
part ii. vocabulary and structure: (30%)

    directions: in this part there are 30 incomplete sentences. for each sentence there are four choices marked a, b, c, and d. choose the corresponding letter on the answer sheet.


 16. when she was busy tidying the room, her little kid is always _____________ .

    a. under the way    b. on the way    c. in the way    d. by the way

    17. if you have trouble __________the poems, the notes on the margins will help you.

    a. to understand     b. understanding

    c. for understanding  d. with understanding

    18. i _____________with all the windows closed, but now i'd like some fresh air.

    a. am used to sleep   b. am used to sleeping

    c. used to sleeping   d. used to sleep

    19. it __________that the mysterious visitor was an old friend of my grandmother.

    a. turned up   b. turned off    c. turned on    d. turned out

    20. let's have a get-together on the weekend, ___________?

    a. shall we    b. will we      c. shan't we    d. won't we

21. living in the central american desert has its problems, ________ obtaining water is not the least.

a. of which    b. for what     c. as         d. whose



 22. although happened in that developed country sounds like science fiction, _________it could occur elsewhere in the world.

    a. which b. what c. how d. it

    23. the door over there needs ___________ .

    a. painted b. painting c. has painted d. paint

    24. you ___________ yesterday if you were really serious about the job.

    a. ought to come       b. ought to be coming

    c. ought to have come   d. ought have come

    25. he demanded that the problem ___________at once.

    a. would be solved   b. is to be solved   c. is solved    d. be solved

    26. it was not until the accident happened _____________.

    a. when i became aware of my foolishness

    b. when my foolishness became obvious

    c. that did i realize my foolishness

    d. that i became aware of my foolishness

 27. as we know, physics __________the science of energy.

    a. was    b. were      c. is       d. are

    28. the train of the station __________right on time.

    a. pulled  b. pulled down  c. pulled on  d. pulled out

    29. i like this song _________your opinion.

    a. in spite   b. despite of   c. regardless of   d. likewise

    30. __________ you say, he won't listen to you.

    a. no matter where   b. no matter what    c. however   d. whichever

    31. where did you get your watch __________?

    a. repair     b. to repair     c. repaired    d. repairing

    32. he didn't come yesterday. he ____________busy working in the lab.

    a. must be   b. would have been  c. must have been  d. would be

    33.__________ , he must be totally exhausted after a two weeks' trip by bus.

    a. being very strong  b. as a strong man

    c. strong as he is     d. as he is strong


 34. how i wish that i ____________law when i was at college!

    a. had learned     b. would have learned

    c. learned        d. would learn

    35. no sooner ____________than he realized that he should have remained silent.

    a. the words had spoken      b. had the words spoken

    c. the words had been spoken  d. had the words been spoken

    36. she is such a ________person, always asking how i'm feeling.

    a. considerable     b. considering      c. considered    d. considerate

    37. it is said that he ____________murder.

    a. committed       b. conducted       c. executed     d. emitted

    38. only residents here enjoy the _________of using this parking lot.

    a. privilege        b. possibility        c. favor       d. right

    39. only 11 people ___________the shipwreck.

    a. survived after    b. survived through

    c. were survived    d. survived

 40. not ______________a single word all morning.

    a. did he say   b. he said    c. said he    d. does he say

    41. the next moment, __________she had time to realize what was happening, she was hit over the head.

    a. when       b. before     c. since     d. as

    42. mother told the child ____________too late.

    a. not get up   b. do not get up  c. not to get up   d. not getting up

    43. _________he will come or not is unknown.

    a. if     b. whether  c. that     d. what

    44. he never let me __________when i need his support.

    a. in     b. down     c. off     d. out

    45. without the worker's help, sam ___________so much progress.

    a. would not make     b. would not have made

    c. will not make       d. did not make






part 詞匯語法解析

    16c 本題目的是測試way與不同介詞搭配的詞組的意思.under way的意思是"正在進行中",on the way的意思是"在途中",in the way 的意思是"妨礙的、擋道的",by the way 的意思是"順便".所以應選c,本句的意思是:"她忙著打掃房間,她的孩子總是妨礙她."

