

measure ['meʒə]     n. 尺寸(length, size, amount, quantity),措施(means, action, step)

vt. 測量(assess, calculate, gauge, judge, survey)

take measures/action           采取措施

beyond measure               無可估量, 極度地

measure up to...               符合..., 達(dá)到..., 夠得上...

e.g. the government has promised to take measures to help the unemployed.失業(yè)者


medicine ['medisin]   n. 藥,醫(yī)學(xué),內(nèi)科學(xué)

take medicine           吃藥

prescribe medicine       開藥

e.g. the best medicine for you now would be a good holiday.


meet [mi:t]   vt.(met, met, meeting) 遇見(encounter, bump into, come across, run into, see),

會見,經(jīng)歷(experience, go through),滿足(satisfy, fulfill)    n. 集會(meeting),運動會

meet (someone) halfway      ...妥協(xié)

meet with...                 偶遇...,碰到...

sports meet                 運動會

e.g. they made a date to meet soon.


memory ['meməri]     n. 記憶,記憶力,回憶,存儲(器)

bring... back [call] to memory     使想起...

from memory                  憑記憶

in memory of...                 以紀(jì)念...

memory training                記憶訓(xùn)練

e.g. he has a bad memory for dates.


mention ['menʃən]     vt./n. 提及(refer to, notice),說起

not to mention... (=without mentioning...)                更不必說,更談不上

e.g. he was hesitant to mention it.


merit ['merit]   n. 優(yōu)點(virtue, strength),價值(value, worth)

v. 值得(deserve),應(yīng)得(be worth, , be entitled to)

e.g. there is little merit in passing the examination if you cheated.


method ['meθəd]        n. 方法(way, means, manner, style)

e.g. i don't agree in their method.


mind[maind]n. 頭腦(brain, head, intelligence),記憶(memory),注意力(attention)

vt. 介意(care),注意(be careful about, look out for, take notice of),照看(attend to, care for, look after)

bear/keep...in mind       ...記在心里

change ones mind        某人改變主意

call... to mind             回憶起...,記起...

make up ones mind(to do...)    下決心,決定

never mind               沒關(guān)系,別難過

in ones minds eye        依據(jù)某人的想象

e.g. reading does good to our mind.


mineral ['minərəl]      n. 礦物,礦石adj. 礦物的

mineral water            礦泉水

mineral nutrition         礦質(zhì)營養(yǎng)

e.g. coal is a kind of mineral fuel.


minister ['ministə] n. 部長,大臣

minister of state           國務(wù)部長[大臣]

prime minister            總理, 首相

e.g. he was elected minister of education.


miracle ['mirəkl]        n. 奇跡(wonder, mystery),令人驚奇的人或事

miracle drug             特效藥

work/do a miracle        創(chuàng)造奇跡

e.g. taiwan's economy is a miracle.


miss [mis]      vt. 思念(long for, want, need), 錯過(lose, skip) n. 小姐(lady), 姑娘(girl)

miss a target          沒打中目標(biāo)

miss a bus            沒趕上公共汽車

miss an appointment    沒有及時赴約

miss sb.              思念某人

e.g. sometimes i miss home cooking.


mistake [mis'teik] mistook,mistaken,mistaking   n. 錯誤,過失(error, slip) v. ...弄錯(confuse, misunderstand)

make mistakes         犯錯誤

mistake ...for...         ...誤認(rèn)為...

by mistake            錯誤地

e.g. you mistook my meaning entirely.


mix [miks]  v. 混合(blend, combine, mingle, put together),交往

n. 混合物(mixture, compound),混合

mix in with...     ...交往, ...廝混

mix ...up         混和..., 混淆...

e.g. she put the sugar into the coffee and mixed them up with a spoon.



mixture ['mikstʃə]     n. 混合物(compound),混合

e.g. air is a mixture of gases.


mode [məud]    n. 方式(fashion, manner, method), 模式(pattern, style)

e.g. the country girl was not used to their lavish奢侈 mode of living.


