teaching)講授, 教授(advise, coach, counsel, drill, educate, enlighten, inform, instruct, lecture, train, tutor)
teach sb. to do sth.                      教導(dǎo)某人...
teach sb. sth                                教授某人...
e.g. i taught her to ride a bicycle.

teacher ['ti:tʃə]  
n. 教師,教員

tear [tiə] 
n. (pl.) 眼淚
move sb. to tears                       使某人感動(dòng)得流淚
tears of joy                                  喜悅的眼淚
e.g. a tear rolled down his cheek .
v.( tore, torn, tearing) 撕破,使分裂, 破裂(split)
tear... apart                                  扯開...,使...心碎
tear and wear                               磨[耗]損
tear down                                      扯下, 拆卸
tear sth. to pieces                       撕碎某物
tear up...                                        撕碎...
e.g. don't pull the pages so hard or they will tear.

tell [tel]
vt. (told, told, telling)講(communicate, describe, explain, narrate, recite, relate, reveal, speak, utter),告訴(acquaint sb. with, advise, inform, notify),辨別(discover, discriminate, distinguish, identify, notice, recognize, see), 指示(command, direct, instruct, order)
tell sb. about...                           把某事告訴某人
tell a from b                                區(qū)分a與b
tell a story/tale                            說(shuō)謊
tell ...apart                                   分辨...
tell sb. to do sth.                        吩咐某人...
e.g. it's impossible to tell who will win the next election.

temperature ['tempritʃə(r)]  
n. 溫度
have a temperature                         發(fā)燒
take sb.’s temperature                  . 量(某人的)體溫
e.g. the food should be kept at low temperature.

theory  ['θiəri] 
n. 理論,原理
the theory of relativity                       相對(duì)論[學(xué)說(shuō)]
apply theory to practice                   把理論用于實(shí)踐
in theory                                             在[從]理論上
e.g.  in this way they can better apply theory to practice.

throw  [θrəu] 
v. (threw, thrown, throwing)投,拋(cast, toss) ,扔
throw...  away                                 扔掉..., 丟棄...
throw doubt on...                            對(duì)...產(chǎn)生懷疑
throw...  into...                                  使...陷于...狀態(tài)
throw oneself into...                      投身于..., 積極從事...
e.g. many women throw all of their energies into a career.

tie [tai] 
n. 帶子, 領(lǐng)帶, 平局, 聯(lián)系
vt.把...打結(jié), 系上
a blood tie                               血緣關(guān)系
end in a tie                              以平局結(jié)束
e.g. the tie doesn't match my suit.

time [taim]  
time and space                         時(shí)間和空間
hard times                                  艱苦時(shí)代
for the first time                        第一次
have a good time                       過(guò)得愉快
all the time                                   一直,始終
at a time                                      每次, 一次
at no time                                     在任何時(shí)候都不
at the same time                      同時(shí)
at any time                                   在任何時(shí)候
from time to time                     有時(shí)
in time                                         及時(shí)地,迅速地
on time                                       準(zhǔn)時(shí)地
e.g. time and tide wait for no man.

top [tɔp]  
n. 頂部,頂端,極點(diǎn)adj.最高的,最優(yōu)秀的
vt.(topped, topped, topping) 位于...之首, 超過(guò)
top management                           高管理層
top performance                             最好性能
top science                                      尖端科學(xué)
top speed                                        最高速度
e.g. the mountain tops are covered with snow.

touch [tʌtʃ] 
v. 觸摸(feel),接觸,感動(dòng)(move),提到(mention, speak of)
n. 觸覺,觸摸,接觸,聯(lián)系, 少許
touch off                                     觸發(fā), 使炸裂, 激起
touch on/upon...                        略微談到...
be in touch with...                     與...有聯(lián)系
lose touch with...                       與...失去聯(lián)系
out of touch                                無(wú)聯(lián)系
e.g. let's keep in touch.

trade [treid] 
n. 貿(mào)易,商業(yè),行業(yè)vi.交易, 對(duì)換
foreign trade                                對(duì)外貿(mào)易
trade union                                    工會(huì)
fair trade                                         公平貿(mào)易
trade in...                                         做...生意,經(jīng)營(yíng)...
trade sth. for...                                用某物換...(某物)
e.g. china does a lot of trade with many countries.

traffic ['træfik] 
traffic jam                                     交通擁塞
heavy traffic                                    交通量大
traffic accident                              交通事故
e.g. there's a lot of traffic jams.