    17、b 本題測試的是詞組have trouble with sth /have trouble doing sth,因此選擇b,本句的意思是"如果你理解詩有困難,頁邊的注釋會對你有幫助."

18、d 本題測試的是詞組的辨析.used to do 表示過去常常做某事,而現(xiàn)在往往不做了;be used to doing 表示習慣于做某事;be used to do表示...被用來做某事,因此應選d,本句的意思是"我過去習慣關上所有的窗戶睡覺,但是現(xiàn)在我喜歡新鮮空氣."

19、d 本題目的是測試turn與不同副詞搭配的詞組的意思.turn up的意思是"出現(xiàn)",turn off的意思是"關掉、生產",turn on 的意思是"打開、開啟",turn out的意思是"關掉""證實、發(fā)覺是"的意思.所以應選d,本句的意思是"神秘的來訪者最后證實是我祖母的老朋友."

    20、a 本題測試的是附加疑問句.在以let's開頭的祈使句之后,附加疑問部分用shall we. 因此選擇a.

    21、a 本題測試的是非限制性定語從句.本句的意思是"在美洲中部沙漠居住有很多問題,其中獲得水不是一個小問題."獲得水是所有問題中的一個,是所屬關系,而且沒有生命,因此應選a

    22、b 本題測試的是主語從句.what 可以引導主語從句,本句中what 引導的主語從句做整個句子分句的主語,同時what 也是主語從句動詞happen的主語.其他選項不能引導主語從句.

    23、b 本題測試的是need的用法.(sth) need doing = (sth) need to be done 的意思是某事需要被做,用主動表示被動.因此應選b,本句的意思是"那扇門需要噴漆."

    24、c 本題測試的是混合虛擬語氣.主句和從句的謂語動詞指不同的時間,這時需要用混合虛擬語氣,在這種虛擬情況,動詞形式應根據實際情況靈活使用,絕大多數(shù)情況下,從句或者主句都有相關的時間狀語,這是解題的關鍵.由于主句的時間狀語"昨天"所以應選c, ought to have done,情態(tài)動詞的完成式表示對過去的虛擬.本句的意思是"如果你很認真地對待這項工作,你昨天本應該來的."

    25、d 在英語中的表示"命令、要求、建議"等的動詞的賓語從句往往要用虛擬語氣,例如:command, recommend, order.虛擬語氣結構是should 動詞原形,should可省略.本句的意思是"他命令這個問題立刻解決."

    26、d 本題測試的是強調句型"it is (was)…that\who…"當強調的是人的時候用who ,其他都用that,本句強調的是時間狀語從句,因此用that.只有當not until 從句提前到句首時,主句才部分倒裝.因此選d

    27c 本題測試的是主謂一致.-ics結尾的學科名稱,:physics, mathematics, optics等等,通常用單數(shù)謂語.

    28、d本題目的是測試pull與不同介詞搭配的詞組的意思.pull down"毀壞、破壞"的意思,pull out"離開"的意思.因此選d.本句的意思是"火車準時發(fā)車".

    29、c表示讓步的介詞短語有in spite of, despite regardless of, 因此應選c. likewise是副詞.

    30b 本題測試的是讓步狀語從句.no matter what等于whatever, what 要同時做say 的賓語.no matter where中的wherehowever只能在從句中作狀語,whichever 要有限定范圍.

    31、c 本題測試的是get 以過去分詞作賓補,表示使某事被別人做.本句的意思是"你在哪里修的表?(你在哪里使你的表被別人修了?)"

    32、c 本句的時間狀語是"昨天",意思是"他昨天沒來,一定是忙著在實驗室工作."would have done表示與過去事實相反的假設的虛擬語氣,must have done 表示過去的肯定推測.因此選c.

    33c 本題測試的是as引導的讓步從句必須將表語或狀語提前 (形容詞, 副詞, 分詞, 實義動詞提前),句首如果是名詞不能帶任何冠詞,例如:child as he is, he knows a great deal.

