


lack[læk] v. 缺乏(be short of)n. 缺乏(absence, shortage),短缺

lack of ...                                      ...的缺少

for lack of...                                    因缺乏...

e.g. he is lack of passion熱情 in work.


lag[læg] n./vi.(lagged, lagged, lagging) 落后(drop behind, get behind)

lag behind ...                                   落在...的后面

e.g. the children always lag behind when we go for a walk.


land [lænd]  n. 陸地(earth),土地(soil), 國土v. (使)登陸,靠岸

land transportation                              陸上運輸

forest land                                      林地

e.g. we are glad to be on land again.


laugh [lɑ:f] vi./n.

laugh at...                                      嘲笑...

laugh... off                                     用笑擺脫...

laugh in sb.'s face                              當面嘲笑某人

laughter ['lɑ:ftə] n. , 笑聲

e.g. don't laugh at him.     laughter is the best medicine.


launch[ lɑ:ntʃ]   vt.發(fā)射(導(dǎo)彈、火箭等)(send off, set off),發(fā)起(begin, initiate, set up, start ),使(船)下水   n. 發(fā)射,(船)下水

launch an artificial satellite ['sætəlait]                    發(fā)射人造衛(wèi)星

e.g.they have launched a man-made satellite successfully.


law   [lɔ:] n. 法律,規(guī)律(rule, principle) ,定律               

observe/keep/follow a law                                 守法

enforce a law                                             執(zhí)法

the laws of nature                                         自然規(guī)律

e.g.i have to follow nature's law.


lay [lei]vt.(laid, laid, laying) 放置(put, place),鋪設(shè),布置,產(chǎn)()

lay... aside                                       擱置..., 積蓄...

lay down...                                        制定...,放下...

lay out                                            布置, 展示

lay... off                                        (臨時)解雇...

e.g. we shall have to digunder the river to lay the sewage  污水pipe.管道


lead [li:d]  v.(led, led, leading) 領(lǐng)導(dǎo)(guide, direct, head, supervise),為---帶路,通向,導(dǎo)致     n. 鉛, 領(lǐng)導(dǎo) ,領(lǐng)先

lead sb. in doing...                              領(lǐng)導(dǎo)某人做...

lead a ... life                                   ...生活

lead to...                                        導(dǎo)致..., 通向...

take the lead                                     帶頭

e.g. the guide向?qū)?span lang="en-us">led us to the river.

leader ['li:də] n. 領(lǐng)袖,領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者

e.g. he's a follower, not a leader.

leadership  n. 領(lǐng)導(dǎo)能力

under the leadership of...                       ...的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)之下

e.g. he shows quality才能 of leadership.


learn [lə:n]v. (learnt/learned, learnt/learned, learning)學習(study),學會(acquire, grasp, master),得知(know), 記住(bear in mind, memorize)

learn ...by heart                                記住...

learn from...                                    ...學習

learn of/about...                                得知..., 了解...

e.g.one is never too old to learn.   活到老,學到老。



leave[li:v]v. (left, left, leaving)離開(depart, go away, set off),留下,使處于(某種狀態(tài))n.假期

leave for...                                     出發(fā)前往...

leave ...alone                                   不管...

leave... behind                                  遺留..., 超過...

leave ...out                                     省去..., 遺漏...

ask for leave                                     請假

e.g. what time does the ship leave?


lecture ['lektʃə]   n./v. 演講(speech, address),講課

attend a lecture                                   聽報告,上課

deliver [give] a lecture                           講課,講演

e.g. his long lecture made us yawn.打瞌睡


lend [lend]v. (lent, lent, lending)借給(loan),貸()

 lend sth to sb                                   把某物借給某人

lend a hand in...                                幫忙..., 參加...

lend itself to...                                 有助于...

e.g. can you lend me money? no way.


let [let]v. (let, let, letting)允許(allow, permit, agree to), 讓,出租(rent, lease)

let alone...                        1更別提...  2 不打擾

let down...                         1放下...,  2使失望...

let... off                          1放(炮, 煙火等), 開(槍)    2放過,寬恕  

let...out                           1放走,釋放     2 發(fā)出

e.g. i let him go home.


letter ['letə]  n. 文字,字母,信函

by letter                                        以書信形式

post a letter                                    寄一封信

e.g. this word has five letters.


level ['levl] n. 水平,水平面,等級(grade, standard)adj. 水平的(flat, even,horizontal)

level of living                                 生活水平

e.g. we must increase production levels.


liberate['libəreit] v. 解放(set free), 釋放(release)

e.g. our army had liberated many occupied占領(lǐng)的 areas.


life [laif] n. 生命,壽命,生活, 生物(creature)

bring...to life                                使恢復(fù),給...以活力

come to life                                  蘇醒過來

for life(= all ones life)                   一生,終生

life-span                                     壽命

life belt                                     安全帶

life condition                                生存[生活]條件

lead/live a ...life                           過一種...的生活

life style                                    生活方式

e.g. you'll never see life if you stay at home forever.


长垣县| 吐鲁番市| 武功县| 翁源县| 斗六市| 嵊州市| 灌云县| 长子县| 霍城县| 渝中区| 湖南省| 昆山市| 讷河市| 临高县| 望奎县| 定边县| 兰西县| 涿州市| 抚州市| 民乐县| 桐庐县| 龙里县| 大埔区| 天台县| 武平县| 浮梁县| 鹤壁市| 福清市| 桐乡市| 灵寿县| 甘肃省| 汉中市| 紫阳县| 古丈县| 安阳县| 灵台县| 上饶县| 连山| 岱山县| 都兰县| 福安市|