


empty  ['empti]  adj  空的 空洞的 空虛的

                v  使成為空  倒空

 be empty of     毫無, 沒有  缺乏

 empty----out      騰空  騰出來

e.g.  these words are empty of meaning.


enable  [i'neibl]   v  使能夠  make---able    使可能   make---possible

  enable sb to do sth           使人能做某事

 e.g.  training will enable you to find work.


encounter  [in'kauntə]  v /n  遭遇  遇到  run into ,come across

 e.g. she encountered an old friend on the road


encourage [in'kʌridʒ]  v 鼓勵(lì)  support  cheer on

  encourage sb to do sth           鼓勵(lì)某人做某事

e.g. her success encouraged me to try the same thing.


end  [end]  n 末端  結(jié)束 目標(biāo) aim  purpose  

            v 結(jié)束  close  terminate

  make (both)ends meet            收支相抵

  in the end                        最后   中央

  put an end to                     結(jié)束,終止

 e.g.  he passed the exam in the end.


endure  [in'djuə]  v 耐久 persist   last  continue

                   忍耐  bear  tolerate  put up with ,stand  withstand

  endure pain/suffering/hardship           忍受痛苦/苦難 / 艱辛

e.g. i cannot endure listening to that any longer.


engage [in'geidʒ]  v  使忙碌,使從事于 ,占用(時(shí)間)occupy, take up

                       雇用 hire employ 

訂婚  從事

  be engaged in           正忙著――――    正做著―――

  engage in               從事――――

  be engaged to sb        與某人訂婚

  be engaged to do sth     被雇用來做――――

 e.g. they engage in regular exercise.

engine  ['endʒin]  n 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)   機(jī)車 火車頭

  a jet engine                噴氣發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)

  an automobile engine        汽車發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)

e.g. my car has got engine trouble.

engineer  [,endʒi'niə]   n  工程師   技師


enhance  [in'hɑ:ns]   v  提高 increase   增強(qiáng) improve

  e.g. he made many efforts to enhance his reputation.聲譽(yù)


enjoy  [in'dʒɔi]  v  享受――的樂趣,欣賞 like  love  appreciate

                   喜愛    享有  take advantage of , have

  enjoy  oneself           過得愉快

  e.g. i enjoy living in the country.


enlarge   [in'lɑ:dʒ]  v   擴(kuò)大  放大 

  enlarge on         進(jìn)一步詳述

  e.g. can you enlarge this picture?


enormous  [i'nɔ:məs]  adj    巨大的,龐大的huge  gigantic   immense

 e.g.  their living room was enormous.


enough   [i'nʌf]  adj  足夠的 adequate sufficient  

                n  充足,足夠    

                adv   足夠地  充分地 fully  well  adequately

  enough to do ------             足以――――

e.g. enough is as good as a feast.  知足常樂



ensure  [in'ʃuə]  v  保證  擔(dān)保  確保  guarantee ,make---certain/sure

 ensure sb against (from) danger           確保某人免受危險(xiǎn)

 e.g. this medicine will ensure you a good night's sleep.



enter  ['entə]  v  進(jìn)入 come into    參加 engage in,enroll in ,go in for, take part in 登錄

  enter into ----      開始―――   著手―――  參與

e.g.  please do not enter before knocking on the door.敲門

entertain [,entə'tein]   v 娛樂 amuse   招待 receive  cater for  接受  款待

 entertain friends at dinner                      招待朋友吃飯

 e.g. he used music to entertain us.



enthusiasm  [in'θju:ziæzəm]   n 熱心 ambition 狂熱  積極性

  be full of enthusiasm about         熱衷于

  with enthusiasm                  熱情地

 e.g. thanks for your enthusiasm serves.


entire  [in'taiə]  adj  全部的,完整的,整個(gè) all  total  whole

  e.g. . i am in entire agreement with you.


environment  [in'vaiərənmənt]   n  環(huán)境  circumatance  setting  surroundings

 e.g. children need a happy home environment.


equal  ['i:kwəl]  adj  相等的 equivalent  均等的  合適的

  be equal to          等于―――  ――相等

 e.g. i am equal to this position.

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