
1it is ridiculous to dispute爭論辯論 about such things.那些事情
a. frightening  令人恐懼的   
b. shocking 令人震驚的,
c. foolish 愚蠢的,可笑的,滑稽的,荒唐的
d. amusing 有趣的,引人發(fā)笑的
ridiculous adj   荒謬的,可笑的 
2it was obvious that she was not going home回家

a. probable   
b. necessary 必須的,必要的 
c. possible    可能的
d. evident['evidənt] 明顯的,明白的
obvious adj   明顯的,顯而易見的
3he replied that this was absolutely絕對 impossible.不可能的
a. stated    陳述,說明 
b. said 說,
c. answered  回答 
d. claimed 要求,主張
reply    v/ n 回答答復(fù)
4he confesses that he has done 已經(jīng)做過it.
a. admits 承認(rèn)允許進(jìn)入
b. a11eges [ə'ledʒ]斷言,宣稱
c. agrees   同意,贊成  
d. answers 回答
confess  v. 承認(rèn),告白,懺悔
5he lacked缺少 the strength力量 to deal with al1 these problems.問題
a. cope 對付,妥協(xié)處理with   應(yīng)付,處理
b. talk about 談?wù)?/span>  談到
c. copy down  記下來,抄下來  
d. think of   想起   思考
deal with v 處理,安排
6he purchased a ticket票,券 and went up on the top頂點(diǎn),最高點(diǎn) deck.甲板
a. took  take拿,取,搭乘
b. bought  buy
c. showed  show 顯示,展示,表示 
d. made   make做,制造,使
purchased   purchase v/ n 買,購買,購置
7foreign 外國的money can be converted into the local地方的,當(dāng)?shù)氐?/span> currency 貨幣at this bank.銀行
a. written     
b. reported 報(bào)告,記錄 
c. moved   移動(dòng),搬家 
d. changed 轉(zhuǎn)變,改變
convert v 使轉(zhuǎn)變,使轉(zhuǎn)換

8he looks like看起來像 a crazy man
a. mad  發(fā)瘋的,狂熱的,生氣的 
b. patient 有耐心的,忍耐的
c. lazy  懶惰的  
d.happy 高興的
crazy adj   瘋狂的

we cannot permit允許,許可 such conduct.

a. movement  
b. words 詞,單詞,消息
c. behavior 行為,舉止  
d. principle 原則,原理
conduct n 行為,舉動(dòng),品行v 引導(dǎo),指揮,管理
10she started to clean打掃,清潔 the kitchen.廚房
a. stopped 停止  
b. kept 保持,維持 
c. continued  繼續(xù) 
d. began 開始
start   v 開始,起身,出發(fā);起點(diǎn)
11john talked over the new job offer工作機(jī)會 with his wife
a. accepted  接受,同意,承擔(dān) 
b. mentioned 提及,說起
c. discussed  討論,商議
d. rejected 拒絕,抵制
talk over v 商量,討論
12rarely wear a raincoat雨衣 because i spend花費(fèi) most of my time in a car.在車?yán)锩?/span>
a. seldom  很少
b. continuously 不斷地,連續(xù)地 
c. normally  正常地 
d. usually通常
13we explored the possibility 可能性of closer trade links貿(mào)易合作 at the conference.會議上
a. rejected 拒絕,丟棄   (refuse, decline, turn down)
b. postponed 推遲,延期
c. proposed 計(jì)劃,打算,向建議 
d. investigated調(diào)查研究
explore v 探索,探究
14he often finds fault with my work.
a. praises  贊美稱贊 
b. criticizes 批評,吹毛求疵
c.evaluates 評估,評價(jià) 
d. talks about 談?wù)?,討?/span>
find fault with 挑剔(吹毛求疵,抱怨
15they agreed to 同意settle the dispute爭論 by peaceful和平的 means.方式
a. complete  完成
b. determine 決定 ,下決心 (finish accomplish   fulfill)
(decide make up one’s mind )
c. so1ve  解答,解決   
d. untie 解開,松開
settle   n 有背的長凳 v 安放,定居,解決
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