

lift [lift] v.提高(raise, elevate, pick up),(尤指云,霧)消散(disappear, vanish)

n. 舉起, 電梯(elevator), 搭車(chē)

give sb. a lift                                   讓某人搭便車(chē)

lift a finger                             [通常用于否定句]出一點(diǎn)兒力

lift the ban on...                                (對(duì)...)解禁

lift ... up                                        ...提起來(lái)

e.g. he's too weak to lift the box.


like [laik] vt. 喜歡(enjoy, love, prefer, be fond of, be interested in, delight in, appreciate),希望(wish, expect)prep. 像,如同 adj. 相像的(alike),相同的

would like to do                                 想要...

feel like doing                                  想要...

lf you like                                      如果你愿意的話(huà)

e.g. it sounds like you enjoyed it.


limit['limit] vt.限制, 限定(confine, restrict)n. 界限, 限度(restriction)

set a limit to...                               對(duì)...加以限制

limit sb. to (doing) sth.                      限制某人(做)某事

e.g. please limit your shower淋浴 time.


line [lain]n. 線(xiàn)(thread, string), 路線(xiàn)(path, route, way), 電線(xiàn)(electrical wire)(文章)vt. 排成一行

be in line with...                           ...一致, 與...符合

line up (for...)                             排隊(duì)(等候...)

wait in line(for...)                        排隊(duì)等候(...

be on line                                 (計(jì)算機(jī))在線(xiàn)

e.g. hang the clothes on the line.


link [liŋk]vt.連結(jié)(join, connect, unite),聯(lián)系n. 鏈環(huán),連結(jié)物

link up                                          聯(lián)接,結(jié)合

e.g.   is there a link between smoking and lung disease?


live [liv]  v. 活著,生活(exist),居住(dwell, reside)adj.活的,有生命的,實(shí)況轉(zhuǎn)播的 adv 實(shí)況地

live a ...life                      過(guò)...生活

live by...                           ...生活

live on/upon...                      ...生存,以...為食

live up to                           不辜負(fù)-----的期望

live with...                         ...同居,忍受

live for...                           ...而生活

e.g. did you live with your parents?


liver ['livə]  n. 肝臟,生活者,居民

liver cancer                             肝癌

liver failure                           [醫(yī)]肝功能衰竭

liver function                           肝功能

e.g. the doctor says it's just a touch of liver.


living['liviŋ]n. 生活(existence, life),生計(jì)adj. 活著的,現(xiàn)存的 (alive, live, existing, surviving)

make ones living by...                ...謀生

living conditions                       生活的境況

living room                             客廳,起居室

living cost                              生活費(fèi)用

living resources                         生活資源

e.g. dying is as natural自然 as living.


loan [ləun]  n. (借出的)貸款,借出v. 借,借給(lend)

比較 borrow ,lend/loan

borrow 借入


e.g.i borrowed $100 from/of him.



e.g. he loaned/lent me $100.



locate [ləu'keit] vt. ...設(shè)置在(establish, found, build),使...坐落于,找到(discover, find),探明

be located in...                             坐落于..., 位于...

locating device                             定位裝置

e.g. locate the place on this map.

location n. 位置(place, position, situation), 場(chǎng)所(site)

e.g. the town is a good location for a young doctor.


look [luk]vi. 看,看起來(lái)好象(seem, appear),顯得n. 看,面容(face),外表(appearance)

look at...                                  ...

look after...                               照料...,尋求

look back...                                照顧

look down upon                              俯視,輕視

look for...                                 尋找...

look forward to...                          盼望...,期待...

look in                                     順便看望

look into...                                調(diào)查..., 觀(guān)察...

look on                                     觀(guān)望,旁觀(guān)

look up...                                  查閱...

look up to...                               尊敬...

look over ...                               檢查...  原諒

look down on...                             輕視...,看不起...

look through                                仔細(xì)查看

e.g. he looks nervous.


lose [lu:z]vt. (lost, lost, losing)遺失(miss),失去,使迷路,輸?shù)?span lang="en-us">(fail)

lose weight                               減輕體重,減肥

lose ones way                           迷路

lose ones courage                       喪失勇氣

lose interest (in...)                     失去(對(duì)...的)興趣

lose patience                             失去耐心

e.g. i lost my wallet 錢(qián)包yesterday.


loss[lɔs]  n. 損失(damage),遺失,失敗(failure, defeat)

at a loss                                虧本,不知所措

e.g. the loss of her purse錢(qián)包 caused her much inconvenience.不便


lot [lɔt]  n. 許多,大量 adv 相當(dāng)

lots and lots of...                     許許多多的,大量的

a lot of...                             非常多的...

a lot                                   非常

e.g. a healthy society can tolerate a lot of criticism.


love [lʌv]   n. 熱愛(ài)(passion),愛(ài)情(affection),愛(ài)好vt. 愛(ài)(like, care for, have a passion for, treasure),愛(ài)好(enjoy)

first love                                初戀

fall in love with...                     愛(ài)上...

love at first sight                       一見(jiàn)鐘情

e.g. i love my motherland.祖國(guó)


luck [lʌk]  n. 運(yùn)氣,幸運(yùn)(chance, fortune)

in luck                                    運(yùn)氣好

out of luck                              運(yùn)氣不好

e.g. dare勇敢,大膽 and diligence 勤奮bring luck.


lung [lʌŋ] n.

lung cancer                                    肺癌

e.g. smoking can cause lung cancer.


恩平市| 吉林省| 唐山市| 哈尔滨市| 仙游县| 唐河县| 临澧县| 胶南市| 克东县| 海晏县| 桓台县| 漠河县| 会宁县| 汕尾市| 永昌县| 阳泉市| 三门县| 江津市| 长春市| 云和县| 扶余县| 沛县| 南昌市| 太湖县| 萍乡市| 陵川县| 宁夏| 玛沁县| 汽车| 湟源县| 天水市| 耒阳市| 龙江县| 阜新市| 洛隆县| 昆山市| 保靖县| 塔城市| 五原县| 黄山市| 正阳县|