transfer [træns'fə:] 
n. 遷移,轉(zhuǎn)移,調(diào)任
vt. (transferred, transferred, transferring)轉(zhuǎn)移,調(diào)任,轉(zhuǎn)學(xué),換車
be transferred to another post              被調(diào)職
transfer to...                               轉(zhuǎn)學(xué)到...
transfer student                           轉(zhuǎn)校學(xué)生
e.g. he was soon transferred to another post.

travel ['trævl] 
vi.(travelled, traveled, travelling)旅行,傳播 n. 旅行
travel agency/service                   旅行社
go on business travel                   出差
e.g.  nothing can travel faster than light.

treat [tri:t]  
n. 款待,請(qǐng)客v. 對(duì)待,治療(cure),款待
treat sb. as a friend.                        把某人當(dāng)作朋友
treat sb. to ...                                       請(qǐng)某人吃...
e.g. thank you for your warm treat.

treatment ['tri:tmənt] 
n. 處理,對(duì)待,款待,治療
heat treatment                                    熱處理
be under (medical) treatment          在治療中
e.g. i tried every treatment the doctor suggested.

trick  [trik] 
n. 花招,詭計(jì),惡作劇,竅門
vt. 欺詐,哄騙
trick sb. into doing sth.                 哄騙某人...
trick with...                                       戲弄...
play tricks on...                             捉弄...
e.g. these children loved playing tricks on their teacher.

trouble ['trʌbl] 
n. 麻煩,困難,故障,紛爭(zhēng)
v. (使)煩惱)(bother, worry),麻煩
be in troubles with...                      和...鬧糾紛
get into trouble                               招致不幸,陷入困境
make trouble                                   制造麻煩,搗亂
e.g. his help has saved me trouble.

trust [trʌst] 
vt. 信任,信賴,委托
n.信任,信賴, 委托
trust in sb.                                      相信某人
trust sb. with sth.                          把某事托付給某人(去辦)
e.g. i trust that all will be well.

try [trai]
n. 嘗試(attempt)v.(tried, tried, trying)試圖(attempt),努力(,endeavour),試驗(yàn)
have a try                                           試試看,嘗試一下
try on                                                   試穿(衣服)
try one's best                                   盡力
try to do sth.                                      試圖...
e.g.   do not try to cover a mistake.

turn [tə:n]
n. 轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng),轉(zhuǎn)變方向,輪替 ,轉(zhuǎn)折點(diǎn)
v.(使)轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng),翻轉(zhuǎn), (使)變?yōu)?
turn...into ...                            把...轉(zhuǎn)變成...
take turns                                依次,輪流
turn around                            轉(zhuǎn)過(guò)去, 回轉(zhuǎn)
turn down...                            拒絕..., 降低...(音量)
turn off...                                 關(guān)閉...
in turn                                    輪流地,依次
e.g. they gave their names in turn.


undergo [,ʌndə'gəu]  
vt. 經(jīng)歷(experience), 遭受, 忍受(suffer from, put up with, stand, sustain)
undergo an examination                    受審查[檢查, 診察]
undergo an operation                          接受手術(shù)
e.g. it can undergo the test of time.


understand [,ʌndə'stænd]
v. (understood, understood, understanding)懂,了解(follow)
make oneself understood              使別人理解自己的意思
understand one another                互相了解[諒解],達(dá)成協(xié)議
e.g. i'm afraid i don't understand.

university [,ju:ni'və:siti]   
n. (綜合性)大學(xué)
university college                          [英]大學(xué)學(xué)院
university entrance examination             大學(xué)入學(xué)考試
university of science                                   理科大學(xué)
university of science and technology        科技大學(xué), 理工科大學(xué)


vacation [və'keiʃən]   
n. 假期,休假
the summer vacation                         暑假
the winter vacation                              寒假
on vacation                                           在度假
e.g. where did you go for your vacation?

vanish ['væniʃ]
vanish into nothing                            化為烏有
vanish away                                        消失
e.g. many types of animals have now vanished from the earth.

vary ['vɛəri]  
v. 改變(alter),使多樣化,變化(change)
vary from ...to ...                    在...到...之間變動(dòng)
vary with...                              隨...而變化
e.g. she varied her dress as fashion changes.

victim ['viktim]  
become the victim of (=fall a victim to)      成為...的犧牲品
e.g. the victim is the person who is hurt.

victory ['viktəri] 
n. 勝利(success, triumph),戰(zhàn)勝
a major victory                     大捷
narrow victory                      險(xiǎn)勝
gain [have, obtain, win] a (the) victory over...   戰(zhàn)勝...