modify  ['mɔdifai]   vt. 更改,修改(adapt, adjust, alter, change, convert, improve, vary)

e.g. he'll have to modify his views觀點 if he wants to be elected.選舉


moment ['məumənt]    n. 瞬間(instant, minute)

at the moment       此刻,(正當(dāng))那時

for a moment        片刻

e.g. i'd like to speak to you for a moment.


money ['mʌni]   n. 金錢(currency),財富(fortune, treasure, wealth)

make money         掙錢

paper money         紙幣, 鈔票

e.g. money doesn't always bring happiness.


monitor ['mɔnitə]   n. 班長,顯視器(screen)    v. 監(jiān)控(inspect, watch)

e.g. the monitor collected the exercise books after the class was over.


mood [mu:d]   n. 心情(temper, spirit, state of mind), 情緒

in a ...mood      處于一種...的情緒中

be in no mood for sth. ( to do sth.)     沒有心思做某事

e.g. she is always in a good mood .


motion  ['məuʃən]    n. 移動(movement),手勢(sign, gesture),(會上)提議(proposal)

motion picture    電影

motion testing    運動試驗

e.g. he opened the door and motioned me to come in.


motive ['məutiv]     n. 動機,目的(aim, cause, intention, motivation, object, purpose, reason)

a motive for...         ...的動機

e.g. his sole唯一的 motive is to make more money.


motor ['məutə]     n. 電動機,發(fā)動機(engine),汽車(car, motorcar, automobile)

motor locomotive    發(fā)動機機車

motor vehicles       機動車輛, 汽車

motor industry       汽車制造業(yè)

e.g. the machines are driven by electric motors.


mountain ['mauntin]    n. (hill, mount), 山脈

e.g. he looks down from the top of the mountain to the valley far below.


mouth [mauθ]    n. 口,嘴     v. 說出(pronounce, say, utter),夸大地說

keep ones mouth shut     保持緘默

close [shut] ones mouth    閉嘴,不作聲

give mouth to...           說出...

e.g. the news spread from mouth to mouth.


move [mu:v]  vt. 移動(remove, shift, transfer),感動(affect, touch, arouse),遷移

n.步驟(act, action, movement, step )

move away       離開

move back       向后退

move in         進(jìn)入

move towards...   ...前進(jìn)

move up         上升

move down       下降

on the move       在運動中,在發(fā)展中,在忙碌中

move on          繼續(xù)前進(jìn)

e.g. the earth move around the sun.


movement ['mu:vmənt]      n. 活動(motion, action, activity),動作(change, development, progress),(群眾性)運動(campaign)

mass movement        []群眾運動

e.g. the trade union movement工會運動 works to obtain higher wages 工資and better conditions.條件


movie['mu:vi]    n. 電影(cinema),電影院(theater)

go to the movies      去看電影

e.g. i watched a great movie last night .


music ['mju:zik]   n. 音樂,樂曲

listen to music       聽音樂

face the music       接受處罰,承擔(dān)后果

soft music          輕音樂

pop music          流行音樂

folk music          民間音樂

country music       鄉(xiāng)村音樂

e.g. i like listening to pop music.


mystery ['mistəri]  n. 神秘, 神秘的事物  puzzle

e.g. why he went there is a mystery to me.


米林县| 汽车| 上林县| 万安县| 彰化县| 黔东| 天峨县| 鄱阳县| 怀柔区| 肃北| 红原县| 南阳市| 大港区| 治多县| 安陆市| 栾城县| 桐柏县| 潞西市| 宜君县| 石楼县| 安徽省| 兰考县| 赤水市| 永仁县| 罗江县| 浦北县| 百色市| 平原县| 兖州市| 峨眉山市| 平定县| 黎城县| 湟源县| 宝坻区| 昌都县| 田阳县| 永安市| 涟水县| 册亨县| 西宁市| 萝北县|