


take [teik]  v.(took, taken, taking)握住(grab, grasp, hold, seize, snatch),拿走(move, remove, pick up),抓住(arrest, capture, catch, detain),可容納(accommodate, carry, contain, have room for, hold),陪伴(accompany, bring),接受

take hold of sth.                             抓住某物

take/catch cold                             著涼

take a holiday                                休假

take ones temperature               測量體溫

take steps                                     采取步驟

take... away                                  拿走...

take down...                                  []...

take ...for ...                                    以為(某人或某物)...

take off(...)                                  []...,拆下..., 起飛

take out...                                     取出...

take over...                                   接收[管,任]...

take after...                                  相貌像某人, 學某人的樣子

take ...back                                 收回..., 帶回...

take care of...                             照顧...

take up ...                                   開始從事...,占據(jù)(時間等)...

e.g. can i take a message for john?


talent ['tælənt]   n. 天才, 才能(ability, aptitude, capacity, expertise, genius, gift, skill)

have a talent for...                     ...方面的才華

e.g.his talent was largely self-developed.


talk [tɔ:k]  v.交談(communicate, speak, tell, utter),說(communicate in, express oneself in, speak)

n.談話,會談(chat, conversation, dialogue, discussion),講演,講話(address, lecture, presentation, speech)

talk over the telephone                    在電話里談話

talk business                                     談生意, 說正經(jīng)話

talk sb. into...                                      勸說[說服]某人(做某事)

talk with...                                          ...交談

e.g. i had a long talk with her.


target ['tɑ:git]  n.目標(aim, ambition, end, goal, hope, intention, objective, purpose),靶子(object)

hit a target                                   達到定額[指標]

miss the target                               未射中靶子

e.g. the company has met their export target.


taste  [teist]  v. 品嘗(try, test),有...味道,體驗到

n.味道(flavour, character),愛好,鑒賞力(choice, inclination, preference), 味覺

taste cell                              味細胞

taste of...                                ...味道, 體驗到...

e.g. she has good taste in clothes.


teach [ti:tʃ] v. (taught, taught, teaching)講授, 教授(advise, coach, counsel, drill, educate, enlighten, inform, instruct, lecture, train, tutor )

teach sb. to do sth.                      教導某人...

teach sb. sth                                教授某人...

e.g. i taught her to ride a bicycle.

teacher ['ti:tʃə]   n. 教師,教員


tear [tiə]  n. (pl.) 眼淚

move sb. to tears                       使某人感動得流淚

tears of joy                                  喜悅的眼淚

e.g.a tear rolled down his cheek .

v.( tore, torn, tearing) 撕破,使分裂, 破裂(split)

tear... apart                                  扯開...,使...心碎

tear and wear                               []

tear down                                      扯下, 拆卸

tear sth. to pieces                       撕碎某物

tear up...                                        撕碎...

e.g. don't pull the pages so hard or they will tear.


tell [tel] vt. (told, told, telling)(communicate, describe, explain, recite, relate, reveal, speak, utter),告訴(advise, inform, notify),辨別(discover, discriminate, distinguish, identify, notice, recognize, see), 指示(command, direct, instruct, order)

tell sb. about...                           把某事告訴某人

tell a from b                                區(qū)分ab

tell a story/tale                            說謊

tell ...apart                                   分辨...

tell sb. to do sth.                        吩咐某人...

e.g. it's impossible to tell who will win the next election.選舉


temperature ['tempritʃə(r)]   n. 溫度

have a temperature                         發(fā)燒

take sb.s temperature                  . (某人的)體溫

e.g. the food should be kept at low temperature.


throw  [θrəu]  v. (threw, thrown, throwing)投,拋(cast, toss) ,扔

throw...  away                                 扔掉..., 丟棄...

throw doubt on...                            ...產(chǎn)生懷疑

throw...  into...                                  使...陷于...狀態(tài)

throw oneself into...                      投身于..., 積極從事...

e.g. many women throw all of their energies into a career.


tie [tai]  n. 帶子, 領(lǐng)帶, 平局,聯(lián)系 vt....打結(jié), 系上

a blood tie                               血緣關(guān)系

end in a tie                              以平局結(jié)束

e.g. the tie doesn't match my suit.



time [taim]   n.時間,時候,時機,次數(shù), (pl.)時代

time and space                         時間和空間

hard times                                  艱苦時代

for the first time                        第一次

have a good time                       過得愉快

all the time                                   一直,始終

at a time                                      每次, 一次

at no time                                     在任何時候都不

at the same time                                同時

at any time                                   在任何時候

from time to time                               有時

in time                                         及時地,迅速地

on time                                       準時地

e.g. time and tide wait for no man.