view [vju:]   
n. 景色(scene, scenery, outlook),風(fēng)景(landscape),觀點(diǎn)(viewpoint),觀察
vt.觀察,認(rèn)為(consider, think)
a point of view                                觀點(diǎn)
in view of...                                      鑒于...,由于...
e.g. his view of life is different from yours.

violate ['vaiəleit]    
vt.冒犯(offend),干擾,違反(disobey, break)
violate a law                               犯法
e.g. the country violated the international agreement.

violence ['vaiələns]  
n. 猛烈,強(qiáng)烈,暴力
an act of violence                         暴力行為
use violence                                用暴力
e.g. violence of any kind is wrong.

visit ['vizit] 
n. 拜訪,訪問(wèn),游覽,參觀vt.拜訪,訪問(wèn),參觀,視察
go on a visit to...                                     訪問(wèn)...,參觀...
give [make, pay] sb. a visit                     訪問(wèn)某人
visitor ['vizitə]   

voice [vɔis]  
n.聲音,嗓音, 發(fā)言權(quán)
at the top of one’s voice                    用最大的嗓門
with one voice                                    異口同聲地,一致地

vote [vəʊt]  
n. 投票,選票
v. 投票,投票決定,公認(rèn)
put sth to the vote                       把...付諸表決
vote for/against...                       投票支持/反對(duì)...
voting right                                    投票權(quán)
e.g. his victory hangs on one vote.


wait [weit]  
wait and see                              等著瞧
wait for ...                                  等待...
wait until [till]...                          等到...
e.g. time and tide wait for no man.

wake [weik]    
v. (woke 或 waked; woke,或waked, waking)喚醒(arouse),使認(rèn)識(shí)到,醒來(lái)
wake up to...                                  認(rèn)識(shí)到..., 意識(shí)到...
wake up                                        醒來(lái)
e.g. can you gie me a wake-up call?

walk [wɔ:k] 
vi./n. 步行,散步
go out for a walk                             出去散步
have a walk                                     散步
e.g. mary feels like taking a walk.

want [wɔnt]   
v. 想要,需要,通緝 ,追捕
n. 短缺
in want/need of...                          需要...,缺少...
want to do sth.                              想要...
e.g. i don’t want to see your face!

warn [wɔ:n]    
vt.(常與of, against連用)警告(alarm),提醒
warn sb. off [away]                     通知某人離開,告誡某人避開
warn sb. of...                               警告某人...(某事)
e.g. he warned me against going there at night.

wash  [wɔʃ]     
v. 洗,洗滌,沖掉,耐洗
n.  洗滌
wash against...                               沖洗...
wash away                                       洗掉,洗凈,沖走
wash one's hands of...                  洗手不干...
e.g. i must wash my hands before dinner.

waste [weist]  
n. 廢物,浪費(fèi)
adj. 廢棄的(abandoned),荒蕪的
vt. 浪費(fèi)
waste products                           廢品
waste of time                             浪費(fèi)時(shí)間
waste money                             浪費(fèi)錢
e.g. it's only a waste of time to speak to her.

watch [wɔtʃ] 
n 注視,手表,看守
vt. 看,注視,監(jiān)視,警戒,看守
on watch                                           值班
watch for...                                        留意...
watch a game                                 觀看一場(chǎng)比賽
watch television                              看電視
e.g. we sat there watching basketball.

water ['wɔ:tə]
n. 水
vt. 給...澆水
soda water                               蘇打水
mineral water                            礦泉水
above water                              脫離困境,擺脫麻煩
by water                                     乘船,由水路
e.g. she didn't drink water enough.

way [wei]   
n.方法(method, means, measure),路線,路途,道路(road)
american ways of living                    美國(guó)人的生活方式
all the way                                         一路上,自始至終
by the way                                            順便說(shuō),附帶說(shuō)說(shuō)
by way of...                                          經(jīng)由...,經(jīng)過(guò)...
in no way                                            adv. 決不,無(wú)論如何不
in the way                                           adv. 擋住路,妨礙
on the way home                            adv. 在回家路上
on one’s way to...                            adv. 某人去往...的路上
e.g. he lost his way in the forest.

wear [wɛə] 
v. (wore, worn, wearing)穿(put on),戴,磨損,用舊
wear a cheerful smile                          帶著愉快的笑容
wear a long face                                   拉下臉來(lái)
wear out                                               穿破[舊],逐漸耗盡,使疲憊不堪
wear away                                            磨損, 衰退
wear down                                            (使)磨損,(使)厭倦
e.g. she was worn down by overwork.

welfare   ['welfɛə]   
n. 幸福,福利
welfare work                        福利事業(yè), 福利工作
e.g. they are living on welfare now.