    如果句首是實義動詞, 其他助動詞放在主語后;如果實義動詞有賓語和狀語, 隨實義動詞一起放在主語之前,例如:try hard as he will, he never seems able to do the work satisfactorily. 因此應選c

    34、a/b 本題測試的是由wish引起的表示愿望的虛擬語氣.wish表示對現(xiàn)在的愿望時,它所引起的賓語從句中謂語動詞形式為:過去式(be動詞用were);wish表示對將來的愿望時,它所引起的賓語從句中謂語動詞形式為:would, could, might 動詞原形;wish用于對過去的事實表示一種不可能實現(xiàn)的愿望時,賓語從句中的謂語動詞形式為:had 動詞過去分詞或could, would have 動詞過去分詞.本句的意思是"我多么希望在大學期間學過法律,"時間狀語是過去時間,因此選a/b.

    35、d no sooner…than…意義相當于as soon as,引導時間狀語從句,表示過去發(fā)生的事情,主句為過去完成時,從句為過去時,no sooner位于句首時語氣強,而且主句的謂語要用部分倒裝.本句的意思是"話剛出口,他就意識到他本應該保持沉默."

    36、d 本題測試的詞義辨析.considerable"(數(shù)量)相當可觀的"的意思;considering是介詞,"鑒于、顧及"的意思;considered "深思熟慮的、考慮過的"的意思;considerate"體貼的、考慮周到的".本句的意思是"她是一個體貼的人,經常問我感覺如何."因此選d.

    37、a 本題測試的是詞義辨析.本句的意思是:"據說他犯了謀殺罪." a. commit "(錯誤、罪刑)"的意思,賓語常常是表示罪名的詞,:commit a crime/a sin/suicide/murder. b. conduct "指揮、領導"的意思,:conduct a meeting c. execute "執(zhí)行、實行"的意思,:execute the decisions of the government d. emit "發(fā)射、發(fā)出"的意識,:a stove emitting heat

38、a 本題測試的是詞義辨析.privilege"特權,優(yōu)惠",指給予個人、某一階層或某一社會階級或為其所享有的特別的好處、權利、利益或優(yōu)惠,通常不是每個人都能享受的;favor "好感、喜愛",通常與動詞win搭配,例如:to win the favor of the professor;right 指合法的,符合道德規(guī)范的或傳統(tǒng)上的正當權力,例如:enjoy the right of free press;possibility 指可能性,不與enjoy 搭配,常用句型如:there is no possibility of his coming./ is it a possibility that you will work abroad? 所以應選a,本句的意思是"只有這里的居民享有使用這個停車場的特權."

39d survive可以作不及物動詞,"幸存、活下來"的意思,例如:her parents died in the accident, but she survived. 當作及物動詞時,"經歷……之后還存在",例如:few buildings survived the fire. 本句中survive 作為及物動詞,意思是"只有11個人在海難中幸存."

    40、a 本題測試的是當句首狀語為否定詞或帶有否定意義的詞語時,一般引起局部倒裝.本句正常語序應為 he did not say a single word all morning. 當否定詞not提前時,句子部分倒裝,所以選a

    41b 本題測試的是辨析引導時間狀語從句的連詞.when 的意思是"……的時候",表示動作同時發(fā)生;before的意思是"……之前",強調動作的先后順序;since的意思是"自從……",主句一般用完成時;as的意思是"……",強調同時性,"一邊……,一邊……".因此應選b, 本句的意思是"緊接著,在她意識到正在發(fā)生什么之前,她就被擊中了頭部."

    42、c 本句的意思是"媽媽告訴孩子起床不要太遲."tell sb to do sth"告訴某人做某事", 動詞不定式的否定式是在動詞不定式前加not,tell sb not to do sth. 因此選c

    43、b 本句的意思是"他是否來還是未知".whether可以與or not 連用,引導名詞性分句作主語;if 不能引導名詞性從句,也不能與or not 連用;that 可以引導名詞性從句,但不與or not 連用;what 可以引導名詞性從句作主語,但是what要在從句中做成分.因此選b

    44b 本題目的是測試let 與不同介詞搭配的詞組的意思. let down"使失望、辜負"的意思;let in"允許進入"的意思; let off"放出(氣體)"的意思; let out"放掉、泄露"的意思.因此選b.本句的意思是"但我需要他的支持時,他從不讓我失望."

    45、b 本題的意思是"如果沒有那位工人的幫助,薩姆就不會取得如此大的進步."would have done表示與過去事實相反的假設的虛擬語氣,因此選b

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