top [tɔp]   n. 頂部,頂端,極點adj.最高的,最優(yōu)秀的

vt.(topped, topped, topping) 位于...之首, 超過

top management                           高管理層

top performance                             最好性能

top science                                      尖端科學

top speed                                        最高速度

e.g. the mountain tops are covered with snow.


touch [tʌtʃ]  v. 觸摸(feel),接觸,感動(move),提到(mention, speak of)

n. 觸覺,觸摸,接觸,聯(lián)系, 少許

touch off                                     觸發(fā), 使炸裂, 激起

touch on/upon...                        略微談到...

be in touch with...                     ...有聯(lián)系

lose touch with...                       ...失去聯(lián)系

out of touch                                無聯(lián)系

e.g. let's keep in touch.


trade [treid]  n. 貿(mào)易,商業(yè),行業(yè)vi.交易, 對換

foreign trade                                對外貿(mào)易

fair trade                                         公平貿(mào)易

trade in...                                         ...生意,經(jīng)營...

trade sth. for...                                用某物換...(某物)

e.g. china does a lot of trade with many countries.


traffic ['træfik]  n.交通,交通量

traffic jam                                     交通擁塞

heavy traffic                                    交通量大

traffic accident                              交通事故

e.g. there's a lot of traffic jams.


transfer [træns'fə:]  n. 遷移,轉(zhuǎn)移,調(diào)任 vt. (transferred, transferred, transferring)轉(zhuǎn)移,調(diào)任,轉(zhuǎn)學,換車

be transferred to another post              被調(diào)職

transfer to...                               轉(zhuǎn)學到...

transfer student                           轉(zhuǎn)校學生

e.g. he was soon transferred to another post.


travel ['trævl]  v(travelled, traveled, travelling)旅行,傳播 n. 旅行

travel agency/service                   旅行社

go on business travel                   出差

e.g. nothing can travel faster than light.


treat [tri:t]   n. 款待,請客v. 對待,治療(cure),款待

treat sb. as a friend.                        把某人當作朋友

treat sb. to ...                                       請某人吃...

e.g. thank you for your warm treat.

treatment ['tri:tmənt]  n. 處理,對待,款待,治療

heat treatment                                    熱處理

be under (medical) treatment          在治療中

e.g. i tried every treatment the doctor suggested.


trick  [trik]  n. 花招,詭計,惡作劇,竅門 vt. 欺詐,哄騙

trick sb. into doing sth.                 哄騙某人...

trick with...                                       戲弄...

play tricks on...                             捉弄...

e.g. these children loved playing tricks on their teacher.


trouble ['trʌbl]  n. 麻煩,困難,故障,紛爭 v. (使)煩惱)(bother, worry),麻煩

be in troubles with...                      ...鬧糾紛

get into trouble                               招致不幸,陷入困境

make trouble                                   制造麻煩,搗亂

e.g. his help has saved me trouble.


trust [trʌst]  vt. 信任,信賴,委托 n.信任,信賴, 委托

trust in sb.                                      相信某人

trust sb. with sth.                          把某事托付給某人(去辦)

e.g. i trust that all will be well.


try [trai] n.嘗試(attempt)v.(tried, tried, trying)試圖(attempt),努力(,endeavour),試驗

have a try                                           試試看,嘗試一下

try on                                                   試穿(衣服)

try one's best                                   盡力

try to do sth.                                      試圖...

e.g.   do not try to cover a mistake.


turn [tə:n]n. 轉(zhuǎn)動,轉(zhuǎn)變方向,輪替 ,轉(zhuǎn)折點 v.(使)轉(zhuǎn)動,翻轉(zhuǎn), (使)變?yōu)?span lang="en-us">

turn...into ...                            ...轉(zhuǎn)變成...

take turns                                依次,輪流

turn around                            轉(zhuǎn)過去, 回轉(zhuǎn)

turn down...                            拒絕..., 降低...(音量)

turn off...                                 關(guān)閉...

in turn                                    輪流地,依次

e.g. they gave their names in turn.


漳平市| 龙里县| 平湖市| 乐安县| 讷河市| 维西| 萨嘎县| 黑河市| 时尚| 惠水县| 应城市| 大田县| 赫章县| 清丰县| 枣强县| 宜城市| 丹凤县| 垣曲县| 枝江市| 始兴县| 礼泉县| 河源市| 六枝特区| 台北县| 瑞丽市| 龙陵县| 分宜县| 肇东市| 连云港市| 北票市| 汾西县| 吴忠市| 遂平县| 伊金霍洛旗| 盘锦市| 宁陵县| 陈巴尔虎旗| 商城县| 湖南省| 信阳市| 泌阳县|