whole [həul] 
n. 全部,全體,整體
adj.所有的,完整的(entire, complete
the whole world                           全世界
as a whole                                   總體上
on the whole                                總的來(lái)說(shuō)
e.g. the whole country was anxious for peace.

win [win] 
v.(won, won, winning)獲得,贏得,博得(get, gain, obtain, achieve, attain)
win a bet                                          賭贏了
win the battle                                   戰(zhàn)勝
win sb. over                                      把某人爭(zhēng)取過(guò)來(lái),說(shuō)服某人
win a reputation                               獲得名聲
e.g. he soon won a reputation for himself.

wipe [waip] 
wipe off                                        擦掉,除掉
wipe away                                    擦去,消除
wipe out                                       消滅
e.g. i wiped my shoes on the mat before i came in.

wish [wiʃ]  
n. 愿望,心愿,祝愿
wish for...                           希望得到...,渴望...
e.g. we wish you a merry christmas.

wonder ['wʌndə]  
n. 奇跡(miracle),驚奇
v. 對(duì)...感到驚訝,想知道
be filled with wonder                               感到十分驚異
the seven wonders of the world            世界七大奇觀
no wonder                                                不足為奇的
e.g. i wonder what really happened.

word [wə:d]   
n. 字,詞,話,消息(message, news),命令(order, command)
eat one’s words                        (被迫)收回前言,承認(rèn)說(shuō)錯(cuò)
in one word                              一句話,總而言之
in other words                           換句話說(shuō),也就是說(shuō)
e.g. my friend sent word that he was well.

work [wə:k] 
n. 工作,操作,(pl. )作品, (pl. ) 工廠
v. (使)工作,(使)運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn),操作
work wonders                           創(chuàng)造奇跡
work on...                                  影響...,設(shè)法說(shuō)服
work out...                                 可以解決..., 設(shè)計(jì)出..., 計(jì)算出...
a gas works                              煤氣廠
work force                                 (工廠等在職的)工人總數(shù), 勞動(dòng)力
work for...                                   為...工作,被...雇用
e.g. he is busy with research work.
worker ['wə:kə] 
n. 勞動(dòng)者,工人

world [wə:ld]    
n. 世界,...界, 世人
a world champion                              世界冠軍
a world crisis                                      世界危機(jī)
all the world                                        全世界,所有的人
in the world                                         世界上, 究竟
e.g. he is the richest man in the world

worry ['wʌri]   
n. 煩惱,憂慮
worry about (= be worried about)       擔(dān)心...,為...憂慮
e.g. there's nothing to worry about.

write [rait]  
v. (wrote, written, writing)書寫,寫信給,寫作,作曲(compile, compose, correspond, draw up, note, set down, take down)
write for a magazine                    為某雜志撰稿
write to sb.                                    寫信給某人
write down...                                 寫(記)下...
write back                                      回復(fù)
e.g. please write your name for me.
writer ['raitə]  
n. 作者,作家(author, composer)



year [jiə]  
n. 年,年度,學(xué)年
this year                                               今年
all the year round                             全年地
for years                                              多年以來(lái)
e.g. he joined the army a year ago.

yield [ji:ld] 
v. 出產(chǎn)(bear, grow, produce, supply),產(chǎn)生(earn, generate, provide, return),屈服(bow, give away, give in, submit, surrender)n.出產(chǎn)物(crop, harvest, produce, product), 利潤(rùn)(earnings, income, interest, profit, return)
yield to ...                               屈服于...
e.g. these trees gave a high yield of fruit this year.

youth [ju:θ]  
n. 少年時(shí)期(adolescence, childhood, infancy),初期,少年,青年們
e.g. in his youth, he had shown great promise.



zone [zəun]   
n. 地域,地帶,地區(qū)(area, district, neighborhood, region, sphere, territory)
a business zone                                   商業(yè)區(qū)
economic development zone                            經(jīng)濟(jì)開發(fā)區(qū)

玛纳斯县| 遵化市| 刚察县| 综艺| 宕昌县| 平遥县| 和田市| 沙洋县| 庆安县| 荣昌县| 广灵县| 濮阳县| 大关县| 大安市| 钟祥市| 织金县| 淮阳县| 湖口县| 大理市| 达孜县| 乡城县| 县级市| 尉犁县| 宜兰市| 永泰县| 汾西县| 拉萨市| 石门县| 大冶市| 宜兴市| 遵化市| 荆州市| 苗栗市| 雅安市| 南召县| 天祝| 宿松县| 永城市| 阳朔县| 延津县| 团风县|